my blood pressure and resting heart rate
i left to go to oregon get thing in motion out there ......before i did i found a lawyer that wade and i both agree on and gave him the will and death cert ......i signed the letter of engagment wade did not somewhere on the 10th wade goes to the lawyer and gets the will back ....does not tell me untill i get home (the lawyer he thought i was unreachable in oregon wilderness )
the whole reason he did it was he said he found a lawyer that would do a flat rate of 7800 if he paied up front (and he took 5k from a bank account my father left to cover the bills in the house leaving me 1800 for the next 6 to 9 months while probate is active means i have to use my own money to pay for things in the house to maintain it ....i can not turn the power off with winter coming the pipes will break even tho i will not be living here it would be a breach of executor as i let the house go to a lower value from damage )
the part that i do not under stand is he told me not to get a lawyer that wanted to be paid up front and the maximum that we can be charged in this state is 9500 for the estate to save 1700 bucks well really 850 since it would come out of estate 850 less for each of us ....he does this
the only reason i can see why is he is trying to set himself up in some way that the lawyer would not of allowed ......this new one is his firend why the flat rate and the price break
and last thing my lawyer heard from him was he was going to file the estate under small estate and that is some major fraud wade tried to get me to go to court with him to file that way and i had to tell him no fucking way .....that caused more of a rift
at this point i have to have a lawyer to protect myself from my brother actions because he is money greedy
this was my attempt to use all open paths i have to resolve this before i tell him i want no more contact he can talk to the lawyer about all this stuff the family is dissolved due to his actions
there is no family with out trust and he keeps doing actions that are untrustworthy
i want this shit to be over with it 72 days since pops died and the will is not filed due to wades actions ........right now i am illegal as hell the car is titled in dad name i had 30 days to get it changed over so if i get pulled over now i am breaking maryland law going to jail and car gts impounded and sold as no owner to it so no one can get it out of impound before 30 days are up(car was always kept in his name so if i ever got pulled over with weed they could not take the car ......they can take me to jail but the car could be gotten back from side of road or impound as i was not owner so no seizure ) do it since he is dead i need a form from the court given me the power too and that does not come untill the will is filed
fix wade or kill wade using a curse i do not care .......i want shit to get started so it can be over