Anti-Trump Protests

Reported for polluting breathable air.

Reported for having a brown tongue and nose.
I would do it again. A million times over.

The people controlling the establishment are corrupt and must be brought to justice.
I'm sure you would. I pray for your sake that you really are off of food stamps, if not you are about to see some massive cuts to the program. Kind of funny you would vote against something that actually helped you and your family. Let your husband know that he is about to get fucked just because of his heritage, but I guess you don't care because Trump won. What kind of health coverage does your child have ?
Like many frightened racists and poor widdle white boys, I bowed to the Drumpf so fast that my lower lip got snagged on his zipper. Me and my ilk aren't long for this world, thankfully, and Drumpf won't see a year in office.

Yaaawwwnnnnnn......I thought you were gonna be a FUN sock, this rate you'll be in meltdown mode/banned within hours with ZERO 'entertainment value'....
I think MR obamy is visually challenged, he attempts a pimp slap on PRESIDENT TRUMP but he is obviously out of range even with those long arms
Trump will soon see just how difficult the presidency really is. I just hope he does not fuck up America too bad in the process
I think the whole country could be united in thought on the hope that Trump does not fuck up too bad.
Yes , missing
It was rough,I took some real beatings for the team, could've used some back up, lol

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I was hoping for some (at least somewhat) worthy piglets to destroy, but these particular socks are just tedious, dude....boring as all hell and null.....
go eat some frog cock then come back and bow before your president TRUMP
You're a joke lmao this is what's wrong with Americans who voted for trump. They are all inbred wrong turn offspring and want to see our country burn. Then what will we have deplorable fucks running a ruined country great job