Meditate Me


Well-Known Member
i keep reading that smoking DMT is one hell of an enlightenment. people say that if you are ready to learn the absolute truth...some some. i like chi meditations too. theres a guy that posts videos on youtube, and its a guided chi meditation. i like doing that. maybe look into astral projection. its hard to achieve...but if you can do it its brilliant...check it out on google...good luck!


Well-Known Member
i love to listen to trip-hop...its really mellow stuff...check out massive attack if u havent already...good stuff...


Well-Known Member
i love psychedelics but sadly dont have any available for that kind of journey.
i was more wondering something i could practice day to day to become more 'aware' if you will.

but when the shrooms present themselves i will try that.


Well-Known Member
if i were you I would read up non dualistic philosophy first
maybe check out mysticism like eckhart tolle just to get a feel for truth.

Understand deeply the importance of this moment. Read some kind of Scripture, I would suggest trying to fully comprehend the words of Jesus Christ. Remember his apostles never understood what he was saying (obvious if you actually read the gospels) so if they didn't get it, why would you Sunday school teacher get it?

Understanding the entire concept of enlightenment would be beneficial.

Meditation is extremely important and it is mentioned a lot in the Bible, although you probably won't hear that in Church.

So check out different kinds of meditation, there are a bunch. I would recommend learning to keep correct spinal posture. Try just noticing your thoughts and let them be. Once you grow in awareness the point will reveal itself on it own. Good luck on your Journey. Peace and Blessings!


Well-Known Member
haha sweet. im hoping to catch them in NOLA sometime for a concert, never seen them but listen to them alot. makes me wish i was in a band and had some musical talent.


Well-Known Member
Hey man we all can't be rock stars. That's the only reason we pay them so much money and attention. The truth about life is that each one of us brings some aspect of creation to the table. Something exist because you exist. When you align yourself with "the Holy Spirit" which is really just the will of nature, or the will of creation. Then you will embrace the purpose of your creation it will flow from your life more fluidly.


Well-Known Member

im leaving for the beach saturday so i will be learning all i can on these techniques and hoping that on the beach i can disconnect myself from everything and begin my journey to the center or reality.

thanks for the tips and tricks everybody.


Active Member
just realize, that you cannot be enlightened..... what that statement says is that you feel enlightenment is something to work not be like the thousands that I see that are stuck in techniques, and beliefs, and progress bars....... enlightenment is purely disassociating with mind and regaining association with the already enlightened you. I was trying to become enlightened, but every method i learned or studied conflicted with some belief system in me, so there was no real trust and depth in the teachings, hence I wasn't becoming as enlightened as I liked. This is one of the reasons that I see people change methods and life values etc so systematically spending $$$$ along the way but not even coming close to knowing what essence of enlightenment even feels like.

Imagine the enlightened you is your ganja plant....imagine your HID is the stream of you mind is a long 10 foot x 10 foot piece of panda film between you and the light.....

if you grow......then hopefully you begin to see the analogy......theres nothing you can do to the panda plastic to allow enlightenment to flow through it. and likewise there is nothing your mind can learn that will allow it access to enlightenment. So in this case the most obvious thing would be to remove the panda plastic, or remove your mind....thats all meditation and tia chi and all that shit does. great techniques but very meager use of a unimaginable resource. In the same regard, psychedelics all do the same thing. Eat about 1/4 to 1/3 pound of dried shrooms it will rip away your ego. dmt does the same, only it opens your third eye while disengaging your mind.

g luck, dont make it a quest make it a move. IE: I was here, Now I'm here.


Well-Known Member
complete understanding and peace
to not get boggled down by day to day things that have no significance.
to be more aware of what life is and is not.


Well-Known Member
complete understanding and peace
to not get boggled down by day to day things that have no significance.
to be more aware of what life is and is not.
Meditation can help you create more space in your life; at a minimum it can help you achieve a degree of freedom so you don't have to be a victim of your past conditioning.

It's not something you can learn from a book though. You can no more learn to meditate by reading a book than you could learn to run a mile in 8 minutes by reading a book, or learn to swim from reading a book. That's why it's called a "practice".

I suggest you find someone to give you meditation instruction and then commit to practicing maybe 20 or 30 minutes a day for two weeks and see if you notice any positive effects. Consistency is key which is why I suggest you commit to trying it out for a fixed length of time and wait until the end of the "trial period" before you decide whether or not it's something you'd like to do long term.


Well-Known Member
ive checked out a few books to further grasp the concepts but no real meditation yet..
i would love to start doing a small session everyday but i dont really know what im doing.

but thanks for everyones kind words and wisdom.


Well-Known Member
this makes me think of a documentary i watched recently called 10 questions for the Dahlia was good. kind of more about China's stranglehold on Tibet, but still good.