I'm voting for McCain....

Thanks for the answer, chuck...sometimes moving isn't a viable option for a lot of folks.Although the government does try to tell us that the Canadian health care system is not as good as we've heard, I can't help but take the word of actual Canadians over my government.

it isnt as good as health care you pay for (such as the u.s.), but at least it is free and available to the rich and the poor at the same quality. That is part of equality, equal quality for all.

we may not all be equal but we deserve to be treated that way.
The Problem with most of the thinking in the US is that most think that health care is a privilage.... This is where they are wrong... It's a right.
The Problem with most of the thinking in the US is that most think that health care is a privilage.... This is where they are wrong... It's a right.

When/if (now that McCain is going to win, it won't) health care becomes a right, only the privileged will be able to afford competent, expedient medical treatment. No more emergency room visits for illegals, unless they're new to the country and haven't yet learned to avoid them if you value your injured/sick, but still living, ass.
Well, I'm curious, cco...if I'm not prying too much into your personal life, and please don't think I'm on the offensive...do you have health care?Who here does?I don't.

Not right now. I got canceled for a missed payment. Had the cash, just didn't get it out on time. If I really wanted it, Id still have it, for $80 a month. Kaiser......
to add to my earlier comment...
Thanks for the answer, chuck...sometimes moving isn't a viable option for a lot of folks.Although the government does try to tell us that the Canadian health care system is not as good as we've heard, I can't help but take the word of actual Canadians over my government.
it isnt as good as health care you pay for (such as the u.s.), but at least it is free and available to the rich and the poor at the same quality. That is part of equality, equal quality for all.

we may not all be equal but we deserve to be treated that way.

you hit the nail on the head with this comment

Although the government does try to tell us that the Canadian health care system is not as good as we've heard

of course your government tries to tell you that,, they dont want you to think they are doing something wrong, or that there is a better way... The u.s. government doesnt realize that you must make compromises for equality. they are too greedy.

a lot of people hate my views because they mean compromise. people arent willing to give up their gas guzzling SUV's to save the enviroment.. people are too lazy to recycle properly and dispose of their trash econimcally.

we are killing the world for our need for greed. because when there is a need for greed there is an evil waiting near by to fill that greed.. and that evil is called greed.
When/if (now that McCain is going to win, it won't) health care becomes a right, only the privileged will be able to afford competent, expedient medical treatment. No more emergency room visits for illegals, unless they're new to the country and haven't yet learned to avoid them if you value your injured/sick, but still living, ass.

You comment shows that you have never been much out side of the country. The rest of the world has universal health care and it works.. But you believe that crap that the Right wingers would lead you to believe... And McCain isn't going to win... the Polls will go back and forth 2 or 3 times before the election.
Now back to the health care situation.
No health care system is 100% efficient, but the way it's going right now, only the elite will be able to afford it in the next 10 years.
When/if (now that McCain is going to win, it won't) health care becomes a right, only the privileged will be able to afford competent, expedient medical treatment. No more emergency room visits for illegals, unless they're new to the country and haven't yet learned to avoid them if you value your injured/sick, but still living, ass.

you clearly do not understand how public healthcare works.
i have free public healthcare and i am "technically" under the poverty line. But i get the same quality healthcare as someone who is making 200,000+ a year.

how do you like them bananas?
You comment shows that you have never been much out side of the country. The rest of the world has universal health care and it works.. But you believe that crap that the Right wingers would lead you to believe... And McCain isn't going to win... the Polls will go back and forth 2 or 3 times before the election.
Now back to the health care situation.
No health care system is 100% efficient, but the way it's going right now, only the elite will be able to afford it in the next 10 years.

10 years? Are you kidding me? The Earth will be a scorched sandbox by then.
you clearly do not understand how public healthcare works.
i have free public healthcare and i am "technically" under the poverty line. But i get the same quality healthcare as someone who is making 200,000+ a year.

how do you like them bananas?

I was on a similar program when I was a minor.....God bless America.
I think we should all be entitled to healthcare...rich, poor, whatever.It's sad to watch someone who desperately needs their meds have to decide between that and food.England's health care isn't exactly "free" it's paid for by taxes.And perhaps if we cut some of the missile budget and rerouted that to healthcare,more people could actually see an improvement in the quality of their lives.If people with inferior healthcare weren't denied lifesaving procedures because the health insurance won't pay for it, and if they would actually try to implement more preventative medicine, things would be better for all.But in this country, they wait until you're sick, and then, based on what you can pay, treat you accordingly.Doctors who have taken the hippocratic oath are killing poorer patients by not treating them properly,releasing them, and treating them again to milk as much money as possible.If you think I know nothing of, this, forget it...I've seen it first hand.My father decided to die rather than fight his leukemia any more.Because we make too much money for medicaid,but too little to pay the premium on my old man's health insurance,which incidentally will not pay for my pre existing polycystic ovaries, and clinical depression, I go without my medication.Since the birth of my second daughter, I KNOW something is wrong, I haven't been the same since her birth three years ago.It's just cheaper for me to possibly die than go and get tests.
England's health care isn't exactly "free" it's paid for by taxes.
Nothing is free, the goverment takes our money and decides how to spend it. Canada has chosen to spend some of it on free public health care. the u.s. has not.

And perhaps if we cut some of the missile budget and rerouted that to healthcare,more people could actually see an improvement in the quality of their lives.
very good point, prioritization is key in this situation.. for some reason this "war for democracy" is more important than the well being of the country's own citizens

Doctors who have taken the hippocratic oath are killing poorer patients by not treating them properly,releasing them, and treating them again to milk as much money as possible.
another good point, health care has become a profit industry because of the privatization.
What most here don't realize is, what we spend every month on the Iraq war, we could fund universal health care for a year.
i know the numbers$ dankdude and i can believe that 100%. im almost sure there would be enough left over to cut poverty by unimaginable rates,... but that would mean more smart people voting.. and the current gov. does not want any of that
If we survived that long.....

survived.. yes, you have survived. that is a great word for what you have had to do

see i dont have to worry about "surviving" because my health care is offered free.

not a bad idea, but conservative trash will never do that
keep people afraid and they will have to kiss your ass and not ask questions to make sure that they get "protected"

with the state that the U.S. has put their citizens in they will vote for the person willing to "protect" them the best... and ufortunately that is McCain... and he will get voted in... unfortunately the "other america" is too small to make a difference yet

but if we keep spreading the word one day we will all have freedom
Obama Mccain seems to me that voting for either one is futile. anyone in here really believe that one of these choices offers any hope for this country?