Trump Hysteria


Well-Known Member

Translation: Trump accepting phone calls from Taiwan can force China to start a bloody war over territory.
No. Translation... Trump is a braying ass and so needy of personal praise that he is creating diplomatic slights that may harm American interests.

I am glad you will be defending even the most egregious TRUMP fuck-ups. That is a promise for comedy gold for years to come. Keep them coming. I will chart your mental decline.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

-Micro aggressions! Populism is racism!
- Um.. 200 districts that voted for obama voted for trump.
- That's the equivelant of saying i have a black friend!


Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I love your taste in videos Pie.

Here is another one by the same guy that can further motivate you. Lol. You flag-simple boob.

I dont watch every video a person posts before sharing a video on my feed that i like.

Quit being so sensitive. This is what happens when colleges and liberals teach people to take offense to nonsense.

Just because you like one thing a person posts does not mean you approve of all their posts. You are a brainwashed stooge.


Well-Known Member
I dont watch every video a person posts before sharing a video on my feed that i like.

Quit being so sensitive. This is what happens when colleges and liberals teach people to take offense to nonsense.

Just because you like one thing a person posts does not mean you approve of all their posts. You are a brainwashed stooge.
Education has been widely discredited hasn't it?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

All he needs to do is accept a 10 min call from Taiwan to start a war.

Are the Chinese really that volatile or is the media lying to us again?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

When Trump stops the VA from infecting people with HIV and letting people get maggots in wounds people will be complaining about taking money away from these facilities that offer such EXCELLENT care.

Nearly 600 veterans who received care at the Tomah VA may have been infected with several types of HPV and HIV due to violations in infection control procedures.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Law enforcement officials say the mosque has attracted a number of known terrorists and accused extremists, among them the accused Boston Marathon bombers, "Lady al Qaeda," and now an American fugitive wanted for questioning for possible ties to ISIS' social-media wing -- too many for law enforcement to ignore.



Well-Known Member
I dont watch every video a person posts before sharing a video on my feed that i like.

Quit being so sensitive. This is what happens when colleges and liberals teach people to take offense to nonsense.

Just because you like one thing a person posts does not mean you approve of all their posts. You are a brainwashed stooge.

Colin Kaepernick Hates It!


Well-Known Member
Fuck that noise. We are a sovereign nation and our president should be allowed to talk with all nations.
We don't live in a world of "should be's". The history with China/Taiwan and US relations is very fragile and China is probably the 2nd most powerful nation on Earth behind the US. I don't understand why Trump would actively rock the boat like that (when he didn't have to) and cause tensions between China and the US, other than to brag about it. That's not a quality I want in a president


Well-Known Member

When Trump stops the VA from infecting people with HIV and letting people get maggots in wounds people will be complaining about taking money away from these facilities that offer such EXCELLENT care.

Nearly 600 veterans who received care at the Tomah VA may have been infected with several types of HPV and HIV due to violations in infection control procedures.
At least you don't have to worry about your husband, he was booted out the service and not a veteran at all