Chicago Records "Most Violent Month In 20 Years"

how many non fox news reports do you want,let's start with this clip from the AP

for shits n giggles another non fox report of MS 13 gangbangers in the USA

MS13 is from El Salvador and they started in the jails here. It stands for mara salvatrucha. Salvatrucha is slang for Salvadorean. They tagged up my block in Queens.

No Mexico mijo.
your trying way too hard & r either ignorant of street gangs or deliberately trying to obfuscate,either way no go bro

fact,MS 13 is a south american street gang that's spread into the USA by gang members coming to the usa,for your education pleasure,the origins of MS 13,enjoy

Yo read a map you tool. El Salvador is in CentraL America. I'm South American and the gangs down there are either organized cartels or formed around soccer clubs.

Way out of your league. Get out of your suburb
Wow squawk NRA propaganda much?
People will be able to keep their guns. Morons, wife beaters, and lunatics won't be able to buy more.
500 murders in chicago! OMGZ! - neo nazi child

what about these 6,000 hate crimes by people like you? or the 35,000 unreported ones every year?

OMGZ SO WHAT! - neo nazi child

go back to virtue signalling how much you hate virtue signalling over on stormfront, kiddo.
Wherever there is a large gathering of the negroid race, high crime rates are inevitable.
View attachment 3769733

Wherever there is a large gathering of the negroid race, high crime rates are inevitable.
"Wherever there is a large gathering of poor people, high crime rates are inevitable."

Generally speaking, why are black people poor?

Because of white people and white culture..

Perhaps if you weren't occupied with keeping the status quo, black people wouldn't generally be so poor
Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) is an international criminal gang that originated in Los Angeles, California. It has spread to other parts of the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Central America. The majority of the gang is ethnically composed of Central Americans (mostly Salvadorans) and active in urban and suburban areas.

In the U.S., the MS-13 has an especially heavy presence in Los Angeles County and the San Francisco Bay Area in Northern California; the Washington, D.C. metropolitan areas of Fairfax County, Virginia, Montgomery County, Maryland, and Prince George's County, Maryland; Long Island, New York; the Boston, Massachusetts area; Charlotte, North Carolina; and Houston, Texas. There is also a presence of MS-13 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
"Wherever there is a large gathering of poor people, high crime rates are inevitable."

Generally speaking, why are black people poor?

Because of white people and white culture..

Perhaps if you weren't occupied with keeping the status quo, black people wouldn't generally be so poor
totally true, whenever I don't have money I just feel like going out and killing people. Anyone else have this tendency too ?