Poor Donald is under attack - NWO conspiracy

Do they have a pressure cooker? You should report them.

The Wall. The wall will be the best wall. People are always writing him saying "Donald, I live in Nebraska. Some of the people in Kansas look pretty dark." Donald knows that building all the walls this country needs will take time and committment. That is why his son, Donald Jr has announced a joint venture with the best wall builders in the world. Together, they will be able to build more walls per day than have ever been built before. Don Jr. Spent countless hours researching this. Finally, he identified this amazing wall builder in Russia.

China has been kicking our asses for the last eight years and Hillary has done nothing to stop it! When Donald is elected, the Great Wall of China will be known as Terrible Wall, Just Terrible; Pathetic.
You are a true Trump supporter and surrogate. You should be put in charge of Donalds twitter.
What will be the law on actual pussy grabbing ?
Who's doing anything for native Americans? Seriously I haven't heard shit....reservations and genocide ring a bell? Trail of tears, sma

This whole election is starting to look like a smoke screen. It's all fucked. Mean while half the world is gearing up for ww3 we are at each other's throats. President for 4 years? Well all be eating shoe leather by next November..... that's why we have the two choices we have they are just scape goats for when the economy collapse's. It was her and her party or him and his party....

Dude, they have all the casinos..what better payback could there be?

You have to be retarded to lose money on casinos..
But will the walls have beautiful marble inlays instead of those nasty squares?

Gloria Allred has just jumped into the mix..where there's 15 minutes..:lol:
I hear from a very reliable source that they may be gold.

Ugg, Gloria Allred. Over-rated, terrible at her job, should be in jail, looks terrible in that dress. Not credible. Why are these women coming out now? They could have come out at any time before Donald ran for President and the media would have largely ignored them. That is proof of the conspiracy. (((Hollywood))) is giving Hillary millions. Saudi Arabia.

Hillary is good friends with Rosie O'Donnell.
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Donald would prefer no changes in that law. He is pro traditional pussy grabbing, and more. To quote one of my fellows megaMagas, no women get groped unless yhey look like they want to get groped.

I am doing a research project.
You speak very well for the Don. Unlike @Flaming Pie who just shows us youtube.
Do you have any idea who the Donald would select in his cabinet. I'm sure it will be the very best people.
You speak very well for the Don. Unlike @Flaming Pie who just shows us youtube.
Do you have any idea who the Donald would select in his cabinet. I'm sure it will be the very best people.

Right now here are some favorites. Of course there will be three fewer. He will get rid of the Department of Education, the Department of Energy, and uh... uh... the Department of Education.

S. Fred Singer for Department of the Interior. Hillary is trying to hurt farmers by depriving them of natural CO2 enrichment.

Paul Manafort for Secty of State. He already has relationships with some of the world's best leaders.

Rudy Giuliani for Atty General. He has been a strong supporter of Stop and Frisk. Ending Stop and Frisk resulted in the death of 20,000 African Americans. Donald loves black people in spite of their traits.

Chris Christy for Department of Justice. He was also in the running for Attny Gen. People like and respect him and what he stands for.

Joe Arpaio for Homeland Security. Lots of experience with safe zones.
Who's doing anything for native Americans? Seriously I haven't heard shit....reservations and genocide ring a bell? Trail of tears, sma

This whole election is starting to look like a smoke screen. It's all fucked. Mean while half the world is gearing up for ww3 we are at each other's throats. President for 4 years? Well all be eating shoe leather by next November..... that's why we have the two choices we have they are just scape goats for when the economy collapse's. It was her and her party or him and his party....

What's the matter, nobody grabbed your pussy, Trump tard.

Right now here are some favorites. Of course there will be three fewer. He will get rid of the Department of Education, the Department of Energy, and uh... uh... the Department of Education.

S. Fred Singer for Department of the Interior. Hillary is trying to hurt farmers by depriving them of natural CO2 enrichment.

Paul Manafort for Secty of State. He already has relationships with some of the world's best leaders.

Rudy Giuliani for Atty General. He has been a strong supporter of Stop and Frisk. Ending Stop and Frisk resulted in the death of 20,000 African Americans. Donald loves black people in spite of their traits.

Chris Christy for Department of Justice. He was also in the running for Attny Gen. People like and respect him and what he stands for.

Joe Arpaio for Homeland Security. Lots of experience with safe zones.
why no females in the cabinet Sir ? and no people of color ? Try and get a two for one.