Hillary can't be trusted

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Trump campaign using targeted Facebook posts to discourage black Americans from voting
by Colin Lecher Oct 27, 2016, 9:52



Sickening but not at all surprising.
You quote a headline from a liberal hack website, but not the supposed ads. The actual ad was videos of Hiliary speaking. Pretending that showing Hiliary's racist hate speech is "discouraging blacks from voting" is just another of your lies.
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You've been presented with real crimes countless times. You don't care. You will care if Hiliary wins. You'll be dancing in the street in November 2016. By November 2020, you'll be living in the streets.
No. We haven't. There are no crimes because the stories are made up. I understand that they feel true to you because they fit your fucked up worldview and prejudices Red.

You want to argue about these crimes but they are asserted without any fact. So they may be freely denied.

Your stories are bullshit. I win. Sorry Red.
No. We haven't. There are no crimes because the stories are made up. I understand that they feel true to you because they fit your fucked up worldview and prejudices Red.

You want to argue about these crimes but they are asserted without any fact. So they may be freely denied.

Your stories are bullshit. I win. Sorry Red.
You got your world view from socialism.

The same party Hitler championed. Good job being a free-thinker. Not.
You got your world view from socialism.

The same party Hitler championed. Good job being a free-thinker. Not.
You are supporting somebody who is practically Hitler in almost every way. From his socialist health care ideas (hardly can call them plans) to nationalist trade policies to race based bigotry to pugnacious militarism. As with Hitler, Trump offers these as bait to get votes. As with Hitler, Trump has contempt for the nations laws and balanced government.

You gave your mind away to narrow religious views and obsession with ending women's right to choose.
You got your world view from socialism.

The same party Hitler championed. Good job being a free-thinker. Not.
You are a dimwit. I was a Reagan Republican until a combination of education and the Republican party going full mental pushed me out.

Good job though. I can see how you have adapted that from your Robert Byrd thingy with the Klan. All your internal controls have been stripped. You have reached rock bottom and are ready for a lifetime of manipulation. Please remember what I said about leaving your little girl with somebody when you go out on terror missions.
Hitler was a socialist.

hitler was a far right wing NATIONAL socialist. he scapegoated the jews (muslims) and communists (mexicans).

i promise you that if you look through his speeches, he accused his political opponents of "meeting in secret with international bankers to plot the destruction of german sovereignty" as well. trump kinda stole that line straight from hitler.
Wow, what a powerful message he gave. (snicker) Mountain Out Of Mole hill guy (MOOM) reads a sentence then expands on what he thinks is said for ten fucking minutes. The best part is when he said: To read the e-mails properly "you have to read them you have to combine everything you've learned". Translation: First, he tells the weak minded believer how to interpret what he's about to say then tells the listener interpret according to what he's already said. This is a classic tactic in disinformation campaingns. Just like Limbaugh, MooM tell his listeners what to think before he quotes somebody, then repeats his own spin on what he wants you to think. There was nothing of interest, Pie.

The only truth in what he said was that an upper echelon manager in the FBI did not authorize field departments to investigate somebody when an anonymous person reported "suspicious activity". Is this evidence of a crime? Trump supporters seem to think that an accusation is the same thing as guilt. I'll repeat what Comey said about Clinton's e-mail fuck up that you and every other wishful fetus crusader wants to be a crime:

Appearing before Congress for yet another marathon session, Mr. Comey was badgered by Republicans who said the more they see, the less they understand his decision to clear Mrs. Clinton of criminal wrongdoing in her mishandling of classified information.

The director in July said she did bungle top secret information, but said he couldn’t make charges stick because he couldn’t prove she was sophisticated enough to know the risks she was running, or even to understand the classification system in which she was a key player. And despite new revelations that one of her contractors said he was part of a “coverup operation,” Mr. Comey said nothing he’s seen leads him to question his original conclusions.

I haven’t seen anything that would come near to that kind of situation,” he said. “I know there’s lots of questions, lots of controversy. I’m very proud of the way this was done.”

So, go look for ET or write a book or something. Your imagination is wasted here.
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