Hillary Running Local TV Ads in Heavy Rotation in Cali and WA State? WTF!?!

Freddie Millergogo

Well-Known Member
I heard this from a bunch of people. Either they are payoffs to the media and TV stations there or she is in big trouble in both states.

Ha ha.

The other rumor is when she loses, Obomba will give her an instant pardon. He is totally involved with her emails and Clinton Foundation scams.



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Its all about strengthening the down ballot vote. Her campaign can't directly promote senate and house democratic races. The ads are to encourage her supporters get out and vote rather than stay home because "their vote doesn't matter" in the presidential race.

Are you really so dumb as to not know this? I'm guessing not.
Seems fairly dumb to me.

Typical Trump-Tard, he loves the uneducated.