EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

She came so close 8 yrs ago. Too me, that made her next in line!

Not to me tion that she is the most qualified individual to be OUR president
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This is the next big lie that is to be repeated again and again.. Like Obama wasn't born in this country, that kind of thing. The primary wasn't even close. The kind of rigging that you claim -- media and hacking polling machines -- works for close elections. Bernie wasn't even close. It sucks to say but Bernie lost. The primary wasn't stolen. Hillary won it. .

Obama not born in the US?

You do realize that was invented by the Clinton Campaign in 2008, the ball was picked up and ran with by Trump in order to disgrace Obama and we still talk about to this day?

Same cheating campaign; different year.
Obama not born in the US?

You do realize that was invented by the Clinton Campaign in 2008, the ball was picked up and ran with by Trump in order to disgrace Obama and we still talk about to this day?

Same cheating campaign; different year.
Our ruling

Trump said that Clinton started the birther movement and "was all in."

It’s an interesting bit of history that the birther movement appears to have begun with Democrats supporting Clinton and opposing Obama. But Trump, and others who have made this claim, neglect to mention that there is no direct tie to Clinton or her 2008 campaign.

The story appears to have started with supporters of Clinton, an important distinction.

Trump goes on to completely distort the chain of events by claiming Clinton "was all in" on the birther movement. Most of the talk started after Clinton suspended her presidential campaign. And the only thing she officially has ever done is deny any accusation of starting a whisper campaign.

We rate this claim False.

And yet Bernie knew this before running and still ran as a Democrat...

And got 3 million less votes.

Are you saying voters "stole the primaries"?

No, the person with more votes won...it's really just that simple.

You absolutely did not address one point in your response to my post.

Yours was the equivalent of throwing spaghetti against the wall and going with what sticks.

You poor brain dead man, those three jobs the elites have you working has clouded your mind..they have you believing in their rhetoric.
Our ruling

Trump said that Clinton started the birther movement and "was all in."

It’s an interesting bit of history that the birther movement appears to have begun with Democrats supporting Clinton and opposing Obama. But Trump, and others who have made this claim, neglect to mention that there is no direct tie to Clinton or her 2008 campaign.

The story appears to have started with supporters of Clinton, an important distinction.

Trump goes on to completely distort the chain of events by claiming Clinton "was all in" on the birther movement. Most of the talk started after Clinton suspended her presidential campaign. And the only thing she officially has ever done is deny any accusation of starting a whisper campaign.

We rate this claim False.


No, no connect whatsoever:


The lie is better than the truth when it comes to eroding the standing of an opponent. Like the birther story for Obama, the story on Clinton will always be "the election was rigged". Nothing factual to prove the case is needed because believers won't give the story an objective look.

Trump is taking the same line. "The media was against me. The election is rigged". LOL

Bernie Babies are sinking to the same level as Trump. Same narrative, same lopsided election, same fact free way of looking at the world, same ineffective campaign, well, maybe Trump's campaign is worse in that regard.

A profound thought: What do you think Trump supporters are going to do when he loses?..how do you think the 2Aers are gonna take it?..the racists, the white supremacists?
They will do the same thing they did when Obama won. Talk shit whilst doing nothing

Ahhhhhhhhh, different campaign, different half score.(that would be 5 years for those of you who 'I don't get what Schuylaars talking about')

What did the Bernie Bros do?

Because they're 2Aers etc. I predict at least one mass shooting as a direct result if not more.

This is as close as they are gonna get to the South rising again and their gonna be pissed off when they don't get.

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The election was rigged in favor of Clinton

The DNC colluding with the media is rigging the election

I appreciate your honesty

So what happens down the line if we have an opposite situation taking place? Where a republican candidate is poised to take the nomination because special interests decided a republican would be better for business? Won't republicans be able to use the exact same justification then? That they think the democratic candidate is too crazy to lead the country, even if they win legitimately? That even if they have to cheat to win, that's what's best for the country? Does it not make you feel really uncomfortable that your political enemies could potentially be in charge of electing the president, regardless of your vote, and you would have no valid recourse since you approve of it now, when it's a democrat who's most likely to be elected?

Bravo, Standing Ovation :clap:
You absolutely did not address one point in your response to my post.

Yours was the equivalent of throwing spaghetti against the wall and going with what sticks.

You poor brain dead man, those three jobs the elites have you working has clouded your mind..they have you believing in their rhetoric.
All total pigshit, and I work for myself.

Get a job, you Bernie-Bum.
A profound thought: What do you think Trump supporters are going to do when he loses?..how do you think the 2Aers are gonna take it?..the racists, the white supremacists?
They are going to do what they always do. A couple of nut jobs are going to shoot up some places. Terrorist actions against Muslims and people of color will rise. Right wing media will say every nasty little lie they can and the redneck nation will froth at the mouth every time a Clinton speaks. The mantra that the election was rigged will be one of the repeated lines.

I also predict that Limbaugh will move in with Ailes and they will have a child together.
They are going to do what they always do. A couple of nut jobs are going to shoot up some places. Terrorist actions against Muslims and people of color will rise. Right wing media will say every nasty little lie they can and the redneck nation will froth at the mouth every time a Clinton speaks. The mantra that the election was rigged will be one of the repeated lines.

I also predict that Limbaugh will move in with Ailes and they will have a child together.

“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

Innocent people will die because of the above comment. No doubt about it.

Trump is singlehandedly the most dangerous person to well-being of our citizens.

EDIT: He's actually a bigger threat than most terrorist organization atm.
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“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

Innocent people will die because of the above comment. No doubt about it.

Trump is singlehandedly the most dangerous person to well-being of our citizens.
Yeah, "and it would be a terrible thing", Trump said. Was he talking about the power of the gun lobby when he said it would be terrible? Umm, no he was talking about violence perpetrated by "2nd amendment people". In this way, Trump amped up the violent rhetoric then sent his spokesperson to shout down the media. Oh, yeah, That's one fine man you support.

A few disturbed people are already on the edge of creating mayhem and causing harm. Trumps words will be a factor in their decision to act, so yes, he was irresponsible for saying what he said. Aside from the mentally ill, although I see a lot of anger in the crowds at Trump's rallies, there have been fewer incidents of violence than I originally expected. They are angry but not prone to violence. I don't think the supporters of Trump are poised for wholesale violence after the election.