Assange doesn't have shit.

20,000 AMERICAN DOLLARS!!!??? Well that blows it wide open. If $20,000 isn't enough to get the squad of professional trained assassins protecting the future President of the United States to come forward, I don't know what is.

Assange must think the guy was killed by a street punk to offer $20,000 and I doubt if any of them will be venturing over to the Ecuadorian Embassy in London anytime soon.
This video is almost as creepyvas your opinions baldrick
You (USA) are fucked either way, Clinton or Trump

As for the debate about assange being a hero or not...
Does performing a heroic act make you a hero?

If so he is, regardless of anything else he may or may not have done.

Unquestionably both Manning and Snowden are
Jesus talk about a garbage candidate. She coasts on her status as a physician but she's a total retard when it comes to actual science. She is pro-homeopathy (Proven to be ineffective pseudoscience), she thinks GMO's can "Affect our very DNA" (Totally bogus, bullshit claim) she is "on the fence" about vaccines to appeal the the disgusting anti-vaxxers, she thinks wi-fi is damaging to children's brains (Not using the internet, being AROUND wi-fi, another totally unproven bullshit claim). Not to mention the fact that she is Pro-Putin and Pro-BDS, which makes her both unqualified for the job and unelectable. Even if she had an equal shot, I would still want Hillary over her.

who you jiven who you jiven with that cosmic debri Zappa
Which part do you feel is inaccurate?

Your first sentence. Its my opinion that the world would be better off without Clinton or Trump as president so I am looking for another chioce and and she's way cooler than Hillary
Hillary sounded like a parrot during primary. SNL couldn't resist . I'm not ok with someone like that

Trump is scary especially domesticly but on international affairs I'm more worried about Clinton she has a bad track record and seems very aggressive in nature, quick to use american military power. Likely to get us in much deeper into middle east
Your first sentence. Its my opinion that the world would be better off without Clinton or Trump as president so I am looking for another chioce and and she's way cooler than Hillary
Hillary sounded like a parrot during primary. SNL couldn't resist . I'm not ok with someone like that

Trump is scary especially domesticly but on international affairs I'm more worried about Clinton she has a bad track record and seems very aggressive in nature, quick to use american military power. Likely to get us in much deeper into middle east
Well my first sentence is based on my opinion about the facts that follow. I disagree that Trump would be better internationally, especially considering his comments regarding NATO, etc. Clinton has a track record of bipartisan compromise, and has the chops to actually deal with the situation in the middle east, something that neither Trump nor Stein have. Isolationist approaches are not feasible, they are naive and based on ideas that are entirely uninformed. The fact is, you have to (cover your ears AC) be pragmatic about it. You have to look at the reality of the situation, not just how you want it to be. With military unrest growing on a global level, like it or not the US is going to be involved in much of it, and we cannot elect a leader who doesn't even have the slightest idea of how to wage war or conduct diplomacy, and who is so naive as to think that Putin is a laudable figure and that we should just let him do whatever the fuck he wants (All downright terrifying commonalities between Trump and Stein).