help with understand veg and flower with g8led led lights


I was always under the assumption that there was a switch to change it from veg to flower, I have two g8led 900 lights, ive read that adding a flowering 90 watt ufo (which I do have also) will make them think its time for them to flower, but is there a switch somewhere to change it, or is it an all in one and by adding the ufo, I can tell it to go into flower whenever I want it to? Im confused and was just hoping that someone knows more about this and help explain it, so I can understand it better, thanks


Well-Known Member
Thanks, that actually helps clear up a lot of confusion I was having
Your welcome, This is a good site with lots of knowledge, Be patient and someone will get to you.. in the meantime dont do anything drastic like over water (which means watering to frequently) :)

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
flower . your light spectrum you want more red 2200 to 4200 k . veg you want 4200 to 7500 k you can use the 2200 k in flower more common 2700k . but it will not start to flower until you start a 10/14 to 13/ 11 common 12/12 light on light off . a 18 or 24 hour under any color light even the 2200 it will not flower its the time change that makes them flower .