My Amare, Hydroponics Hut, & SunCloak Grow

Why, is there supposed to be something harder about using LEDs w/ autos?
I don't get it?

People who do not understand Auto's automatically assume anyone using them is a noob and has no clue about anything in life. It's just passed on hard hardheadedness and a lack of an open mind to learn anything new.
Not you to bro.
Ok, check it! The haters make it seem this way by stating things that are not true about the company to get a rise out of me.
It usually starts with a simple recommendation on my part (which I have every right to do, especially seeing how I actually own them & have compared them to my hps) that soon leads to some guy saying things that are totally not true. Like false #'s or parts for example. I counter that with the truth. From there it just gets outta hand on their part.
It's a good either way. I will continue to buy them, use them, & post my experience & results.
I wonder how they're going to react when I start the Amare Par & info. thread. Haha! That thread's going to be full of facts & as we all know, these haters n shills hate facts pertaining to a good light that's not a vendored cob light.
Well, it is what it is. At least
I don't see anyone jumping on the SunCloak hate wagon anymore. Kindve hard I guess when I just grew 2#'s off 600w of Cloak. When I first got it these guys were saying foul shit about it. Not anymore.
Guess I'm going to have to actually try next grow with my Amares so that the haul is so impressive these guys can't talk shit.
Been dying to get a real grow in with my Amares anyways. Hopefully this next one will be it. The past 2 have just been experimental in a sense.
Wait till I have 350-400 Amare watts a plant. Then they won't be saying much. That's for sure.
Every grow I've seen from the Amare users on my thread here is impressive too.
Amare & SunCloak are the only 2 led grow lights for me.
You know the Pro-9 & other Amares are the shit when you see other companies copying them everyday.
Oh, the most overlooked fact about this Amare recommendation thing going on. Have you guys ever noticed that 99.5% of those who seem to have a problem with my recommendations don't ever post a picture of a plant or light? Never mind a grow. So, to be honest, I could care less what they think.
Hint...Old Mother Sativa is a troll, he'll pick up one point in a post he doesn't agree with and then try to bully you into believing you're wrong. Ignore the troll.
Damn dude, Im jealous as all get out! That's a very nice light, can't wait to see how it works for you.
I just finished my first grow of auto's under the se450, 471 grams in 75 days. Happy happy happy I want another!

Nice haul how many plants?
What does growing with proven leds have to do with not keeping things simple? Then I checked your blogView attachment 3822823And found these hilarious Amare knockoffs. Then a link to an incomplete grow journal with 5 posts. of you growing autos. Please show me what your doing. Besides growing autos with leds. Have any pics of 8oz photos? Never mind an 8oz auto. This has got to be one of GG boyfriends

Those are some silly Amare knock-offs. Garbage!
There's a bunch these days. Have you seen the Pro-9 fake from TopShelfLED? Ridiculous. No shame.
Quick turnaround hybrid. These were seedlings a few weeks ago at my last post. View attachment 3821626View attachment 3821625
Last time we spoke I had some pretty shitty looking deficiencies. Tried a few different things, had the lights jacked way up still couldn't figure it out. It wasn't the typical calmag signs like I'm used too either. Anyways I added a little extra and overnight difference. Now I'm up to 3tsp per gallon vs 1/2tsp and the plants are exploding. Lights down low and healthy as can be.

This is turning out to be monster grown under the pro4. 2 plants 450watts. Funny part is that guy who built a single light is still talking shit about amare. These were seeds 45 days ago.
View attachment 3821627
HMMMM 3tsp's eh Most I ever have used is 5ml/1tsp per gallon, time to experiment. I've got a 5 mephistos a few days into their violent explosion of growth, I love it! Love my amare! Im using Botanicare's cal/mag 2-0-0 what brand are you using?

That bs earlier is why i don't grow here. Results speak louder than any data sheet ever written.
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If you decide to grow some autos head over to auto jsb. None of this troll trash stuff. The mods there actually care about the forum and are real down to earth folks. Even the members won't let things get out of hand. I'd say in the next 1-2 years autoflower popularity will top photos. It's already taking off like fire.
AFN is the best. To many people here that like to screw up a nice party imho. As soon as its legal in all 50, I think thats when the autoflower revolution will really take off. Mephisto already has strains pushing 25% thc with nice yields. Alien vs Triangle.... These Double grapes im growing now are off the charts in oil production, 29 years of growing and I've seen nothing like it. Limited release, I am so glad I made fem seeds! I got lucky the lady I decided to spray a branch on is the one, my freak, miss frostilious!
Thread jack

To get a few things straight about my views on Amare trying to be unbiased as possible. First off there is an insane amount of horrible lighting options out there today. To help save these clown from buying into these companies any led or cob based panel using quality parts should never be put down. Price is the owners markup after parts/labor and that is basically irrelivent since people can price shop and buy what suites their budget. a 4 Cree cob light vs the same 4 Cree cob light with a 200 dollar price difference is still a 4 Cree cob light and a much better option than most. If someone wants to pay more for the same light then let them. My transactions with amare ended up with me getting more for less. Second is the debate about the supplemental LEDs. Numerous companies are copying the idea and many growers themselves are supplementing them too. But understand the supplemental LEDs in Amare are more geared towards veg which is lacking in the 3500k cobs. The xp-e2 and g3's are as efficient or more efficient than the cobs themselves. Cobs are a less expensive way to put efficiency into a panel. Apache tech for instance. High efficiency but with hundreds of expensive LEDs vs Fewer larger cobs.

