so you know how there's this stickied thread about using habaneros as a mite killer? well i used ghost peppers and diluted the water proportionally to the capsacum levels to make a bigger batch with less pepper but same concentration. so i used it a few times and it worked great. i still uswe it and it still works. but holy cow wash the plant thoroughly!!!!1 should you ever use it. i smoke a few joints of buds that had recently been sprayed and then chopped a few days later and that tore my lungs a new one. its been about a week of choking now. careful should you ever do that method. sorry to not have anything to say about mighty wash though!! cheers
Ain't you a real sweetheart. How the fuck do you know it doesn't turn into radio active slime when you smoke it....you don't, dumb ass. I stand by what I said. Cervantes has forgot more about pot than you'll ever know you don't even know what flushing does. Love ya......

Love you too sweetheart.
Love you too sweetheart.
Ain't you a real sweetheart. How the fuck do you know it doesn't turn into radio active slime when you smoke it....you don't, dumb ass. I stand by what I said. Cervantes has forgot more about pot than you'll ever know you don't even know what flushing does. Love ya......

Cervantes is also PAID to say what he says. Your just one of those people who believe everything you hear eh?
I had some spider mites early in the year. Saw a thing about making a spray from Habenero peppers.
Diced them small, seeds and all and steeped them at about 190 degrees for 25 minutes, strained it and put it in a sprayer and let em have it. Killed em on the spot and they never came back.

The instructions said to be careful not to boil it because it does something to the proteins that are fatal to the bugs. Worked so well I used it on my roses and anything else that showed up in my garden,

natural, organic and doen't affect the plants. who could ask for more?
I had some spider mites early in the year. Saw a thing about making a spray from Habenero peppers.
Diced them small, seeds and all and steeped them at about 190 degrees for 25 minutes, strained it and put it in a sprayer and let em have it. Killed em on the spot and they never came back.

The instructions said to be careful not to boil it because it does something to the proteins that are fatal to the bugs. Worked so well I used it on my roses and anything else that showed up in my garden,

natural, organic and doen't affect the plants. who could ask for more?

Somebody will disagree with you. Just give it time
backtracker said:
Ain't you a real sweetheart. How the fuck do you know it doesn't turn into radio active slime when you smoke it....you don't, dumb ass. I stand by what I said. Cervantes has forgot more about pot than you'll ever know you don't even know what flushing does. Love ya......

If you want to talk about soil leeching, then let me know.
I had some spider mites early in the year. Saw a thing about making a spray from Habenero peppers.
Diced them small, seeds and all and steeped them at about 190 degrees for 25 minutes, strained it and put it in a sprayer and let em have it. Killed em on the spot and they never came back.

The instructions said to be careful not to boil it because it does something to the proteins that are fatal to the bugs. Worked so well I used it on my roses and anything else that showed up in my garden,

natural, organic and doen't affect the plants. who could ask for more?
you should read what i just posted lol

i accidently smoked some and inflamed my lungs. this was a week ago and im just now getting to regular breathing. but iv since made more ghost pepper spray and i used it in my outdoors garden with cedar oil and EM this morning.
backtracker said:
Ain't you a real sweetheart. How the fuck do you know it doesn't turn into radio active slime when you smoke it....you don't, dumb ass. I stand by what I said. Cervantes has forgot more about pot than you'll ever know you don't even know what flushing does. Love ya......

If you want to talk about soil leeching, then let me know.
playing little games are we sweetheart?
you should read what i just posted lol

i accidently smoked some and inflamed my lungs. this was a week ago and im just now getting to regular breathing. but iv since made more ghost pepper spray and i used it in my outdoors garden with cedar oil and EM this morning.

I knew an old timer from Cali and colo and he swears by Pepper Spray aka Jalapenos bug spray aka CaliCleaner.

Dr. Bronners Peppermint soap (loaded with oils) suggests a pinch of cayenne powder. About 3 table spoons of soap to 1 gallon of water. You can probably use 2.5 and a teaspoon of Cayenne. You can get Cayenne powder at the dollar store. Safeway/King Soupers has there own rip off of Bronners Peppermint for $9.99 for 32 ozs or Bronners for $11.99

Here is some good stuff on Cayenne powder and a few drops of baby shampoo or Garlic and Cayenne. You can get both at the dollar store.
Not from the likes of you. He gets paid because he is a fucking author who has been involved with cannibus cultivation since the 70's.
Cervantes was thee man back in the day. His books were invaluable to what few growers there were back in the day. Him and Rosenthal were all we had. We owe a great debt to these pioneers. The info they dispensed is the foundation of how we grow to this day. Hell...Frank and Rosenthal are the ones that discovered the 12- 12 flowering photoperiod (not really but they certainly made it public knowledge) . With all that being said...with the proliferation of growers everywhere and the advancements that have came about in the industry (genetics included) from medical and recreational legalization...we have moved away from these old timers. Still good books and advice for noobs. And these pioneers are still a hoot to listen to...but there time is over.
I actually have Cervates "straight" indoor gardening bible from the early eighties. Just like the dope one without referencing dope. Showing the early Dutch 400 wat hps Poot (p.l.) greenhouse lamps that eventually evolved into the newish double ended fixtures. Eco and early GH nutes...sun circle 3 arm light rotators...cutting edge back then. I still dust it off every now and again for nostalgia.
I knew an old timer from Cali and colo and he swears by Pepper Spray aka Jalapenos bug spray aka CaliCleaner.

Dr. Bronners Peppermint soap (loaded with oils) suggests a pinch of cayenne powder. About 3 table spoons of soap to 1 gallon of water. You can probably use 2.5 and a teaspoon of Cayenne. You can get Cayenne powder at the dollar store. Safeway/King Soupers has there own rip off of Bronners Peppermint for $9.99 for 32 ozs or Bronners for $11.99

Here is some good stuff on Cayenne powder and a few drops of baby shampoo or Garlic and Cayenne. You can get both at the dollar store.
i mean, im set on making it. i used it and didnt properly clean the buds before drying, curing and smoking.. the capsicum really fuck up my lungs and left burns on my hands. im guessing i made mine too strong (ghost peppers and all) all im saying is carefull using it if you sell your product cuz ppl like me could happen by accidento_O
So wrong . Most of you you flushers are depriving plant food at the most critical time. I remember i first started hearing about it in the early days of overgrow.com. First it was a few days before the chop. Then later on..a week...now some have preached 2 weeks or more. If you pay attention to your plants you will notice most strains put on what i call "the swell" right about then. A last ditch plumping up effort in the bud to grab pollen that will never come. Feed them gals i say. Look...i been growing dope for decades man....if there were any validity to flushing before chop i would of found it by now. Flushing doesnt do shit. Photosynthesis and plant nutrient uptake doesnt work the way you think it does. Get your trimming drying and curing techniques down and leave flushing in the toilet.