Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
Donald Trump is a moral, intellectual and spiritual failure. He lies, he cheats, he insults, he practices the rankest hypocrisy. He manipulates the tax code to avoid paying taxes. He wields bankruptcy to avoid paying his creditors. And yet. He does not hide behind professions of virtue while practicing his vices. He falters, sins, fails in his obligations, falls prey to his impulses, gives vent to his rage, all in public view. He does not pretend to be decent while behaving indecently.


Well-Known Member
Donald Trump is a moral, intellectual and spiritual failure. He lies, he cheats, he insults, he practices the rankest hypocrisy. He manipulates the tax code to avoid paying taxes. He wields bankruptcy to avoid paying his creditors. And yet. He does not hide behind professions of virtue while practicing his vices. He falters, sins, fails in his obligations, falls prey to his impulses, gives vent to his rage, all in public view. He does not pretend to be decent while behaving indecently.
You manipulate the tax code every single year to either get the max refund or pay the min tax. Bankruptcy is an exclusive privileged of elastic, limited liability legal tender created for no other purpose other than making advances to banks or agents.

Your "feelings" about the tax code and banking statutes are simply irrelevant.


Well-Known Member
Yes do that. Quote the speeches where he wants to stamp out Bolshevik Socialism with his own Socialist party which controlled the production and distribution of goods and fixed wages and prices in his Socialist economy in Germany. A far left ideology which was factually implemented.

What else did he do with his other hand while you were looking at the birdie? Well the History channel I'm reading now suggest that Hitler was actually half Jewish.

So a Jewish guy wanted to kill Jews. That same guy was a Socialist and wanted to destroy the form of Socialism that existed in Germany.

Try to think more gooder.
For the Nazi Motherfucker

To you, nazi motherfucker, shall the present be dedicated
You are the seed, of which your nation does arise!
You carry the destiny of a grand time,
when your harvest walks into the future!

You, nazi motherfucker, are purpose and life to us -
But the duty calls on you to renounce!
In your children shall be granted
the promise of your lifes’ highest purpose!

Perhaps the world will bow once more
to your sons heroism and spirit!
Then eternity shall bear witness silently
while she points to you - the nazi motherfucker!

You gave the heirs to the third reich,
in woe and pain - despite sorrow and despair!

You, nazi motherfucker, you can never die!
Your life will always triumph over death.

– Theo Löwer


Well-Known Member
You manipulate the tax code every single year to either get the max refund or pay the min tax. Bankruptcy is an exclusive privileged of elastic, limited liability legal tender created for no other purpose other than making advances to banks or agents.

Your "feelings" about the tax code and banking statutes are simply irrelevant.
Witless clown you are an undisputed virtuoso of the irrelevant


Well-Known Member
Yes do that. Quote the speeches where he wants to stamp out Bolshevik Socialism with his own Socialist party which controlled the production and distribution of goods and fixed wages and prices in his Socialist economy in Germany. A far left ideology which was factually implemented.

What else did he do with his other hand while you were looking at the birdie? Well the History channel I'm reading now suggest that Hitler was actually half Jewish.

So a Jewish guy wanted to kill Jews. That same guy was a Socialist and wanted to destroy the form of Socialism that existed in Germany.

Try to think more gooder.
yep, hitler was a jewish socialist, not a jew killing fascist.

that, and a trailer is a better investment than a house.
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