Hillary can't be trusted

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nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's called no healthcare coverage. It's what 20 million people are about to experience. I bet you will be able to pay what's necessary though, so you and I are going to be fine. That's all that matters, right?
I paid for the first three months this time instead of an auto pay. I could say fuck it after that. I am not sure what I am doing after the three months, maybe take the fine?


Well-Known Member
I paid for the first three months this time instead of an auto pay. I could say fuck it after that. I am not sure what I am doing after the three months, maybe take the fine?
Or move To Canada i heard its free up there And never mind state legal marijuana . I its going to federally legal


Well-Known Member
I paid for the first three months this time instead of an auto pay. I could say fuck it after that. I am not sure what I am doing after the three months, maybe take the fine?
Yeah, that loophole was pretty good for a lot of people. Wait until you get sick then sign up. After all, it's a crazy system.

Why should anybody care about 20 million people who were without healthcare before the ACA?

Also, pre-existing conditions, now was that not the most outrageous part of the the ACA? I mean, why can't a major health care provider just screen out the sick and dying or kick a person out of the plan if they become sick? I mean, they are sick and dying. Who cares about them?


Well-Known Member
How is that wordplay? You'll need to explain. I thought I was very clear on my thoughts. And I suspect you're the only one who thinks it's wordplay.
You pay what you owe. You said POTUS didn't pay for years. You did not say POTUS owes.

wordplay should be your bands name.


Well-Known Member
This is alarming! These are some fucked up delusions
Just you wait. Maybe Steve Bannon will be appointed Press Secretary. It's going to be absolutely a circus clown show.

The stuff Pie is copy and pasting fermented in the right wing blogosphere. I bet with a little prompting she can produce stuff that is much more silly.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Or move To Canada i heard its free up there And never mind state legal marijuana . I its going to federally legal
Move to canada? I am in Hawaii in my vacation home right now. And I certainly don't need another house. I will just wait, for POTUS TRUMP to tell us all, not just some , what all the goodies are going to be in the new healthcare program that is a coming.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Just you wait. Maybe Steve Bannon will be appointed Press Secretary. It's going to be absolutely a circus clown show.

The stuff Pie is copy and pasting fermented in the right wing blogosphere. I bet with a little prompting she can produce stuff that is much more silly.
Actually I got it from following the twitter trail on wikileaks and then looked into it myself.

It is real.


Well-Known Member
Move to canada? I am in Hawaii in my vacation home right now. And I certainly don't need another house. I will just wait, for POTUS TRUMP to tell us all, not just some , what all the goodies are going to be in the new healthcare program that is a coming.
so right now you are clueless to what his plan is and if it even cover preexisting conditions ? America has really gone to the stupid and uneducated.


Well-Known Member
Author Ed Klein joined Steve Malzberg on Newsmax TV on Wednesday after Donald Trump shocked the world by winning the US presidency in his first ever political race.

Klein said Hillary Clinton called a friend and couldn’t stop crying.
She blamed FBI Director Comey and Obama for the loss.

Ed Klein: Here’s what I know, not my opinion. About 6:30 this morning she called an old friend. She was crying inconsolably. She couldn’t stop crying. And her friend, her female friend from way, way back said it was even hard to understand what she was saying she was crying so hard. This is Hillary we’re talking about. Eventually her friend said she could make out that she was blaming James Comey, the Director of the FBI, for her loss, and, I don’t understand exactly, the president of the United States for not doing enough.

Hillary could not speak to supporters last night and sent pal John Podesta out to face the audience.



Well-Known Member
No, it is not our job to pay as little taxes as possible. That is a Drumpf mantra that will put this country much further into debt. Unless of course he chooses to cut military spending dramatically. Which we both know won't happen.

"Oh my!! Our nations debt is out of control!! Ahhh!! The sky is falling!!"
"What shall we do??? Zomg!!"
"Uhh, let's cut taxes!!"
"Great idea!!"

I think this is the lie that brought down the traditional Reagan conservative. When the hogs had free use of the trough during W's administration, they went at it with gusto. Cut taxes, started wars without a care for the debt they incurred, gave banks the right to self regulate the credit default swap market. Then, when the house of cards collapsed, blamed the Obama administration for all the problems that ensued. I'm pretty sure the red state and Rust Belt Trump voter had it in for the traditional conservative as well as Clinton.


Well-Known Member
I think this is the lie that brought down the traditional Reagan conservative. When the hogs had free use of the trough during W's administration, they went at it with gusto. Cut taxes, started wars without a care for the debt they incurred, gave banks the right to self regulate the credit default swap market. Then, when the house of cards collapsed, blamed the Obama administration for all the problems that ensued. I'm pretty sure the red state and Rust Belt Trump voter had it in for the traditional conservative as well as Clinton.
Possibly. Or the more likely scenario that the average Drumpf supporter simply isn't bright enough to grasp concepts like the one you just described.


Well-Known Member
You pay what you owe. You said POTUS didn't pay for years. You did not say POTUS owes.

wordplay should be your bands name.
Not word play, it's just you're not very bright.

Fact 1: Historically I've paid my taxes every year since I started working.
Fact 2: Drumpf admits to, and we see paper proof, that he has not paid ANY taxes for at least 18 years.
Fact 3: You aren't bright.
Speculation 1: I will not be paying taxes anymore. My POTUS doesn't pay taxes, why should I?

Not word play.


Well-Known Member
Not word play, it's just you're not very bright.

Fact 1: Historically I've paid my taxes every year since I started working.
Fact 2: Drumpf admits to, and we see paper proof, that he has not paid ANY taxes for at least 18 years.
Fact 3: You aren't bright.
Speculation 1: I will not be paying taxes anymore. My POTUS doesn't pay taxes, why should I?

Not word play.
You are terrible at this, really. You said you paid what was REQUIRED. Now show "paper proof" of POTUS not paying what was REQUIRED.

I can quote you if you want to continue being the dim bulb around here that fails at word play.


Well-Known Member
You are terrible at this, really. You said you paid what was REQUIRED. Now show "paper proof" of POTUS not paying what was REQUIRED.

I can quote you if you want to continue being the dim bulb around here that fails at word play.
Sounds like you're the one attempting to word play your way out.

Let's make this more simple for you.

I pay my taxes, I don't spend money sitting down with lawyers and accountants figuring out ways to get out of paying taxes. But rest assured I will moving forward.

Drumpf, didn't pay any taxes. Rather he hired a team of accountants and attorneys to weasel his way out of paying any debt. He did so by taking advantage of loopholes in tax laws and bankruptcy legislation and squandering money from small business owners.

Your false equivalence game and utter hypocrisy is quite blatant.

Drumpf takes advantage of the bankruptcy and tax system and he's smart. Hillary takes advantage of at home email and she's a liar and should be tried for treason. Do you see why people don't take 'you' seriously?
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