Openly supporting donald trump got me banned from the 3ma

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Thats cause UB takes his bs to PM's.
wanna bet? i can find thousands of his statements that broke the TOS. ON OPEN FORUM. the owner of this site even joined in and broke the rules and TOS.

it's the definition of a 'good ol' boys' club...

btw, faggot, nazi bastard, mother rapist, biggot jew-hating nazi, etc, all of these are NAME CALLING and not allowed. if you bash and belittle someone for being different, you are a racist biggoted arrogant person, with nothing but hate in your heart. if you are conservative, you get in trouble for it. if you are libercrat, you are commended...
I post a polite request to move this conversation to the politics section because I knew it would get...
Don't sweat it, a warning isn't a big deal.. just a reminder. a politics convo here in the mi forum w ppl who already mostly know each other is gonna be far cooler than anything in the politics section. maybe give it a chance and let some bs roll off your shoulders. you're a valued member in the mi forum, please don't go anywhere.
wanna bet? i can find thousands of his statements that broke the TOS. ON OPEN FORUM. the owner of this site even joined in and broke the rules and TOS.

it's the definition of a 'good ol' boys' club...

btw, faggot, nazi bastard, mother rapist, biggot jew-hating nazi, etc, all of these are NAME CALLING and not allowed. if you bash and belittle someone for being different, you are a racist biggoted arrogant person, with nothing but hate in your heart. if you are conservative, you get in trouble for it. if you are libercrat, you are commended...
I'm sure. I just know he does it in pm's as well. Got mine this morning
what about big lou and uncle buck? never saw any moderation or reprimands there... so, one side can, the other can't? i'm not bitching, i'm just saying there should be a standard, or there should not be rules. lawlessness is how neegans are born...
I can vouch for that, UB openly insulted me and called me names several times, when I wasn't even posting or hadn't in several days, calling me an alcoholic, lazy, pill popping old woman on welfare..

He'd even go out of his way to come to my PPR thread just to taunt and harass me.

I for one am glad he got so butthurt he won't show his face. It's bad when your bf gets accosted because someone doesn't like that you aren't a liberal like they are.

Look, I even copied/pasted a couple of the quotes that were made about me a while back. Have a look, judge for yourself. Is UB above RIU law?

she's a trump supporter on welfare. she can have literally zero dignity.

yeah, me refusing to re-establish what this whole forum knows is already true is almost as cowardly as you running away from your racist conspiracies.

obama is deficit cutting us into fiscal insolvency. that gay kenyan muslim homo.

(if you can't see the quotes, you have to UN ignore him..)
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Very even modding here. I post a polite request to move this conversation to the politics section because I knew it would get ugly, just didn't know it would be me losing my cool because of a very low insult was directed my way. I did notice that the vulgar response to my polite post stayed up and I'm sure he didn't get threatened with banning.

You took my "service" comment out of context and went off. My comment was about the danger of using political rhetoric to damage our relationship with Russia any further than it has been and what an irresponsible "disservice" to this country that is.

That said, using your brothers admirable character, service and sacrifice in no way speaks for yours. Only you can do that ...
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does seem a touch biased...

but that is to be expected. hillary SAID she would give pot to fda (which if you don't understand how that works, means pot is legal, but you can't grow or consume it with out the fda's blessing), trump SAID give it to states, and medical should be nation wide....

i voted for legalization. hillary supporters voted to abolish ALL of it...
You voted for legalization and that would be great in my book, but the President of the United States has forign policies and other countries to negotiate with to stabilize trade in the world. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was because of currency exchange rate and other countries refused to buy goods from Japan which left them deeply indept.
There are too many world threatening problems to now deal with besides legalization. It's still illegal to make your own alcohol, so don't expect much to change when it's confronted. Just use seclusion to protect your crops and live peaceful. I'm sure legalization is one of the last things Trump is going to spend his Presidential research hours on when human life throughout the world (including the U.S.) is at stake. There is more to a presidency then our luxury .
Interesting to look at the Russian connection to the Wikileaks information. Lots of speculation but little concrete information. Who wouldn't be surprised if Russia were involved?

But it is quite a stretch to conclude Russia cared particularly who was elected president, either Clinton or Trump, in my opinion. Most likely the Kremlin grandees really don't care. Instead, their goals remain to weaken the U.S. And strengthen their own international standing. Somewhere no doubt, anti-American bad actors are enjoying the post-election divisiveness in evidence here and on the streets of our largest cities.

Worth considering things from Putin's perspective as well. Remember he and his confidants were the embarrassed victims of the earlier 'Panama Papers' leak. Payback is payback.

