Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad

are you still at the cry-in?

because you're still crying...

poor pussy. as a fellow cat i offer purrs. if that doesn't work, you can have the claws, i hear they are therapeutic...

ooohhhh hunney, i'm sorry, but i'm taken right now! if you'd gotten to me sooner, we could have been a spooner.

but you didn't. so fuck you, you stingy bitch! how about give up the goods next time?

ho's gonna be ho's, but don't hate the playa, hate the game dawg...

reported for altering quotes, a BANNABLE OFFENSE.

cuck a doodle doo mother fucker

no, i don't want what you're selling. keep mething up, someone in government will fix you...

if it was up your ass i bet you'd know..

@Justin-case, remember a few weeks ago when I told you that if you engaged the curious cuck that you'd never get the racist junkie to shut up?
No life whatsoever + overt racism + methamphetamines + horrific 'sex' life = curious cuck.

i did, every time they've changed over the last twelve years... and have a screen shot of this site's owner explaining altering quotes, and how it's not allowed and a bannable offense.

wanna see? or do you think rules only apply to everyone but your retched posse?

ps, read a fucking dictionary and learn how to spell, redneck!

Let's see em kitty shit, otherwise your wasting your last few post here.
Are you hearing voices? Not once did he say it was a state issue. His exact words were "if they want to vote, let them vote" Like that means jack shit.

"if they want to vote, let them vote. then i'll deny them their school and highway funding."

i guess the racist trumptards just tuned out when he said "bad things" were happening here in colorado.

not sure what he's talking about, people are flocking to this state like no other. we've got good paying jobs for everyone.
Superior social skills.

You'll HAVE to step it up or I'll simply go back to ignoring you, cretin. I'm here to be entertained, and you just aren't cutting the mustard. C'mon, go out with a BANG and have an amusing meltdown -- you've only got a few days left, make 'em COUNT ya spineless cuck!
Reported for ignoring house rules and operating multiple sock accounts.
(This one smells like panhead....possibly georgie.... ;))

Could of predicted that post.

Your like a broken record lil lou, no new material?
I give you a 2/10 for trying to troll.