putting powered milk on pot plants

It seems to be a theme with the growers that cant grow a healthy plant. They all think its not them and that everyone else must be using some special product or technique. Then when you go look at their plants it all makes sense

This is the op's plant

AND he wants to transplant it right now lol

Here is another one of his plants

Should've used milk buddy!

This is the shit I'm talking about. Dude has way more to worry about than putting milk on his shit

I don't normally drop F bombs in public, but...

A FUCKING BUCKET?! Seriously?!

Dude can't spring 6 bucks for a nursery planter? Bet he didn't bother drilling drain holes in it either, hence the root root and plant damage.
better to have a woman give you something like a bj . and shoot your natural sperm onto the plants . then to use warm milk promotes massive growth . 6a536882acd2645d20ad3e011a04c526.jpg
i was here before most of you guys----just something i saw --and wanted to share--ive grown weed for 40 yrs and i dont need the bullshit ive found on this site---everyone has a smart ass answer--like most people who talk alot and say nothing--the same is here alot of mouth with no info coming from it!!
i was here before most of you guys----just something i saw --and wanted to share--ive grown weed for 40 yrs and i dont need the bullshit ive found on this site---everyone has a smart ass answer--like most people who talk alot and say nothing--the same is here alot of mouth with no info coming from it!!