Who OWNS a Marshydro unit thoughts concerns regrets?


Well-Known Member
Allready invested a good little bit into my set up. Started CFL(92 true watts) went and added a led (viper 450 200ish tw) and then another 92w of CFL at 2000k vs the 5000k of the first four. I don't want to add any more cfls but even the 100$ on the viper 300+5-6$ extra for ratchet hangers is highest I would consider.

Poor man to poor man.

Please only 100$ or less solutions I am fully aware that I could spend some time on the corner and get enough to get "______ for just _____ more!" but Mr. Franklin is lonely. If you have found a product for a 100$ or less that works let me know!


Well-Known Member
The cfls are set up as side/supplimental lighting. Another led would spread my canopy out a little. Let me add a plant


Well-Known Member
Plenty of friends have bought Mars. The lights grow plants and flower them too, but I've never been amazed by a LED bud. I actually think 6500K LED Spots do a better job in very small scale grows than the pink stuff.


Well-Known Member
Plenty of friends have bought Mars. The lights grow plants and flower them too, but I've never been amazed by a LED bud. I actually think 6500K LED Spots do a better job in very small scale grows than the pink stuff.
Do the led bulbs have comparable depth to an 3 0r 5wt "blurple" light? I need to be able to have something that would be the same height as my current led to stretch my canopy for a scrog


Well-Known Member
My diy cob spot light fixtures out performed my 300w mars lights,they are easy to build and 150w for $60 isn't bad.I have since added 2 other fixtures with cree 3070 and 3590's.


Well-Known Member
I have a 300 watt and a few 400 watt Mars lights. They will get the job done but aren't the best. What really bothered me was that I could plug two of the 400's in and one was clearly more blue and one was more red. I think it was the blue one that worked better. Now one of the lights only lights half up half the board. I'm going to take it part and put some better lights in there if I can't fix it.

If you need something now just get one and then with the money you save from not buying or the money you make from selling, then get some better lights for next time. Or if you think you can figure out how to make your own light do that. I've always wanted to make one but it seemed too complicated. Hopefully taking the Mars apart and putting new lights in there will help me learn what to do.


Well-Known Member
do not buy mars,, do not buy any cheapo china led,, blurple mess

if you want a 100 dollar solution,, go buy a 100 dollar 400 watt hps/mh combo on ebay or amazon,, for right at 109 bucks you can get a bulb, a socket a cord and ballast and maybe even a hood,,,
this set up will BLOW AWAY any cheapo led light
He already has a Viparspectra 450W. Why would he need another 400W HPS equivalent?

Sorry @Olive Drab Green, I couldn't help it. I'll show myself out...


Well-Known Member
Most days I got nothing,lol
Honestly, in the "what should I buy for under a hundred bucks" category, I'm not sure there is a better answer than you gave.

If somebody is doing a true micro grow, even though there are no real specs with these Chinese lights they might be still better than 150W of fluorescents or HPS. Impossible to say without better specs than are provided, but not impossible. Without limited space, the biggest best HPS you can afford, no contest.
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Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Yeah, that was pure sarcasm. I almost felt bad typing it.

On a more helpful note: @Walterwhiter how big is your space?

3 weeks from seed before flip, sharing one light with another 4.5 foot plant (5g bucket included, 3 feet on its own from soil). So about double this amount.

image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg

Gee, with all that blue spectrum, I wonder why Mars can't do better. See that mass and frost? That's what a quality economy line LED does.
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Well-Known Member
Again, a light growing is only proof of a light growing.

It doesn't mean that an $89 136W LED fixture can replace a 250W HPS. It only means that an inefficient and more expensive (per watt) light can still grow a healthy plant with whatever light make it to the canopy. Nobody is arguing that you grow well with a relatively overpriced, inefficient light source. So do thousands of CFL growers.

I just hope people new to LEDs understand what I am saying. It's always the people who can afford it the least getting bilked.