bodhi seeds

I like it!!! Do you use their manure?

Sorry everyone, I am a 100% disabled combat vet. It dont take much to get me edgy. I was hoping that my wife was going to get on here and be more involved and do a better job of grow journals than I have been doing. I dont always play nice with others, so I try to keep my comments to a minimum most of the time...


Tell the wife to come back bro, no worries, only love. You guys have nice plants, and I'm curious about the packs you have upcoming.

I'm sorry to hear about your disability, as well as the foundation. My friend has issues with his brick foundation, it's a complete nightmare. Stay positive. Positive vibes your way. One love.
We are in the process of trying to sell our house and it has been pretty fucking stressful. Our foundation has settled and it left cracks in our walls, so the real estate lady said that we would have to fix the house before we can move! We are trying to move to where we will not be persecuted for my love of weed!

My father had the same settling issue and it can be a major headache. In his case he chose to have the house supported on I-beams, the slab repoured and a third of the foundation rebuilt to not only fix the problem but prevent it from happening again. But he only did all that because he planned to stay in the house. There is more than one way to skin a cat my friend. You could very easily skim coat the exterior of the foundation and use a thick water sealing paint on the inside walls and presto the cracks vanished. I would advise getting a new real estate agent tho. By law they are required to report any existing problems they are aware of to potential buyers. Good luck on your move!! I wish I could leave my prohibition state too...
We are in the process of trying to sell our house and it has been pretty fucking stressful. Our foundation has settled and it left cracks in our walls, so the real estate lady said that we would have to fix the house before we can move! We are trying to move to where we will not be persecuted for my love of weed! We are looking to move to NorCal or Oregon. Oregon has a 48 plant limit outside of city limits, fucking right!!!

My wife came on here to talk to a friend that we met on here. Her profile was still in the "newb" status so she had to get it lifted before sending a PM. She is too embarrassed to come back!

Are you implying that you are the "Goat Farmer"?

I just wanna say.... i moved, and left an illegal state,..indiana. ....moved AZ got papers. its really no.better.

I cant say for oregon exactly, but ive heard alotta bad comes with that place.
Sure u can grow, but anyone who thinks the gov wont bother a marijuana grower i naive. This lack of attention is temporary Trump nor Hillary will make it easier. Hell obama be bustin grower like bush, they just never see it coming.

These states create this false sense of security. I became way safer the second i relaized LEGAL or at least not being able to be arrested is impossible any time soon.

Its not about if its wen. The.more safe u think.u are the more likely ull get jailed.
Fuckers take.ur house out here too, if u a grower,and theyfind u with u and feel like it, ur toast.....and have to.explain to.a judge that u didnt buy the crackers in ur cabnet witg ir cartel.funds

So.for all those ppl in illegal states that think...oh ill just of those "legal" or more specifically "more legal" states....and ill be free.....its not that way. Marijuana growers r long from free.

Not trying to b rude, but running to a legal system didnt help me. I actually was prolly better off in the illegal system. They r just legalizing these state so they can pack full of dispensaries, illgal ur own....

They cant illegal to produce yet in these states. Not while they r handijg out permits....but wait theyll do wat AZ is gunna do...1.let u grow 2. Let ATON of dispensaries in
3. Limit grower rights
4. More dispensaries
5 finally once the.dispensaries supplly the city, theyll make growing ur own illegal,

They'll pull some shit saying u didnt get the bud disease or fungus tested...and say "u cant have that, it wasnt grown by a professional with a cannabis cultivator permission slip and you r gunna need another degree to show u know.wat ur doing."
They want u to have certification, degrees and permit for everything anymore and.marijuana is next.
Im actually rhinkin abt going back to an illegal state, just to.get away from this stupid phony culture they r building with cannabis and so that i dont have to listen to all the new regulations amd taxes and stupid shit they wanna do to make the system appear fair but.only benefit the rich folk.that lost their investments in the recession. They dont wanna say that, but they know that all the money will flow them and we get to avoid some.jail time as long as we continue to.abide by the unfair rules and incoming unforseeable regulations.
Sorry i rant abt the so called legal system being incredibly unfair and illegal. Coaxing ppl to think they can just walk into a weed free paradise.
Nothing against anyone just dont want ppl to make a mistake a made hastily
I don't know man.....

Every neighbor on my street grows. 1 in 3 houses in my town is a grow house and the last raid was 5 years ago for BHO.

The entire town smells like weed and people hit oil pens in the grocery store.

Gotta say I'd rather live in this town than Kansas, or Missouri, or Virginia etc etc etc.
It is unfortunate, I see a lot of the same things you are JD. I currently live in a state where my hobby is illegal, but it seems like every couple of years a bill is introduced to completely legalize or just for medical. I have seen these bills steadily change to favor the big warehouse grows owned by venture capitalists and really restrict grower rights. It's like one the business people saw how much money was really involved they got way more serious about slanting the laws in their favor. A real shame imho.
I don't know man.....

Every neighbor on my street grows. 1 in 3 houses in my town is a grow house and the last raid was 5 years ago for BHO.

The entire town smells like weed and people hit oil pens in the grocery store.

Gotta say I'd rather live in this town than Kansas, or Missouri, or Virginia etc etc etc.

What town is this and are there any houses for sale in your neighborhood?
I just wanna say.... i moved, and left an illegal state,..indiana. ....moved AZ got papers. its really no.better.

I cant say for oregon exactly, but ive heard alotta bad comes with that place.
Sure u can grow, but anyone who thinks the gov wont bother a marijuana grower i naive. This lack of attention is temporary Trump nor Hillary will make it easier. Hell obama be bustin grower like bush, they just never see it coming.

These states create this false sense of security. I became way safer the second i relaized LEGAL or at least not being able to be arrested is impossible any time soon.

Its not about if its wen. The.more safe u think.u are the more likely ull get jailed.
Fuckers take.ur house out here too, if u a grower,and theyfind u with u and feel like it, ur toast.....and have to.explain to.a judge that u didnt buy the crackers in ur cabnet witg ir cartel.funds

So.for all those ppl in illegal states that think...oh ill just of those "legal" or more specifically "more legal" states....and ill be free.....its not that way. Marijuana growers r long from free.

Not trying to b rude, but running to a legal system didnt help me. I actually was prolly better off in the illegal system. They r just legalizing these state so they can pack full of dispensaries, illgal ur own....

They cant illegal to produce yet in these states. Not while they r handijg out permits....but wait theyll do wat AZ is gunna do...1.let u grow 2. Let ATON of dispensaries in
3. Limit grower rights
4. More dispensaries
5 finally once the.dispensaries supplly the city, theyll make growing ur own illegal,

They'll pull some shit saying u didnt get the bud disease or fungus tested...and say "u cant have that, it wasnt grown by a professional with a cannabis cultivator permission slip and you r gunna need another degree to show u know.wat ur doing."
They want u to have certification, degrees and permit for everything anymore and.marijuana is next.

Oregon? I live there and without papers, anyone can grow up to 4 plants and have up to 8 ounces for recreational use. Or you can buy it.