Hillary Supporters Want To Repeal 2nd Amendment


Well-Known Member
And that right there is your problem...for your world view is clearly limited...and you simply cannot see the lessons in history.

If you don't know your past and how it helps to shape the present then, you most certainly will not see where this future is heading as is clear in your case.

And for the record I am from the Uk also, but that did not stop me from learning!!!
oh dear

so, to you, as I didn't learn the things that you did I therefore have no interest in learning.

That logic implies EVERYTHING I know, you know. you choose to ridicule me for not being as well versed in a historical subject that you are.

Please, talk to someone else.


Well-Known Member
Nice swerve:smile:....

I suggest you widen that horizon of yours... you might actually find you learn a thing or two about how this world operates!


Well-Known Member
Nice swerve:smile:....

I suggest you widen that horizon of yours... you might actually find you learn a thing or two about how this world operates!
Not swerving anything.

Just not wasting my time with someone who jumps to such massive conclusions about someone he doesn't know


Well-Known Member
oh dear

so, to you, as I didn't learn the things that you did I therefore have no interest in learning.

That logic implies EVERYTHING I know, you know as you choose to ridicule me for not being as well versed in a historical subject that you are.

Please, talk to someone else.
Maybe it is coming across wrong but I am most certainly not trying to ridicule you, I am merely pointing out the facts......

You are making a lot of assumptions that I simply have not implied nor said... clearly you have an unwilligness to have your worldview challenged, yet you seem happy to dish it out when you think you have the upper hand, not cool Bro!

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Please try and follow what I say instead of looking for an argument.

Zero guns = zero gun crime

^^^ indisputable fact.

I never said making them illegal will acheive zero guns but as zero guns = zero gun crime that surely has to be the goal.

Using Isreal in the context of domestic crime is plain ridiculous.

You believe that if the state want to take you out that owning a gun means you are playing on a level playing field? This is also ridiculous, you aren't.
They have the numbers and hardware you have yet to even hear about

You mention the shootings in Europe so I ask you, and please answer it rather than deflect and abuse as is the tactic of choice with some on here....how many people died as a result of gun crime in Spain, uk, France, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Belgium Netherlands last year?
How many died as a result of gun crime in the usa?
There is no way to make a zero gun world.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it is coming across wrong but I am most certainly not trying to ridicule you, I am merely pointing out the facts......

You are making a lot of assumptions that I simply have not implied nor said... clearly you have an unwilligness to have your worldview challenged, yet you seem happy to dish it out when you think you have the upper hand, not cool Bro!
Except, if you read, those who challenge my world view and make me think, ive thanked them

Feel free to overlook this if you like.

Now, it's Friday night and I go on holiday tomorrow. I'm not doing any further negativity.

If you feel I've misjudged you (and this IS possible) then let's chat...pm me your questions

I find people are far less confrontational one on one.

Can't promise I'll answer soon, unsure of WiFi etc at holiday destination


Well-Known Member
For the record I am not trying to be horrible controntational or anything like that, sometimes things can get lost in translation in forum land, so don;t take my comments the wrong way.

I wish you well and it seems you are going on holiday at just the right time (seeing as the weather has turned) so have a great one and catch up soon:smile:


Well-Known Member
that's not based on logic. purely an assumption.
you are correct.

I've assumed a million people with guns will commit more gun crime than 10 people with a gun

My assumption is based on...countries where guns are made difficult to obtain have lower gun crime than countries where guns are easy to obtain.

Legally or not.

It seems a fair assumption to me.

feel free to tell me why this is not


Well-Known Member
Mental illness and poverty would be a good start.
those exist everywhere in the world. epidemic levels of gun violence only exist in one place.

so no, it's not that. that is the NRA propaganda you are parroting. good parrot. gooooood parrot.


Well-Known Member
Oakland, Baltimore, Chicago, and Newark are some of the most violent places in America. All these cities are within some of the states listed above, and these same cities also have some of the worst murder rates. I'm not supporting zedd, but wanted to point out that even the "Safe, tough gun law" states have gun violence issues.
ummm, thanks for contributing absolutely nothing?


Well-Known Member
those exist everywhere in the world. epidemic levels of gun violence only exist in one place.

so no, it's not that. that is the NRA propaganda you are parroting. good parrot. gooooood parrot.
This must be why no one likes you. You stated previously," so what is the cause of gun violence then, if not more guns?" I gave you an answer, although you tend to have a different opinion. You get butthurt a little to much. Quickly calling people racist or you have a tiny penis seems to be your go to lines from what I can see, so thanks for changing it up on the parrot comments :clap:

ummm, thanks for contributing absolutely nothing?
oh really. How about the fact that you list these states, yet the cities I named are located within half your list of states, and are some of the worst gun violent locations in the country. I don't see very many rich people pulling any triggers. Maybe we should look at the demographics/economies of those areas and not just blame guns for what other problems may be. If it's not a gun, it's going to be something else.

I laugh at how so much focus is on guns, yet almost half a million people die of tobacco in America every year. I support background checks for guns, but getting rid of them is a wasted argument. I'll let go of my guns as soon as the politicians stop using them to protect themselves. :wall:


Well-Known Member
You stated previously," so what is the cause of gun violence then, if not more guns?" I gave you an answer
no, you gave me NRA propaganda, like a parrot.

if what you said was actually an answer, it would have answered something. but it answered nothing, because mental illness is everywhere, and gun violence epidemics aren't.

your penis is tiny.

the cities I named are located within half your list of states
don't worry, i know all about basic geography. thank you again for your non-contribution.