Now I do see what allot of people might think is advertising coming from users of Amare. It is not advertising. Most folks here on Riu are here to show their grows or help others. Since there are a select bunch that use these lights with good results why is it considered a negative thing to promote what works. Then people say it's to much. Should it matter if 10 of 20 questions are answered with Amare? Well what is the number that's considered fair and not over promoting? Why is it that the DIY based production panels are allowed to be showcased in thread after thread without any negative comments?

I have said it before and will say it again. The Amare panels are not intended to be the most efficient. They are made to grow and that is proven in every journal I have seen to date. This is a growing forum. Not a spec sheet forum and that's what it's turning into. The guys who have done the most tests and seem to have the loudest comments also seem to grow in the smallest closets. Therefor making a large percentage of the talk here more about data then growing. I completely respect that and feel that's how things in this industry have evolved so much. But this is not the end all solution to growing. Yes to efficiency but also yes to what works keeping efficiency in close consideration.

As far as quality goes I dont think there is a panel sold that is as nice as the pro3&4. My pro4's have 4 meanwell drivers in them. Copper core hestsinks. Super quiet and efficient fans. Top bin LEDs and cobs. The best of the best but again see negative comments since the cobs are driven harder making them 7% less efficient. I'd bet any money it will GROW a hell of allot better watt for watt then any other panel out. Constant shit talk over the 7% when growing is their whole purpose. This viscous circle of light and manufacturer bashing should end. It deters growers that should have a fair shot at picking what they like. Is amare the number one? Is plc the number one, go green, northern ext. The bottom line is they are all great lights and all deserve a fair shot to be recommended when a grower is in need of help.

My biggest complaint is the people that bring DIY into the mix. This is not some new knowledge that DIY is cheaper or that anyone could build a light to replace an Amare or the rest. Even done a lot cheaper but that's not the point. Not everyone wants to build an erector set or has the skills to do so. That's why there are now hundreds of lighting companies selling lights. Very very stupid comments about DIY vs production.

I am personally sold on Amare by the quality. Quality of parts and build quality. No shotty craftsmanship like there is a lot of today. The direct contact with the down to earth knowledgeable owner. The parts and combination of parts used. All those damn switches toI LOL. I just feel it's unfair to Victor and the rest of the community to have this bash fest everytime someone mentions a panel that may have 1 or 2 things about it someone else here might not like. Allot of time, research and development went into these. A hell of allot more then any other light I see sold today and again to see people bash the shit out of someone else's hard work is really disgusting. I'm still here standing up for what I feel is a great product and great company. I don't need more lights, shit I even have one in storage since I don't have the room. My intentions are not to deep throat the owner to get a deal my intention is to ease the hostility of the great community that has taught me so much and to help give every company a fair shot. If you don't like the referral then offer what you feel is the best. Sorry hybrid
OK, but why is a guy a "data sheet Nazi" or a hater if he asks how top bin are your "top bin cobs and leds?"
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OK, but why is a guy a "data sheet Nazi" or a hater if he asks how top bin are your "top bin cobs and leds?"
That doesn't. What does is when they presume something rather then growing based on Data-sheets.
What many fail to recognize is that Amare wants you to yield as much as possible from each fixture.
You can only fit so much in one light. So, finding the sweet spot between efficiency & yields is the goal. They've done that perfectly @ between 48-52% efficiency depending on which fixture you buy.
At 48% the Pro-9 best out the Florida sun in #'s. If it were 54% that single light could not have achieved that.
It's all about yields & quality.
People assume they know so much w/o even growing anything. That's what makes them So annoying.
They come around here where people grow & share results saying the results could be better if the efficiency was higher. But that's simply not true see.
I want my led fixture to produce not meet the criteria of some guy that doesn't grow.

Damn Pepe! How do you get so much thc production? That's crazy!
You should run that trim through oil, that's for sure!
I noticed way more thc n resin using my LEDs but that's sick bro.
That doesn't. What does is when they presume something rather then growing based on Data-sheets.
What many fail to recognize is that Amare wants you to yield as much as possible from each fixture.
You can only fit so much in one light. So, finding the sweet spot between efficiency & yields is the goal. They've done that perfectly @ between 48-52% efficiency depending on which fixture you buy.
At 48% the Pro-9 best out the Florida sun in #'s. If it were 54% that single light could not have achieved that.
It's all about yields & quality.
People assume they know so much w/o even growing anything. That's what makes them So annoying.
They come around here where people grow & share results saying the results could be better if the efficiency was higher. But that's simply not true see.
I want my led fixture to produce not meet the criteria of some guy that doesn't grow.

I have worked in the electronics business for a long time. The terms being discussed with LEDS I am familiar with, so I like the nerdy spec comparison thing. It floats my boat. And so does growing. I have done about 20 runs…not a GG, but not a noob either. I respect good lighting and grower skills.

So here’s my request, how about a PAR map grid with readings for your light. That would be nice…say at 12”, 18” and 24”. Photons to the canopy are king. Maybe readings inside and outside a reflective wall tent. That would skip the whole BIN minutia thing and give a guy a pretty good idea what kind of photon field he was going to lay down with a given product. Thanks.

Those are some silly Amare knock-offs. Garbage!
There's a bunch these days. Have you seen the Pro-9 fake from TopShelfLED? Ridiculous. No shame.
Those lights were made before amare was even a company, aka they stole the design. Just look at the date of the photo , amare wasn't even a company on that date and I had those for a while.