1st Grow - Indoor sealed room(skunk #1).


Well-Known Member
Will my babies really look like this in 30 days ??? Or is this the result i would have got if i had spent mega bucks?



Well-Known Member
yep they are very stretched.. I have learn't from my mistakes but it was due to me vegging in a greenhouse for the 1st one and a half months, basically i wasn't that serious about growing them i just planted the seeds to see if they would grow then when all but 2 had grown about a foot high i transfered to a grow room with a MH light (you'd know this if you had have read the previous pages saving 3 minuets of my life typing this :mrgreen: )


Well-Known Member
yea but man nice save...saw the first page and they looked way stretched but seems like you've nursed em back should get a decent harvest from them yet


Well-Known Member
Added 2 more 20watt Cfls to my grow so now have 6, the output from these is around 5400 lumens + my Phillips T-son pro 150 watt HPS which i believe outputs 17,500 lumens

Totaling almost 23,000 Lumens for my 6 babies.

Its a jungle in there :D



Well-Known Member
im itching alright..just hate paying for the stuff :wall:

Ok so im just over the 4th week of flower and as of today i will no longer mist with seaweed extract witch i have been doing for the last month a few times a week, this is to make sure i dont get mouldy buds :!: in fact i should have stopped a week ago but i forgot .

my colas are small but rich with THC and they smell gorgeous

first few brown pistrol's showing




Well-Known Member
lol :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
u doing a great job u really dont need help

good luck bongsmilie
40 Views, 1 reply! Its no wonder I'm doing things wrong :mrgreen:

So further reading seems to indicate its far too late to be bending branches, will it do any harm or should i release them?


Well-Known Member
Its been a long road.. i never knew there was so much to know and so many different ways to grow the stuff. i wasn't that into the idea of growing skunk until i got reading on here.