Stand your ground

How bad is it?

  • Don't worry about it

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • Your probably fucked

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Move as fast as you can to Guatemala

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Call a lawyer now

    Votes: 5 35.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I received a letter from my towns Tax Assessor yesterday informing me that the State of Connecticut (be warned) mandates a review every 10 years,(and this is the 1st), of all residents property for an accurate evaluation of current value, which involves, in my town at least an TOTAL inspection, including the interior of the premises.
Needless to say, considering I have 28 plants (10 years/ forfeiture of property) running in 3 rooms in my basement, I puked.(not really, but close to it)
Then my mind went into self preservation mode, and I thought about it. You see, all 3 areas have one common entrance, which I blocked/locked when the oil man came, the cable guy came, once DCF came because my 7 year son told his teacher that I gave him a knife to play with (little pen knife/ was true) and I had guns around the house. (also true, but locked), and she called DCF. Man, that was scary because they literally check everything in your house. Anyway, She goes to the basement, looks around and says what's in that room. I told her that's just a store room, and she said ,ok, and walked away. So point being, I have gotten away with it before, but only when I have expected it, not like the ambush that is coming up, because this inspection time is going to run until next fall, so any day this person could possibly show up

Then I said fuck it, I have rights as an American citizen, fuck you, your not entering my house without a search warrant. Period.

So, this is my question. How bad a situation do you think I am

Last point is that the inspection of the interior is not mandatory, but I think that the town will wonder why if I tell them to go get a warrant before you walk into my house, that will raise eyebrows for sure, no doubt about that. The way I look at is that I damned if I do, and damned if I don't.
Oh, fucking well, what ever will be, shall be.

I received a letter from my towns Tax Assessor yesterday informing me that the State of Connecticut (be warned) mandates a review every 10 years,(and this is the 1st), of all residents property for an accurate evaluation of current value, which involves, in my town at least an TOTAL inspection, including the interior of the premises.
Needless to say, considering I have 28 plants (10 years/ forfeiture of property) running in 3 rooms in my basement, I puked.(not really, but close to it)
Then my mind went into self preservation mode, and I thought about it. You see, all 3 areas have one common entrance, which I blocked/locked when the oil man came, the cable guy came, once DCF came because my 7 year son told his teacher that I gave him a knife to play with (little pen knife/ was true) and I had guns around the house. (also true, but locked), and she called DCF. Man, that was scary because they literally check everything in your house. Anyway, She goes to the basement, looks around and says what's in that room. I told her that's just a store room, and she said ,ok, and walked away. So point being, I have gotten away with it before, but only when I have expected it, not like the ambush that is coming up, because this inspection time is going to run until next fall, so any day this person could possibly show up

Then I said fuck it, I have rights as an American citizen, fuck you, your not entering my house without a search warrant. Period.

So, this is my question. How bad a situation do you think I am

Last point is that the inspection of the interior is not mandatory, but I think that the town will wonder why if I tell them to go get a warrant before you walk into my house, that will raise eyebrows for sure, no doubt about that. The way I look at is that I damned if I do, and damned if I don't.
Oh, fucking well, what ever will be, shall be.

if ya don't let them in all they can do is hit u with highest tax possible i wouldn't mention a warrant they don't bother coming to my house any more pitcher from the road most they get
The state of Connecticut doesn't respect your second amendment rights. What makes you think they would recognize your god given right to grow plants?

Last time i was in conn i was looking up their gun laws, compared to GA its basically impossible to pack heat in public. While i was looking up these laws, i saw a story on the news of a person getting car jacked at knife point. In Ga, this would be unheard of because the knife wielder would be justifuably shot for shure.

If you have to ask, you already know you should ask a lawyer. You are lucky you have a heads up to chop the plants or just move to the back yard or a friends house for a few hours. I didn't have that warning and now I am fucked. Take advantage of the warning.

My grandfather lives in conn i remember him worrying about the assessor coming in and trying to make the place look shitty for lower taxes.

Take advantage of it, where i live they just asume my house is ritzy as all the others around me. In 5 years since i bought the housev, property value almost doubled i think they artificially jacked up the value to get more tax money.
Say you rent to other people and can't allow them into the area where your grow is because that's the rented space and your roommate is out of town .......if nothing else it will by you time to feel things out ...GL
Cut your plants down.
Cutting the plants is one thing, clearing out all my lights and grow material is another thing. I really don't think that 3 rooms full of lights and reservoirs are going to be easy to explain away. I'm just going to say, get a warrant motherfucker or get off my property. That is the only option I have available in my opinion. This is America right, and I'll be damned if the government thinks they can walk into my home at their whim. Fuck that.
The state of Connecticut doesn't respect your second amendment rights. What makes you think they would recognize your god given right to grow plants?

Last time i was in conn i was looking up their gun laws, compared to GA its basically impossible to pack heat in public. While i was looking up these laws, i saw a story on the news of a person getting car jacked at knife point. In Ga, this would be unheard of because the knife wielder would be justifuably shot for shure.

If you have to ask, you already know you should ask a lawyer. You are lucky you have a heads up to chop the plants or just move to the back yard or a friends house for a few hours. I didn't have that warning and now I am fucked. Take advantage of the warning.

My grandfather lives in conn i remember him worrying about the assessor coming in and trying to make the place look shitty for lower taxes.

Take advantage of it, where i live they just asume my house is ritzy as all the others around me. In 5 years since i bought the housev, property value almost doubled i think they artificially jacked up the value to get more tax money.
State of Connecticut allows full carry with a hand gun licence automatically. NY you need to prove reason before you can carry a concealed weapon, so we are one of the only states in NE that allows concealed carry with any hand gun licence.
State of Connecticut allows full carry with a hand gun licence automatically. NY you need to prove reason before you can carry a concealed weapon, so we are one of the only states in NE that allows concealed carry with any hand gun licence.

