RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

Better still, why did he degrade, intimidate, and attempt to rape that lovely Latina pageant winner?

Oh, wait, it's because he is subhuman filth that will soon succumb to 70 years of fast food, coke, laziness, and wretched opulence.
The one he called Miss Piggy ? Hell she looked nice to me. very nice
Only because he sold us out to the Chinese.
You, obsess about where we borrow money to finance the Republican made debt?. The debt created by Republicans has to be financed by somebody and the Chinese are the ones with the money. Did George Jr ever refuse money from the Chinese? Nope, did not, not ever.

So, Trump is actually charged with fraud with trial date set for November, he is scheduled for trial for sex crimes shortly after that, he invited the Russian government to hack for him in exchange for recognizing Russian annexation of Crimea, Trump is hiding something in his tax statements that he doesn't want the US public to learn, also Benedict Donald has used his Foundation to make political donations, buy portraits of himself and settle law suits. Trump is on record for a finacial plan to recreate the exact same conditions that led to the worst recession since the big one that began in 1929. And you worry about where the US treasury buys its incredibly low interest bonds.

Dump truck stupid you are.