Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
I can't wait for Monday evening & the debate,its too bad were nearly 100% assured to have biased moderators,after the far left attacked & threatened the career of the last moderator who didn't molly coddle hillary.

Matt Layer called " a disgrace " for not shilling for Killary Klingon Klinton .
And after you get squashed, you can pretend you won!

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
I would also like to point out, that trump respects a nations leader. He tries to work with nations to achieve goals. It's called "partnering up for a time period to achieve a goal", not licking their asshole as the leftist media would have you believe.

He won't try to fund rebel groups to overthrow regimes, giving billions of dollors to our enemies, or allow others to take advantage of us.
agreed,our current corrupt goons in Washington are funneling arms to both sides of the Syrian civil war now, only the truly indoctrinated can deny US creation of global chaos has reached new lows in their quest for cash .

With Trump in office & hundreds of appointees fired or replaced we will see a dramatic reduction in corruption,we will see Tue end of the ass fucking america takes from NAFTA too .

We can be sure president Donald Trump won't pull an Obama classic meltdown & lecture global leaders as has became a habit of oboma.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I know I told you I wouldn't pick on you, since I know half of what you are posting is troll-mode, but I want you to answer an honest question, Pie. Donald jumps at the chance to attack Muslims, Mexicans, journalists, newspapers, scientists, women who aren't pretty enough for him, women who breastfeed, people who are taken prisoner, Macy's, Apple, fat people, thirsty people, handicapped people, and even the Pope....but he has to be careful and do more research before he criticizes the KKK. He and his VP have yet to condemn David Duke's endorsements of their campaign....

Why do you think that is? Can you please explain it to me like I am 10 years old? Thanks in advance...
Criticism is not hate speech.

Hillary accepts money from racists, homophobes, xenophobes, and murderers.

Her top donors would have the world be over run with shariah law, gun rights revoked, and endless wars.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Hypocrisy. Islam is for the extermination or subjugation of Christians and the extermination of Jews. That is the core of their beliefs.


Well-Known Member
Gennifer flowers is going to be at the debate. Sitting next to Mark Cuban. Check and mate. Lmao!

Flowers beats your Cuban.

Keep trying Hillary. It's funny.
maybe she can invite donald's first and second wives, both of whom he cheated on.

you're an idiot if you think this is a good move, even by the low standards i hold you to.


Well-Known Member
I can't wait for Monday evening & the debate,its too bad were nearly 100% assured to have biased moderators,after the far left attacked & threatened the career of the last moderator who didn't molly coddle hillary.

Matt Lauer called " a disgrace " for not shilling for Killary Klingon Klinton .
lester holt is a republican.

post a picture of the neo-nazi back tattoos you have.


Well-Known Member
It plays to their hateful brood of white-trash voters.
well, it certainly won't help him with the suburban white women who will lose him the philly suburbs and thus any chance at the presidency.

it'll just remind them that he is a serial philanderer and 3 time rapist, whereas hillary is not.

but yeah, it will make his white trash contingent (see: panhead, flaming pie) hoot and holler.


Well-Known Member
pitiful attempt at redirection,matt lauer isn't a Republican he's a democrat,a democrat who's been attacked non stop by fanatics on the left like yourself ever since he asked Hillary 2 tough questions,u & the rest of your radical pal idiots have been protesting & demanding he he fired immediately .

another one of your idiotic rants exposed as hypocritic bullshit:bigjoint:
lester holt is a republican.

post a picture of the neo-nazi back tattoos you have.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
well, it certainly won't help him with the suburban white women who will lose him the philly suburbs and thus any chance at the presidency.

it'll just remind them that he is a serial philanderer and 3 time rapist, whereas hillary is not.

but yeah, it will make his white trash contingent (see: panhead, flaming pie) hoot and holler.
your correct,NAMBLA is throwing full support at another K K Klinton who's husband is a pedophile serial rapsit :clap:


Well-Known Member
its the " highly educated ," I'm worried about,last I checked the ONLY religious institution in america using legalized pedophillia aren't the low level public school people you think your better than,its YOUR Jewish peer group that's the highest college educated group in america.

with your degree you earn & membership in NAMBLA,you get the right to suck on infants penises while a room full of other pesos looks on with excitement while the infant is being tortured and molested you sick fuck
my jewish peer group is composed of progressive, reconstructionist jews. we don't do metzitzah b'peh.

you're talking about ultra-conservative orthodox jews, panhead.

but go on and have a meltdown. you're always just so angry. did you start drinking way early tonight?


Well-Known Member
its the " highly educated ," I'm worried about,last I checked the ONLY religious institution in america using legalized pedophillia aren't the low level public school people you think your better than,its YOUR Jewish peer group that's the highest college educated group in america.

with your degree you earn & membership in NAMBLA,you get the right to suck on infants penises while a room full of other pesos looks on with excitement while the infant is being tortured and molested you sick fuck
I'll bet your penis is perfect. Like a perfect scale model of a real penis but it fits on the head of a pin.

Do you jerk off to TRUMP! speeches thinking about his short fingers on your little dink?
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