The most damaging Wikileaks releases in my view were sourced back to a phishing e-mail sent to Podesta. Frankly, having seen a copy of the phishing e-mail it was difficult to believe the apparently bogus request to change his yahoo password was approved by the IT security guru. I doubt anyone here familiar with phishing e-mails would have fallen for it.

Anyway, I enjoyed participating in the mmma website. I was a member since May, 2009. However regardless of one's views on mmj, many deem small government fiscal conservatives a threat to be condemned and banished. It is sad that the mmma has evolved into just another partisan entity where only acceptable view points are welcome.

i had a buddy back in SC. we hand built a small copper still. just can't sell it. you can make enough to float a boat if you so desire

i won't even touch your comment that Japan attacked the US because of exchange rates.
It's illegal if your not State Certified to produce alcohol in specified amounts which would be a waste of time if you had no market for it, and selling it would be illegal anyway. So six of one half a dozen of another. It's politics and all about $$.
As far as far as Pearl Harbor goes it's in your histor books. Plus every war know to man has had economy and currencies involved. Sleep well rkymtnman.
It's illegal if your not State Certified to produce alcohol in specified amounts which would be a waste of time if you had no market for it, and selling it would be illegal anyway. So six of one half a dozen of another. It's politics and all about $$.
As far as far as Pearl Harbor goes it's in your histor books. Plus every war know to man has had economy and currencies involved. Sleep well rkymtnman.
Back to the Alcohol in S.C. In the late 60's the U.S. government was hiring inprisoned bootleggers to make corn Alcohol for the production of "gasohol to replace high priced gasoline. These prisoners left prison with a very healthy paycheck in their pockets. Nice punishment hun. LOL.
i need to add to my statement: when we built our still, his wife (she had no record) did apply for and get a fuel alcohol permit which does allow you to distill spirits for personal use.

but there is no restrictions on fermenting alcohol as long as you aren't caught selling it.

and i still disagree on WW2. japan invaded pearl harbor in an attempt to prevent the US from interupting their expansions into the phillipines, manchuria and other areas. boy, did that turn out to be a big mistake.
Back to the Alcohol in S.C. In the late 60's the U.S. government was hiring inprisoned bootleggers to make corn Alcohol for the production of "gasohol to replace high priced gasoline. These prisoners left prison with a very healthy paycheck in their pockets. Nice punishment hun. LOL.

hire the experts!
You voted for legalization and that would be great in my book, but the President of the United States has forign policies and other countries to negotiate with to stabilize trade in the world. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was because of currency exchange rate and other countries refused to buy goods from Japan which left them deeply indept.
There are too many world threatening problems to now deal with besides legalization. It's still illegal to make your own alcohol, so don't expect much to change when it's confronted. Just use seclusion to protect your crops and live peaceful. I'm sure legalization is one of the last things Trump is going to spend his Presidential research hours on when human life throughout the world (including the U.S.) is at stake. There is more to a presidency then our luxury .
putin said wwIII if clinton was elected, but trump is cool. and they are showing off those shiny new satan II rockets... is it 7 megatons? as in seven million tons of dynamite?

and you think i'm not thinking of 'policy'? brexit is a bitch, and shit's going to hit the fan. i don't want any of you nuked. i think i'm safe, less than one person per square mile in my area...
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It's illegal if your not State Certified to produce alcohol in specified amounts which would be a waste of time if you had no market for it, and selling it would be illegal anyway. So six of one half a dozen of another. It's politics and all about $$.
As far as far as Pearl Harbor goes it's in your histor books. Plus every war know to man has had economy and currencies involved. Sleep well rkymtnman.
moonshine is now sold in liquor stores throughout the carolinas. it just has to have the stamp of approval. many bootleggers are now 100% legal, including popcorn.
i need to add to my statement: when we built our still, his wife (she had no record) did apply for and get a fuel alcohol permit which does allow you to distill spirits for personal use.

but there is no restrictions on fermenting alcohol as long as you aren't caught selling it.

and i still disagree on WW2. japan invaded pearl harbor in an attempt to prevent the US from interupting their expansions into the phillipines, manchuria and other areas. boy, did that turn out to be a big mistake.
like uncle buck, they 'woke the sleeping giant', as hitler described. the war was lost for axis forces that day.

is this not similar?
Middle school kids in Royal Oak chanting build the wall during lunch, wonder if they will give them white sheets to wear as a school uniform. What a proud day to be a American.

You seem pretty confident in your assumptions about and stereotypes of what you perceive to be the right. What do you see as the bigotries of the left and what worries do you have about their hatred? That is what this thread is about on a local/community level, isn't it?
You seem pretty confident in your assumptions about and stereotypes of what you perceive to be the right. What do you see as the bigotries of the left and what worries do you have about their hatred? That is what this thread is about, isn't it?

So you think it's ok to teach children to hate? Make sure you wash your sheet for this weekends rally.
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