Firstly, Sadly even with legalzation jobs can still drug test you... Well im here to break myths and help prepare you for the test.
Tip 1: allow yourself atleast 5-20 days.
why such a broad date? let me explain. Thc stores in fat, so the dates depend on the persons body weight. another thing you must consider is how much thc is in your weed, and how many times you have smoked.
more times you smoked, longer itll take to lose
higher thc more thc in fat therfore longer to lose aswell!
the only natural way to lose thc is simply water and FAT burning exercises. So cardio, workouts like jogging. i suggest burpies or up downs or whatever you call them
simply stand in place jogging in a fast moition drop down so your flat almost like a fast pace throw yourself to a flat push up position. then do a push up til your in a push up position. then jump and reach into the sky. then start jogging in place again. then repeat. Favorite fat burning exercises. i suggest atleast 64 oz of water but dont got over 128oz of water.
lastly myths, thousands of them exist on the internet...
sure jell / certo does not work. People say it works because its the same thing as drinking tons of water before the test.
detox drinks is the same, its a type of dilution but it has vitamins inside the drink so your piss is yellow and has higher creatine then just water piss. basically, its not worth $10-30 when you can get the same ingredients from the store at half the price (b-12 etc..)
Goodluck passing your test
heres a video if TL
Tip 1: allow yourself atleast 5-20 days.
why such a broad date? let me explain. Thc stores in fat, so the dates depend on the persons body weight. another thing you must consider is how much thc is in your weed, and how many times you have smoked.
more times you smoked, longer itll take to lose
higher thc more thc in fat therfore longer to lose aswell!
the only natural way to lose thc is simply water and FAT burning exercises. So cardio, workouts like jogging. i suggest burpies or up downs or whatever you call them
simply stand in place jogging in a fast moition drop down so your flat almost like a fast pace throw yourself to a flat push up position. then do a push up til your in a push up position. then jump and reach into the sky. then start jogging in place again. then repeat. Favorite fat burning exercises. i suggest atleast 64 oz of water but dont got over 128oz of water.
lastly myths, thousands of them exist on the internet...
sure jell / certo does not work. People say it works because its the same thing as drinking tons of water before the test.
detox drinks is the same, its a type of dilution but it has vitamins inside the drink so your piss is yellow and has higher creatine then just water piss. basically, its not worth $10-30 when you can get the same ingredients from the store at half the price (b-12 etc..)
Goodluck passing your test
heres a video if TL