i am sure you are correct kingrow1 i just cant figure out why it happens to my mother plants over time . even if i dont chop on her for 2 months after i chop it up in the past the new growth starts to shoot 1 finger leafs . only on my older moms .i am talking about chopping a 3 foot mom to only a few branches . and repeating it . so i only do it 2 times then flower the mom . after 3 or 4 i start to notice this issue . it could be stress from being chopped but no matter the plant is throw out at this point .Dna just dosent change like you think, you need to get over this whole genetic mutation unstable stuff...
Dna just dosent change like you think, you need to get over this whole genetic mutation unstable stuff...
Yes, you can alter DNA and genetic expression. A man can alter his DNA via heavy weight lifting prior to age 18 (read that a long time ago, not looking up source). In this article it states that something as simple as a little sodium in the soil alters both DNA and genetic expression;
"The term salinity refers to the total dissolved concentration of major inorganic ions (Na, Ca, Mg, K, HCO3, SO4, and Cl) in irrigation, drainage and groundwaters. Certain ions, e.g.sodium (Na), are toxic to plants when present in excessive concentrations (FAO, 1992), so germination and growth of most plant species are inhibited by salinity (Anuradha and Rao, 2001; Agarwal and Pandey, 2004; Kirmizi and Bell, 2012). Salt stress causes disruption of ionic equilibrium, inhibition of enzymatic activity, osmotic imbalance, membrane disorganization, inhibition of cell division and expansion, reduction in photosynthesis and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Mahajan and Tuteja, 2005). ROS cause oxidative damage to nucleic acids, including modified bases, single or double strand breaks in DNA, and alter cytosine methylation (Weitzman et al., 1994; Imlay, 2003). Stress conditions alter cytosine methylation levels, independently of genetic variation (Lira-Medeiros et al., 2010). Rapid adaptation to unfavorable conditions is achieved by regulating gene expression through cytosine methylation (Lewis and Bird, 1991; Causevic et al., 2005; Lukens and Zhan, 2007). Stress-induced genetic (Liu et al., 2005; Guangyuan et al., 2007) and epigenetic (Guangyuan et al., 2007; Labra et al., 2002; Tan, 2010) variations were observed..."
Link- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3873189/#!po=6.25000
So, yes, we can alter the plants DNA as well as genetic expression with our grow methods.
its time to get rid of the mother . you can argue with me if you want tell me i am full of shit . once you chop the plant many times . it keeps growing and growing keep chopping . it starts to turn wild . it starts to lose its genetics . you need to start fresh . first it will start forming 1 finger leafs and if you flower it watch out it might produce many see,ds . i have seen this many times from experience even under 18 or 24 hours of mh or t5 it dont matter sooner or later this happens . i try not to cut her down more then twice i am talking totally cut down for top notch harvests . like i said other users can bash the shit out of me tell me i am full of shit i am sure chopping causes a lot of stress but you will notice the bottom of the plant will start shooting 1 finger leafs first its the newest . by the way those plants are over fed nitrogen .
Shit i guess i better get rid of my mother
Ive cloned about 500 times & the bud today is identical to the first cut i got 6 years ago....
If any other poster starts confusing genetic exspression with genetic mutation im just going to consider your a dumb ass....
DNA doesnt just change like you think...
lmaoWell, since you're a dumbass, I'll post it again;
Take your "not so smart ass" remarks and shove 'em.
Well, since you're a dumbass, I'll post it again;
"ROS cause oxidative damage to nucleic acids, including modified bases, single or double strand breaks in DNA, and alter cytosine methylation... Stress-induced genetic and epigenetic variations were observed..."
That explicitly states that DNA is altered by stress. Take your "not so smart ass" remarks and shove 'em.
Its really hard to see your point let alone that you have one, damage to dna in humans generally causes cancer not a new mutated human species as you seem to be suggesting.
I dont shove anything anywhere i just apply modern day science to it and the rest is down to how stupid you really want to look....
You missed the post below;
Read that and get back to me. Stupid look? You're the pro it seems.
I am a stupid fuck this is why I work on cars in a repair shop . doing the same job I always hated 20 years ago . currently trying to get a new job . a friend of mine is in real estate she does very well double my earning a year .
I didnt miss it im just waiting five years now for any of you novices to prove a mutation happened in your plants, so far in all this time there have been ZERO new mutant strains, ZERO breedable genetics from these supposed mutations and ZERO evidence from a single grower to prove this. Just the fact that mj could mutate into new and interesting sub species would get a lot of attention from the scientific community but so far ZERO.
Your really out on a limb quoting stuff you googled at me, have you got any real hard evidence and genetic results or are you just dreaming this shit up like all the posters before you who have epically failled to produce anything to the contrary.
You're funny. I didn't go out in a limb. I quoted legitimate sources that state stress alters DNA. Now, since I'm not going to keep doing the leg work for you, why don't you look up "cumulative stress". First, I want you to find the definition of "cumulative", so that you are clear on that. Then, after doing some "research" in that department, I want you to take a second look at the links I posted. Then, consider the life cycle of an "annual", such as cannabis. This plant is intended to die in under a years time. Extending that, while subjecting it to additional stress that mimics that of insects (damage and repair of cloning), builds vast amounts of cumulative stress, which, by the way, just happens to alter DNA and compromise genome stability (read posted links).
You're welcome.
You're funny. I didn't go out in a limb. I quoted legitimate sources that state stress alters DNA. Now, since I'm not going to keep doing the leg work for you, why don't you look up "cumulative stress". First, I want you to find the definition of "cumulative", so that you are clear on that. Then, after doing some "research" in that department, I want you to take a second look at the links I posted. Then, consider the life cycle of an "annual", such as cannabis. This plant is intended to die in under a years time. Extending that, while subjecting it to additional stress that mimics that of insects (damage and repair of cloning), builds vast amounts of cumulative stress, which, by the way, just happens to alter DNA and compromise genome stability (read posted links).
You're welcome.