RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

It's funny how you can't stay on topic and only want people to follow your narrative and are so disappointed when they don't do as you want?

It makes me sad, but I consider it a public service to show what a hollow facade you are in your liberal agenda.

EDIT: BTW...How is saying Obama could be Kenyan racist?
Does Kenya only allow caucasians to be of that nationality? That would be racist.

For me to claim he isn't a natural born citizen and a citizen of a different country would be nationalist, wouldn't it?

But that doesn't fit your narrative, so never mind.

Ah -- The 'choomer' cockroach returns from sewer lurking!

Still the same old brainless bigot and frightened whitecunt! Let's talk about your various guns, how "those people" commit most of the crime, and how you used to have wet dreams about Romney. Hey, remember that time Alex Jones fingered your asshole?! Cheers!
This is my only username dude, unlike all you unclefuckers
Donald Trump Is Being Outplayed by Women—and He’s Losing His Mind Over It
The GOP nominee’s pathological sexism could be what kills his presidential hopes. Good.
By Joan WalshTwitter

Donald Trump's 12 Big Moments That Lost The Debate, And Probably The Election
By David Neiwert


Trump angry at allies conceding he lost debate
By Gloria Borger, Dana Bash and Eric Bradner, CNN

Mark Cuban: Donald Trump’s ‘Machado meltdown’ shows he’s ‘lost control of his alternate reality’
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Donald Trump Real Estate Fortune Takes a Tumble, Losing Hundreds of Millions in One Year



It's o-----v------e-------r, ya sad fuckers! LOL And ya GONE!
neither is snitching on people & getting people fired because they offended your widdle feewings,marrying a 9 year old isn't illegal either & your down with that too,wife beating,honor killings,acid disfigurement all fit right into your ideology .

Your judgement on ethics is fucked,just like all social justice warrior idiots,your actions aren't illegal but are universally loathed by normal folks around the globe .
lol. This is going to be a very hard lesson for you Panhead.
marrying a 9 year old isn't illegal either

i know you have spent a lot of time peddling meth to children and trafficking child sex slaves, but i have to tell you that marrying 9 year olds is indeed illegal.

it's also illegal for adults to have sex with 14 year old kids, even though your savior trump thinks it is a good thing.

show us a picture of your neo nazi tattoos.
Donald Trump Is Being Outplayed by Women—and He’s Losing His Mind Over It
The GOP nominee’s pathological sexism could be what kills his presidential hopes. Good.
By Joan WalshTwitter

Donald Trump's 12 Big Moments That Lost The Debate, And Probably The Election
By David Neiwert


Trump angry at allies conceding he lost debate
By Gloria Borger, Dana Bash and Eric Bradner, CNN

Mark Cuban: Donald Trump’s ‘Machado meltdown’ shows he’s ‘lost control of his alternate reality’
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Donald Trump Real Estate Fortune Takes a Tumble, Losing Hundreds of Millions in One Year



It's o-----v------e-------r, ya sad fuckers! LOL And ya GONE!

Lol. Yeah, he will win the election too if you don't count the votes.