Big Game Hunters, Show Your Stuff

btw, any of you guys want to tell me about how long it takes to properly butcher and process a deer, start to finish, professionally for a customer?

just asking for a friend.
btw, any of you guys want to tell me about how long it takes to properly butcher and process a deer, start to finish, professionally for a customer?

just asking for a friend.

Done properly it would probably take a butcher an hour or so - it takes me around half a day but that's setting up the grinder, vacuum sealer, etc.
Cleaning the silver skin off the meat and removing tendons (for grinding shanks) probably takes the most time.
Done properly it would probably take a butcher an hour or so - it takes me around half a day but that's setting up the grinder, vacuum sealer, etc.
Cleaning the silver skin off the meat and removing tendons (for grinding shanks) probably takes the most time.
Do you hang yours at all to age? Can't remember when husband did deer, so long ago, but we'd dry age our beef.
btw, any of you guys want to tell me about how long it takes to properly butcher and process a deer, start to finish, professionally for a customer?

just asking for a friend.

I dunno, is it the same process for deer? Never tried....

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Do you hang yours at all to age? Can't remember when husband did deer, so long ago, but we'd dry age our beef.

I really don't like to hang game meat - it drys the outside into a tough crust - and our deer don't require it.
I like to age the moose on ice in coolers (plus the water helps flush away blood & hair). I've had meat on ice for over 2 weeks in the past with no ill effects.
I'm still at it. things are definitely starting to pick up with little bucks starting to harass the does and bigger bucks starting to be seen! Had a close call with a big buck yesterday afternoon!
Didn't see any antlers today so I took a couple pictures of myself:mrgreen:View attachment 3820482 View attachment 3820484Hi!

That's some kick ass camo - all I can see is shadow. :wink:
I've had a raccoon get into my garbage twice this week. So I set a havaheart trap up bout 30 minutes ago. Apparently kfc popcorn chicken is like crack to them cuz I already caught one. I don't think it's rabid but it's certainly a nasty fucking trash panda and fucking barked at me and probably needs to die for scaring me. I didn't know raccoons barked. How can I kill this thing? My track record with killing things is not very good. I'm somewhere between ghandi and hitler.
I've had a raccoon get into my garbage twice this week. So I set a havaheart trap up bout 30 minutes ago. Apparently kfc popcorn chicken is like crack to them cuz I already caught one. I don't think it's rabid but it's certainly a nasty fucking trash panda and fucking barked at me and probably needs to die for scaring me. I didn't know raccoons barked. How can I kill this thing? My track record with killing things is not very good. I'm somewhere between ghandi and hitler.

Put a tv outside the trap and play an episode of 2 broke girls on a constant loop. By morning the raccoon will have offed itself...
I've had a raccoon get into my garbage twice this week. So I set a havaheart trap up bout 30 minutes ago. Apparently kfc popcorn chicken is like crack to them cuz I already caught one. I don't think it's rabid but it's certainly a nasty fucking trash panda and fucking barked at me and probably needs to die for scaring me. I didn't know raccoons barked. How can I kill this thing? My track record with killing things is not very good. I'm somewhere between ghandi and hitler.
I prefer a good drowning. Throw the whole cage in a pond (I have one you may not) or a trash can full of water. If you prefer to be humane you'll have to shoot it.