Gorilla Bubble from Tonygreens Tortured Beans

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Well-Known Member
@PerroVerde that fixture is some beautiful work! I'd love to see a few closer pics, especially of the supplemental LEDs. How much would you estimate the entire thing weighs? Apologies @tonygreen for side tracking your tread a bit but you seemed interested too... Lol
I would say this rig weighs 26-28 pounds but it's the only thing hung from the roof of the tent. The cobs are mounted to Heatsink USA's 5.88" profile and the single diode's are mounted to thier 1" profile. New school is the pin style heat sinks, one for each cod. The new one are cheaper and lighter for sure. The diode's are glued and some tapped and screwed to the sinks. All are wired in series which is simple and strait forward as long as your math is on point and everything fires up.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, that is good info, who did you by your COBS and drivers from?
The whole diy market has changed so much in the year since I built this light. I got cobs from KingBrite, Cutter and Pacific Light Concepts. There are a ton of different options now that we're not around when I built this light. There are some awesome cobs out now that only cost 12$-14$. You can read up on all this here https://www.rollitup.org/f/led-and-other-lighting.124/ . It's not cheap but it allows me to grow through the summer... :)


Well-Known Member
@flamethrower1 look into pin fin heat sinks also.
@PerroVerde I think I must be the king of the mid-project redesign. I originally bought almost the exact same sinks for my build but after doing all the work for the drilling and tapping and test mounting at the very last second I decided it was too heavy and bought pin fins. In the end I'm glad I did but I wish I would have saved the $$ and went pin fin first lol. Now if I ever get the rest of the build completed I can put the damn light to use lol.


Well-Known Member
The Cobs allow you to replace a 1000 watt DE on boost with 750 watts of full spectrum goodness. Plus the cost is dropping every day and you can build your own to tailor the light to your grow. I'm sold on the full spectrum cob lighting, I don't plan on ever going back to hps...
Dude don't start feeding BS 750 watts of COBS will never out perform a DE unit in your wildest dreams i am still waiting for them to beat 2GPW i am @ 2.75 GPW

Going to start a thread in the new year goal is 3.25 GPW with extra 2 weeks veg and couple more plants gallery_12772_5190_123099.jpg


Well-Known Member
Dude don't start feeding BS 750 watts of COBS will never out perform a DE unit in your wildest dreams i am still waiting for them to beat 2GPW i am @ 2.75 GPW

Going to start a thread in the new year goal is 3.25 GPW with extra 2 weeks veg and couple more plants View attachment 3823064
I don't know Jack shit about cobs and such but WTF strain is that? It's like you planted a bunch of donkey dick colas from outdoors into some flats.
I'm impressed!


Well-Known Member
I have a question Tony.
I've got seedlings going of your Gorilla Bubble bx1, bx2 and bx1X blue satellite 2.0. Of those seedlings the bx1 and bx2 each have 3 seedlings that appear to be complete runts compared to their sibs.
But the blue sat crosses are more vigorous, every one of them.
I thought I had read way back in this thread that some of the runts become the stars of the bunch, having to do with the painfully slow veg rate of BOG's sour bubble.
Could you clarify this for me?
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