RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

Trump is just another con man that has convinced his gullible and ignorant followers that he is the messiah and that he is the only one that can save them, it's really pathetic. My prediction is that he knows that americans have seen behind the Trump curtain and now recognize what a poor excuse of a human being he is. All his businesses that rely on the image of him as a winner will go belly up and he knows it. He is going to use his crushing defeat by a woman to stir up his base and make money off them like Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones.
i agree, people who rape children are pathetic and desperate. i would even go so far as to say 'evil'...
ok, so you have given up on your completely false claim about hillary clinton i see. that's a positive step for you. outright lying when there is mountains of evidence against you is a pretty stupid thing, even for a retard like you.

now speaking of child rapists, a judge looked at the evidence against trump in a child rape case and decided there was more than enough evidence to proceed. the trial against donald trump for raping a 13 year old child starts in december.
On May 21, 1975, Tom Taylor rose in court to demand that Washington County Judge Maupin Cummings allow him to fire his male court-appointed lawyer in favor of a female attorney. Taylor, who earned a meager wage at a paper bag factory and lived with relatives, had already spent 10 days in the county jail and was grasping for a way to avoid a 30 years-to-life term in the state penitentiary for rape.

Taylor, 41, figured a jury would be less hostile to a rape defendant represented by a woman, according to one of his friends. Cummings agreed to the request, scanned the list of available female attorneys (there were only a half dozen in the county at the time) and assigned Rodham, who had virtually no experience in criminal litigation.

Hillary told me she didn’t want to take that case, she made that very clear,” recalls prosecutor Gibson, who phoned her with the judge’s order.


retarded pathological liar.

go tell your retarded girlfriend @roseypeach that trump isn't going to do anything to increase her food stamp allowance. welfare mooches.
try again chief.

ok, so you have given up on your completely false claim about hillary clinton i see. that's a positive step for you. outright lying when there is mountains of evidence against you is a pretty stupid thing, even for a retard like you.

now speaking of child rapists, a judge looked at the evidence against trump in a child rape case and decided there was more than enough evidence to proceed. the trial against donald trump for raping a 13 year old child starts in december.
it's not my fault we are voting between a rock and a hard place.

it's like alien vs predator: requiem;

whoever wins, WE lose...
Trump is just another con man that has convinced his gullible and ignorant followers that he is the messiah and that he is the only one that can save them, it's really pathetic. My prediction is that he knows that americans have seen behind the Trump curtain and now recognize what a poor excuse of a human being he is. All his businesses that rely on the image of him as a winner will go belly up and he knows it. He is going to use his crushing defeat by a woman to stir up his base and make money off them like Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones.
well he has allot less shit pile of filth then Hillary
Don't forget Russia is making nukes pointing at you with Uranium mines mining your Uranium an using it against you thank Hillary for that :)

How blind can someone see not more then 20 years ago if someone did that they be hung live for treason let alone selling American mineral rights to a non allie but a country that is a enemy and a danger to USA
it's not my fault we are voting between a rock and a hard place.

it's like alien vs predator: requiem;

whoever wins, WE lose...

no, it's more like an overqualified centrist versus a delusional psychopathic serial lying white supremacist.

you seem to want the white supremacist guy to win for some reason. your pathetic little girlfriend @roseypeach wants him to win because she needs a bigger welfare check. apparently your shitty skills don't quite pay the bills without a little free money every month from uncle sam.

awwwww, you're still trying to tell a bold faced lie.

how cute.

@roseypeach how badly does this guy hit you when he gets home from work to find you lazing around on food stamps? does he abuse you more on days like today when he notices trump is down by 12 points in the national polls?
no, he just takes it out on young dumb individuals like yourself. if you ever become a father, you may understand... one day...

some people work hard and are happy with the life they've worked to build. i'm one of those, and hopefully, one day, you will be too! i still have hope for you my cute little buckeye! :)
But its all good right lmao

shit Hillary won’t relent until ISIL is destroyed"–which is laughable since she s part responsible for the rise of ISIL
no, it's more like an overqualified centrist versus a delusional psychopathic serial lying white supremacist.

you seem to want the white supremacist guy to win for some reason. your pathetic little girlfriend @roseypeach wants him to win because she needs a bigger welfare check. apparently your shitty skills don't quite pay the bills without a little free money every month from uncle sam.

check out this anti-american, bashing hard working veterans. you GO buck!
no, he just takes it out on young dumb individuals like yourself. if you ever become a father, you may understand... one day...

some people work hard and are happy with the life they've worked to build. i'm one of those, and hopefully, one day, you will be too! i still have hope for you my cute little buckeye! :)
lol, you're posting from his account?
lol, you're posting from his account?
no buck, she posts from hers. i'm sure you can tell a difference, as astute you are with worming out socks...

i stick with my first statement, i don't like EITHER of them. the first time i don't vote, as i see nothing worth voting for. it's like trying to settle between the cobra and the mongoose. no matter who wins, neither is the kind of animal you want in your house...

no buck, she posts from hers. i'm sure you can tell a difference, as astute you are with worming out socks...

i stick with my first statement, i don't like EITHER of them. the first time i don't vote, as i see nothing worth voting for. it's like trying to settle between the cobra and the mongoose. no matter who wins, neither is the kind of animal you want in your house...

how emasculated does it make you feel knowing that what you earn is not enough for her, and that she is voting for trump because she wants more free money from uncle sam?

she is basically saying you are no good as a provider.
how emasculated does it make you feel knowing that what you earn is not enough for her, and that she is voting for trump because she wants more free money from uncle sam?

she is basically saying you are no good as a provider.
i feel good knowing i provide and pay taxes while you live under the wealth hood of the family you married into. how many millions have you made reglazing and replacing windows?

i am basically saying that you are no good as a provider. if you were, you might have been a father by now.
i feel good knowing i provide and pay taxes while you live under the wealth hood of the family you married into. how many millions have you made reglazing and replacing windows?

that's the thing though, you don't provide. hence why roseypeach is hoping for trump to win and make her welfare check bigger.
how emasculated does it make you feel knowing that what you earn is not enough for her, and that she is voting for trump because she wants more free money from uncle sam?

she is basically saying you are no good as a provider.
well then you should be voting for trump how much you get for disability monthly ???