second grow: closet cfl/hps


Well-Known Member
THANKS MAN:hump::mrgreen:

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stick around... your the only one thats been around since the very beginning

i feel like you need to see em finish or it just wouldnt be right


Active Member
ooo this is the interesting part.... i love week 2-4 flowering, you can actually see shit happen on a daily basis.
nice looking plants and good luck dude!


Well-Known Member
thanks for stopping bye alka:joint: your definately right there just sky rocketing ill put up more pics tomorrow with the GOOD camera cuz i pick my g/f up at the airport at 10:30 tomorrow morning then ill get sum pics as soon as the light comes back on

i need all the good luck i can get8-)


Well-Known Member

ahhhh this camera is much better!

my girlfriends back from a 3 week trip to her dads so im getting laid tonight!

and the girls are doing just fine!

yup, its a good day:hump:


Well-Known Member
ignorance is people not having tried something before, but hear other people talking shit on said subject and then automatically think that whatever was said was true, although they have no personal experience with whatever they are shit talking

i mean look a cannabizness's grow, 11 bulbs 9 of which were 100w equiv.

and the whole tree is one big bud.