Invasion of the suck puppets


Well-Known Member
Not as pathetic as drinking cheap cask wine and contemplating driving...which is what part of the PM was about, ring any bells?
It doesn't. But, you could remind everyone here by posting it. You have my permission. Expose me as the dangerous cunt you have been trying to since you joined. Or, you can keep shitting out your piss poor passive aggressive posts, yessica style, until you garner some support from readers. Or maybe tag the mods again? Either way, I will be drinking, trimming and watching you fail....<3


Well-Known Member
I say horrible things to everyone all the time but it's the booze talking I swear. Won't you all please like me? I hope you all die horribly.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely not true I didn't mean when I said but did regret it instantly.
So, you have my permission to post those PMs that you say that totally happened. Why aren't you? I mean, you tagged the mods and everything. You aren't lying are you? You have already said that you totally don't care about this place, but won't substantiate your claims. Are you afraid of the ban hammer? That is not the ralphee I know and love. So, come on. Prove me a liar. Post em... ".nobody. likes this post"


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
So, you have my permission to post those PMs that you say that totally happened. Why aren't you? I mean, you tagged the mods and everything. You aren't lying are you? You have already said that you totally don't care about this place, but won't substantiate your claims. Are you afraid of the ban hammer? That is not the ralphee I know and love. So, come on. Prove me a liar. Post em... ".nobody. likes this post"
Srsly like another sock costs that much?


Active Member
So, you have my permission to post those PMs that you say that totally happened. Why aren't you? I mean, you tagged the mods and everything. You aren't lying are you? You have already said that you totally don't care about this place, but won't substantiate your claims. Are you afraid of the ban hammer? That is not the ralphee I know and love. So, come on. Prove me a liar. Post em... ".nobody. likes this post"
You seriously can't be this retarded - I told you I left the convo. You know you got it so reply.