Stealth Wardrobe Cob Sip Scrog

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
my soil is probably not neccasarily no till,, meaning I will replace the dirt each time,, i have an endless supply of horse manure and well enough old chicken stuff to last a long time,, plus the FFOF and other organics,, so I will dump the earth box out after the grow, and if the soil looks like the tomato grow last summer,i will incorperate some of it, after the tomato grow i did have worms coming out of it , and I captured some pictures of it , ,,, if the dirt seems to be as good, i will incorperate some of it,, because i only grow once a year now indoors, its hard to keep an alive process going,, like a worm bin or true compost pile with kitchen scraps,, IMG_0475.JPG IMG_0476.JPG IMG_0477.JPG IMG_0478.JPG IMG_0479.JPG IMG_0480.JPG
like someguys and hyroot and rob i will cover the dirt ,, it keeps bugs away, and helps the sip to do its thing
i am by no means a pro at this sip thing, but its what i am trying this run,,
here is some pics from today

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
i decided to not mound the soil UP like earthbox wants,, just in case later i do or need to top feed i can raise the plastic or rip it off,, and be able to top feed and have the liquids stay in,, future thinking i guess,, someguy said he top fed, where as hyroot was no till in sips

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
they are going thru a little bit of transplant shock, and they got watered,, so a little drop this morning, more so on the right plant the Headband,, the left plant Chernobyl is looking good,, I placed a stick next to each of them and tied them up,, they are a little linky and need to build a bit of strength before I start training them,,IMG_0481.JPG

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
the SIP drank 1 gallon of water over night, it wasnt the plants that drank it,, when a sip is first started up the soil will drink up the amount it needs to set the balance of moisture within the soil layers, now I doubt the sip will require much water for the next few days

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
Trimmed the new 2 gallon watering can to fit under the bathroom faucet,, now I can do everything in the bedroom,, and lock the door if there are people around who should not see, plus i am lazy and the bathroom sink is really close,,

the plants are really dropping right now, transplant shock, and the roots need to adjust to being in a sip, the headband is taking it the worst, I try to not judge a grow so early, but part of me wishes i would have got 2 chernobyls, but I darn good and well i will enjoy having both new strains to my stash pileIMG_0482.JPG IMG_0483.JPG IMG_0484.JPG


Well-Known Member
That's one of the challenging parts of putting young ones in a SIP -- the top two inches of the soil, where their young roots live, is often somewhere between damp and a little dry. Droop can mean too dry or too moist... do you have access to test the soil right around them to see where its at?

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
That's one of the challenging parts of putting young ones in a SIP -- the top two inches of the soil, where their young roots live, is often somewhere between damp and a little dry. Droop can mean too dry or too moist... do you have access to test the soil right around them to see where its at?
good idea,, yes I have that probe soil moisture meter,, ill go do that

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
following some advice from grower friends on here,, and I have ramped up the cal mag ratio, to 5 teaspoons per gallon and I flushed my sip res and put in the new ratio,, should really help

Big smo

Well-Known Member
The green veins showing up definitely calls for more calmag. They seem to be stretching allot what height is the light at? Are they 3500k?

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
The green veins showing up definitely calls for more calmag. They seem to be stretching allot what height is the light at? Are they 3500k?
believe it or not,, YOU are the guy who was telling us to run strong on the cal mag,, my last 2 grows,, as soon as the clones hit the dirt under the cobs,, BAM they are craving it,, i should have wet my soil down with cal mag water from the get go,,, ill dig up my K level on the 3070 cobs

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
these are 3000K cobs,, running 2 at 50 watts,, total of 4 cobs,, but 2 are turned off,, no dimmers yet

Big smo

Well-Known Member
I noticed a huge improvement. I changed 2 things, one was the increase in calmag and the other was optic foliar overgrow. I'm not continuing the foliar spray until I determine if the calmag was the cause. Epic turnaround and results

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
They seem to be stretching allot
i purchased these clones in the condition you see,, they were the least stretched at the state legal store here,, honestly they look allot better than they did 10 days ago,, lol,, the bud tenders at the stores are not trained in keeping plants,, at least they were not dead