just got arrested


Well-Known Member
just got arrested for possession of 50g or less of marijuana in jersey.

gotta go to court now. my sister who was with me was on probation now shes probably gunna go to jail which sucks.

car got impounded. gotta pay for that.

to top it all off im gunna get kicked outta my house.

simple traffic stop. pulled me over for a taillight out. said he smelt something coming from the car. he asked to search the vehicle and i had nothing on so i said yes. they found the smallest roach ive ever seen, didnt even know it was in my car.

its safe to say that i wont be smoking out and about anymore...ever
i never gotbusted 4 weed... the cops out here dont care about ganj..... once i was pulled over by the cops..... bc someone called and told them we were smokin in front of there house......long story short.... the weed allowed them to check the car.(they smelled it)....but they were looking for something worse....like a gun or hardcore drugs..... unfortunately they found my mushrooms and some ecstacy in my back seat.....they impounded my car and took me in....after 5 days in jail i was released.....and when i got back in my car the blunt of ganj was still there.....the weed always allows them to get their foot in the door.....but i never had trouble if they found my weed....
fuck that really sucks man
not only did you lose 50 grams
but yo got charged and you veihcel got impound ..
how didit affected your living arrangments
but the worse thing is you sister .
man i fell for ya
i didnt actually have any ganja on me. i never roll out with a my stash. it was just a roach, thats all i had. and it wasnt even on me. it was under my seat...wasnt even the j i was smokin either

where do you live cheezy?
Is that the minimum charge in your state 50 grams or less ...?

That's really fucked up... hope everything works out for ya imtylerdammit
My sister was on probation so thats why shes going to jail. Ive been reading up on laws and in New Jersey if its your first drug offense then the State can and in the majority of cases will let you off on conditional discharge.

Apparently they just let you off with nothing on your record but if you are convicted again for the same offense within a year the penalty is up to 6 months and $1000 fine.

Wish me luck.
im from la....it says on my post.... and your from da church to da palace.... la cops dont care about ganj....unless theres more than one bag....one bag = personal stash
...multiple bags= distributor...... in la we have prop 36.... i program for first time drug offenders.... with no jail time after hearing.....but you are locked up until you see the judge.....
i got a dui for having a roor filled with ice and freezing ass water. I had a bunch of hash and nugs. No lighter. Charged me with DUI from pot, a felony for the hash, 2 misdemeanor's one for the water pipe, other for the weed. Went to court, judge dropped all the drug charges for pleading guilty to the DUI. WTF? I didnt even have a lighter, nor smoked within the past 5 hours. It was 9 am on my way to school. My attorney said he worked out a deal so If I pled guilty, the'll drop the rest. If I didnt pled guilty, they would have convicted me of it anyways he says, even with a medical marijuana card. So lesson learned. THE GOVERNMENT IS FUCKED UP AND ONLY WANTS MONEY!!! NOT FELONS! $1700 ticket, or 1 year in jail. They chose the $1700 instead of the year. Money on their mind bastards.
Luck! Surely!
I live in Amsterdam, you see them smoke everywhere in the Kalverstraat, which is our biggest street and it's full of cops down there but they just let you go.
I've heard of more people in the U.S.A. who are caught for that, but they just got out with a huge amount of money lesser in their pocket...
october 8th is my court date now. im going to ask for my conditional discharge. ill be on probation for 1 yr and from what i here PO in my area do two checks during the course of that time.

not to shabby.
I also got a dui for marijuana, dropped other charges if i plead guilty to the dui, shit sucked.

yea fuck the po, I still owe like $1000 for that public defender. Judge asked If I could afford an attorney, obviously at 20 years supporting my self I couldnt. So I took the public defender, rather than representing my self. Guess what, that man costed me $1500. WTF judge? You said you would provide a PD at a small cost. Since when is $1500 a small cost? And how is that even affordable, when I could get a real attorney, not paid by the state. Who would actually represent me, rather than telling me to pled guilty to somthing I couldn't have done. The government is fucked. This world is more fucked. $653 DUI class, for driving under the influence of my medicine. WTF. My probation didnt drug test me because of my card. They told me I cant be high in DUI class's, and said but how would they know?
i feel for you, i was in a different state at the time and the judge, attorney and prosecutor all told me it would have no effect on my drivers license in my state. i am currently revoked indefinately.
i feel for you, i was in a different state at the time and the judge, attorney and prosecutor all told me it would have no effect on my drivers license in my state. i am currently revoked indefinitely.

damn that sucks! thats ridiculously harsh...how do they expect you to earn a living or even pay fines issued if you cant drive?!:cuss:The system makes me sick.

i think its time for a million man march...again
we have to get federal and state laws changed for the benefit of marijuana advocates and users everywhere
damn that sucks! thats ridiculously harsh...how do they expect you to earn a living or even pay fines issued if you cant drive?!:cuss:The system makes me sick.

i think its time for a million man march...again
we have to get federal and state laws changed for the benefit of marijuana advocates and users everywhere

i agree it is time for a march or some statement, hell i have to walk anyways so my as well