Israel is burning!


Well-Known Member
Damn. Some heartless bastards up in here.

No wonder you voted for Hillary..
Yea, a lot of us voted for for Clinton. You wanna know why? Because we have pity for the disadvantaged, not like your average Trump supporter. They could give a fuck about someone else beside themselves. Israel has been abusing a group of people that have been stepped on for over 60 years, way longer than the Jews spent in Germany being persecuted and being subjected to their own Holocaust. Now it seems that the roles are reversed, where the Jews are the Nazis, and the Palestinians are like the Jews. That's what pisses me off. and should piss every American off. I mean this country was founded by people that were tired of being abused, sort of like the Palestinians if you think about it. It should not be like this.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
"i care about jews!" proclaims retard who voted for the guy who spent weeks pointing out that jon stewart is a jewy-ass jew jew.

Trump is pro-israel and he has great respect for jews. His son in law is a jew and had a large part in his campaign.

All this to divert attention from the glee in your heart to see Israel burning?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Yea, a lot of us voted for for Clinton. You wanna know why? Because we have pity for the disadvantaged, not like your average Trump supporter. They could give a fuck about someone else beside themselves. Israel has been abusing a group of people that have been stepped on for over 60 years, way longer than the Jews spent in Germany being persecuted and being subjected to their own Holocaust. Now it seems that the roles are reversed, where the Jews are the Nazis, and the Palestinians are like the Jews. That's what pisses me off. and should piss every American off. I mean this country was founded by people that were tired of being abused, sort of like the Palestinians if you think about it. It should not be like this.
Palestinians are constantly attacking the jews. Literally every country in the ME has been abusing and attacking them.

Are you mad they took land everytime they drove off a military attack? The wall?


Well-Known Member
Palestinians are constantly attacking the jews. Literally every country in the ME has been abusing and attacking them.

Are you mad they took land everytime they drove off a military attack? The wall?
Wow. You sure are well informed. Such command of the subject. Have you been singled out for merit by the Trump campaign staff yet? You should send them your c.v.. Shit, just pack a bag and head to Trump Tower. They will spot your ability immediately. Even the Naked Cowboy is there.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Jews and Palestinians = Trump voters and non-Trump voters?

Think about it.

I am not for slaughter of palestinians or arabs. I understand that terrorism and war isn't pretty. There are civilian casualties even when the utmost care is taken to avoid it.

This attack was meant to target civilians. It is terrorism and all of you defending it are gross people.

I dont want arab muslims to be exterminated. I want them to stop violating human rights and subjugating women, gays, christians and jews.

Yet you people cheer at a direct terrorist attack meant to damage civilians.


Well-Known Member
War is brutal and it's no longer "honorable" at all. It's whoever is the meanest, cruelest, most willing to throw caution to the wind. The jews don't care how many Palestinians die -civilian or not...and visa-versa...just like in WW2 when citizens of Nazi Germany didn't care about ANY jews. This is nothing new in the world of having wars.

"I" don't "cheer" anyone killing anyone.


Well-Known Member
all of you defending it are gross people.
who defended it?

I dont want arab muslims to be exterminated. I want them to stop violating human rights and subjugating women, gays, christians and jews.
i agree. making women pay for miscarriage funerals is wrong, and so is electrocuting the shit out of gay people. they must also stop sexually assaulting women by the dozens.

they should not do that.

anyhoo, why do you figure trump registered 8 businesses in saudi arabia during the campaign? do you think he will use the money from those businesses to provide life saving medication to 11 million victims of AIDS worldwide?

i don't know. you tell me.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

after this, we can discuss how he called jewish senate minority leader chuck schumer "cunning".

and then we can start to talk about his chief strategist, who doesn't want his kids going to school with all those jews.

you retarded lard ass.
Whats wrong with pointing out that he changed his name? Sensitive much?

Bannon an antisemite? Really? Do you see him cheering as Israel burns? The guy's top editor is Milo, a flamboyantly gay jew.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
who defended it?

i agree. making women pay for miscarriage funerals is wrong, and so is electrocuting the shit out of gay people. they must also stop sexually assaulting women by the dozens.

they should not do that.

anyhoo, why do you figure trump registered 8 businesses in saudi arabia during the campaign? do you think he will use the money from those businesses to provide life saving medication to 11 million victims of AIDS worldwide?

i don't know. you tell me.
Practically everyone here is saying Israel deserves to burn.

Yet you stay silent. Do you have sympathy for the ones responsible for it? You think these actions are justified?


Well-Known Member
Whats wrong with pointing out that he changed his name?
he was pointing out that he's a jew.

Bannon an antisemite? Really?

you're fucking retarded, pie. it's documented on multiple occasions. he didn;t want his daughters going to school with all those "whiny brat" jews.

should we start to look at general flynn's anti-semitic past?


Well-Known Member
Whats wrong with pointing out that he changed his name? Sensitive much?
Bannon an antisemite? Really? Do you see him cheering as Israel burns? The guy's top editor is Milo, a flamboyantly gay jew.
"Eric Trump, Donald’s 30-year-old son, married Jewish TV producer Lara Yunaska on Saturday in front of 450 people.
The ceremony was held at Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach and the offical ceremony was held under a “crystal-embellished” chuppah, according to the report.
Ivanka Trump, who married New York Observer’s Jewish publisher, Jared Kushner, posted pictures of the ceremony to Instagram."

Trump's a hater. The Grandkids are going to camps as soon as they're weened. ;)


Well-Known Member
"Eric Trump, Donald’s 30-year-old son, married Jewish TV producer Lara Yunaska on Saturday in front of 450 people.
The ceremony was held at Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach and the offical ceremony was held under a “crystal-embellished” chuppah, according to the report.
Ivanka Trump, who married New York Observer’s Jewish publisher, Jared Kushner, posted pictures of the ceremony to Instagram."

Trump's a hater. The Grandkids are going to camps as soon as they're weened. ;)
so what about his chief strategist, who doesn't want his kids going to school with "whiny brat" jews?

what about his secretary of defense pick, the one who says "Not anymore, Jews! Not anymore."

or how about trump's own rhetoric about "international bankers who want to destroy our sovereignty"?

what you;re doing is pointing out that your buddy can't be a serial killer because there are a few people he hasn't killed, while he has a dozen corpses rotting in his basement.

you are a racist retard, and an apologist for anti-semites.

Freddie Millergogo

Well-Known Member
except that there are about 400,000 dead civilians thanks to putin and assad. and 5 million refugees have fled. and another 6 million are displaced within syria.

but maybe we can work with putin there. he's got some fancy anti-aircraft missiles set up to shoot down planes. ISIS has planes, right?

Has NOTHING to do with Assad and Putin The phony proxy war was started and backed by Saudis, Qatar, USA, Israel, Turkey, UK and a few others and is about a pipeline that the Saudis and Qataris wanted to put through Syria and Syria said now. Same shit the amazingly NeoConish and corrupt USA Soros State Dept pulled in Libya and the Ukraine.

The USA is backing ISIS, ISIL, Al Nusra, Al Qeada and a few others. The Syrian moderate rebels is total BS. Saudis are doing the same genocide in Yemen which has a more Sunni and Shia twist. Saudis are getting their asses kicked there too. Stop trying so hard to be the poster boy for illiteracy.