Why is Hillary Clinton embracing right wing endorsements?


Well-Known Member
Now that the primary is over, it looks like Clinton is pivoting to the right as expected. This week she accepted war criminal Henry Kissinger's endorsement for president;

"Word comes from Politico that Hillary Clinton is courting the endorsement of Henry Kissinger. No surprise. Kissinger and the Clintons go back a ways, to when Bill in the early 1990s sought out Kissinger’s support to pass NAFTA and to, in the words of the economist Jeff Faux, serve as “the perfect tutor for a new Democratic president trying to convince Republicans and their business allies that they could count on him to champion Reagan’s vision.” Hillary has continued the apprenticeship, soliciting Kissinger’s advice and calling him “friend.”"

Full story from The Nation

So why do you think Clinton would court Kissinger's endorsement, let alone accept it?


Well-Known Member
To gloat - "Fuck you Trump, even your own party hates you"

To court - "See guys, I'll play ball!"
I know her very well and have for many years. What ever she does its for money. I used a tip that I from bill for 3 years, at the time the socks I wore were 3 bucks a pair, donate them unwashed and write them off your taxes with the write off cost was a buck a pair think of it would want to keep up with washing drying putting them up for a buck a pair to have used socks? I also didn't have a maid at the time. I still have a hard time using old socks I buy 30 or 60 pair at a time, wash 30 pair of the same socks at a time and when they have been worn 3 times I give them away. I do the same with my boxers. this may not work for some as I don't use deodorant and after 2 days in the woods humping up and down the hills without a shower in the summer you can stick your noise in my pit and not get the slightest wiff of a smell.


Well-Known Member
Now that the primary is over, it looks like Clinton is pivoting to the right as expected. This week she accepted war criminal Henry Kissinger's endorsement for president;

"Word comes from Politico that Hillary Clinton is courting the endorsement of Henry Kissinger. No surprise. Kissinger and the Clintons go back a ways, to when Bill in the early 1990s sought out Kissinger’s support to pass NAFTA and to, in the words of the economist Jeff Faux, serve as “the perfect tutor for a new Democratic president trying to convince Republicans and their business allies that they could count on him to champion Reagan’s vision.” Hillary has continued the apprenticeship, soliciting Kissinger’s advice and calling him “friend.”"

Full story from The Nation

So why do you think Clinton would court Kissinger's endorsement, let alone accept it?
Jesus Christ. Is Kissinger still alive? Smh


Well-Known Member
I know her very well and have for many years. What ever she does its for money. I used a tip that I from bill for 3 years, at the time the socks I wore were 3 bucks a pair, donate them unwashed and write them off your taxes with the write off cost was a buck a pair think of it would want to keep up with washing drying putting them up for a buck a pair to have used socks? I also didn't have a maid at the time. I still have a hard time using old socks I buy 30 or 60 pair at a time, wash 30 pair of the same socks at a time and when they have been worn 3 times I give them away. I do the same with my boxers. this may not work for some as I don't use deodorant and after 2 days in the woods humping up and down the hills without a shower in the summer you can stick your noise in my pit and not get the slightest wiff of a smell.


Well-Known Member
I know her very well and have for many years. What ever she does its for money. I used a tip that I from bill for 3 years, at the time the socks I wore were 3 bucks a pair, donate them unwashed and write them off your taxes with the write off cost was a buck a pair think of it would want to keep up with washing drying putting them up for a buck a pair to have used socks? I also didn't have a maid at the time. I still have a hard time using old socks I buy 30 or 60 pair at a time, wash 30 pair of the same socks at a time and when they have been worn 3 times I give them away. I do the same with my boxers. this may not work for some as I don't use deodorant and after 2 days in the woods humping up and down the hills without a shower in the summer you can stick your noise in my pit and not get the slightest wiff of a smell.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
I know her very well and have for many years. What ever she does its for money. I used a tip that I from bill for 3 years, at the time the socks I wore were 3 bucks a pair, donate them unwashed and write them off your taxes with the write off cost was a buck a pair think of it would want to keep up with washing drying putting them up for a buck a pair to have used socks? I also didn't have a maid at the time. I still have a hard time using old socks I buy 30 or 60 pair at a time, wash 30 pair of the same socks at a time and when they have been worn 3 times I give them away. I do the same with my boxers. this may not work for some as I don't use deodorant and after 2 days in the woods humping up and down the hills without a shower in the summer you can stick your noise in my pit and not get the slightest wiff of a smell.



Well-Known Member
I know her very well and have for many years. What ever she does its for money. I used a tip that I from bill for 3 years, at the time the socks I wore were 3 bucks a pair, donate them unwashed and write them off your taxes with the write off cost was a buck a pair think of it would want to keep up with washing drying putting them up for a buck a pair to have used socks? I also didn't have a maid at the time. I still have a hard time using old socks I buy 30 or 60 pair at a time, wash 30 pair of the same socks at a time and when they have been worn 3 times I give them away. I do the same with my boxers. this may not work for some as I don't use deodorant and after 2 days in the woods humping up and down the hills without a shower in the summer you can stick your noise in my pit and not get the slightest wiff of a smell.

This is a bull taking a shit.


Well-Known Member
I know her very well and have for many years. What ever she does its for money. I used a tip that I from bill for 3 years, at the time the socks I wore were 3 bucks a pair, donate them unwashed and write them off your taxes with the write off cost was a buck a pair think of it would want to keep up with washing drying putting them up for a buck a pair to have used socks? I also didn't have a maid at the time. I still have a hard time using old socks I buy 30 or 60 pair at a time, wash 30 pair of the same socks at a time and when they have been worn 3 times I give them away. I do the same with my boxers. this may not work for some as I don't use deodorant and after 2 days in the woods humping up and down the hills without a shower in the summer you can stick your noise in my pit and not get the slightest wiff of a smell.
why do you even type ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Hillary takes orders from the same people Kissinger does. The people with money.

The Republican / Democrat thing is part of the bread and circus distraction. If you stay till the end, you get to see them feed the Christians to the lions.


Well-Known Member
Hillary takes orders from the same people Kissinger does. The people with money.

The Republican / Democrat thing is part of the bread and circus distraction. If you stay till the end, you get to see them feed the Christians to the lions.
as if we were interested in the opinion of a racist pedophile.


Well-Known Member
Hillary takes orders from the same people Kissinger does. The people with money.

The Republican / Democrat thing is part of the bread and circus distraction. If you stay till the end, you get to see them feed the Christians to the lions.
Wait... there are circuses and bread? Where?