Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Skeet Kuhn Dough

Well-Known Member
Poor Ralfee. All he wants is a shiny new super hash plant for Christmas. Unfortunately, retards don't read too well and he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing. And btw, it is an online forum. You'd think if it is an online forum and if you don't like interaction then you'd get the fuck out.

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Active Member
Youd thimk an essuw yes or no wiestion qoukdnt be so hars

I say ues

OK so now your post has been translated to me I can tell you that I am verny aka mainliner.
I don't understand why you all hate me so much and I think it's wrong that so many of you wish death upon me.
I'll pray for your miserable souls.


Pickle Queen
Farmers round here are saying we're gonna get a shitload of snow this year. I'm hoping for it.
Ya so does the farmers almanac..I swear by it! Farmers know. ..well some..I bet the slow pokes who still have crop drying in the fields this morning are cursing mother nature. .I'm excited to put my little one in her first snowsuit and toss her on the snow!! It's her 7 month today so pics will be fun!! Plus snow means I get another chance to hunt my buck in a few weeks! !


Pickle Queen
Hey I had another post that was much better that I had posted right before that. Did you cry to the mods and have it taken down? WTF?
It was rather childish so I decided to remove it darling. .seems ur the one getting ur knickers in a knot...chill bro it's just the internet. .does it matter whose behind the keyboard?? Are u here to chat or harass people because ur obviously trying to stir the pot...likes really aren't that important luv, being kind is.

Skeet Kuhn Dough

Well-Known Member
It was rather childish so I decided to remove it darling. .seems ur the one getting ur knickers in a knot...chill bro it's just the internet. .does it matter whose behind the keyboard?? Are u here to chat or harass people because ur obviously trying to stir the pot...likes really aren't that important luv, being kind is.
I'm good. Just felt like playing a little too rough there for a second.