Maybe i was trying to see what someone from out of state would have to do.

Three rooms is a lot. I wouldn't even let them in the front yard. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
If the inside inspection isn't mandatory like you say then just turn them down politely if they ask to go in. Getting all hot under the collar and demanding a warrant will raise suspicions and they may just find a reason to involve 5-0 and come back with that warrant.

The "I have a roommate and that's his space" is a good idea too if the f'ers are insistent about getting in. Interiors aren't usually involved in tax assessments afaik. Just improvements to the property like new buildings, pool, paved driveway etc.

Good luck!

Get a mean aggressive dog. Then they'll stay away unless they have a warrant. If your in a non-mmj friendly state id just cut it all down and take down the lights personally.. I know of people in legal states who have torn down whole warehouse grows for inspections (100 lights+) so If it must be done then one house isn't too bad. Best of luck whatever you do!
Well I'm living in the middle of one of China's biggest city, police can come knock on your door any time they want and they don't give a shit about warrant or anything like it. As I've been told "If you have nothing to hide, why would you not let us in?"
I received a letter from my towns Tax Assessor yesterday informing me that the State of Connecticut (be warned) mandates a review every 10 years,(and this is the 1st), of all residents property for an accurate evaluation of current value, which involves, in my town at least an TOTAL inspection, including the interior of the premises.
Needless to say, considering I have 28 plants (10 years/ forfeiture of property) running in 3 rooms in my basement, I puked.(not really, but close to it)
Then my mind went into self preservation mode, and I thought about it. You see, all 3 areas have one common entrance, which I blocked/locked when the oil man came, the cable guy came, once DCF came because my 7 year son told his teacher that I gave him a knife to play with (little pen knife/ was true) and I had guns around the house. (also true, but locked), and she called DCF. Man, that was scary because they literally check everything in your house. Anyway, She goes to the basement, looks around and says what's in that room. I told her that's just a store room, and she said ,ok, and walked away. So point being, I have gotten away with it before, but only when I have expected it, not like the ambush that is coming up, because this inspection time is going to run until next fall, so any day this person could possibly show up

Then I said fuck it, I have rights as an American citizen, fuck you, your not entering my house without a search warrant. Period.

So, this is my question. How bad a situation do you think I am

Last point is that the inspection of the interior is not mandatory, but I think that the town will wonder why if I tell them to go get a warrant before you walk into my house, that will raise eyebrows for sure, no doubt about that. The way I look at is that I damned if I do, and damned if I don't.
Oh, fucking well, what ever will be, shall be.


Why aren't you a caregiver? It doesn't cost the patient anything, it'll cost you some but then you'll be legit. Only catch is you can't have been convicted of certain felonies. I'm in RI and am a caregiver.
Why aren't you a caregiver? It doesn't cost the patient anything, it'll cost you some but then you'll be legit. Only catch is you can't have been convicted of certain felonies. I'm in RI and am a caregiver.
I run 27 plants in bloom and at least the same in veg at all times. I have 3 rooms and a closet with a total of 10 LED'S and 3 HPS fixtures burning also. Do think I could get away with that as a caregiver in CT, which is kinda tough on giving away caregiver licences? I have spoken to another resident of my town, and they said they are not allowing the inspectors in on principle also, so I am hoping that there more than just me and him that think the same way, so I am counting on that. I really don't think they could get a warrant from a judge seeing as there must be a specific reason to issue one. Do you really think that it would work to get a license? Plus it would probably take a long time to get one, even if I could. I feel that the only real option I have is to refuse entry, and keep my fingers crossed.
I run 27 plants in bloom and at least the same in veg at all times. I have 3 rooms and a closet with a total of 10 LED'S and 3 HPS fixtures burning also. Do think I could get away with that as a caregiver in CT, which is kinda tough on giving away caregiver licences? I have spoken to another resident of my town, and they said they are not allowing the inspectors in on principle also, so I am hoping that there more than just me and him that think the same way, so I am counting on that. I really don't think they could get a warrant from a judge seeing as there must be a specific reason to issue one. Do you really think that it would work to get a license? Plus it would probably take a long time to get one, even if I could. I feel that the only real option I have is to refuse entry, and keep my fingers crossed.

Here in RI each patient you caregive for you can grow 12 plants, you can have a max of 5 patients. If you can find some patients in need and pay for the initial application and background check for you to be a caregiver you should be all set, and be able to grow in peace while also helping patients in need (most here use less than 1oz every 3 weeks or so). Since Mass passed legal recreational use RI pledged to put it on the ballot as well, and CT will probably follow suit. I know that CT, RI, and MA unilaterally accept each others patient MMJ cards so that patients can get their meds when they aren't at home, but I also know for sure in CT that you cant cultivate unless you are a patient or caregiver. So pay the fee, and go legit, make extra money selling product to dispensaries, you just need to find patients, there are support groups for that.
Here in RI each patient you caregive for you can grow 12 plants, you can have a max of 5 patients. If you can find some patients in need and pay for the initial application and background check for you to be a caregiver you should be all set, and be able to grow in peace while also helping patients in need (most here use less than 1oz every 3 weeks or so). Since Mass passed legal recreational use RI pledged to put it on the ballot as well, and CT will probably follow suit. I know that CT, RI, and MA unilaterally accept each others patient MMJ cards so that patients can get their meds when they aren't at home, but I also know for sure in CT that you cant cultivate unless you are a patient or caregiver. So pay the fee, and go legit, make extra money selling product to dispensaries, you just need to find patients, there are support groups for that.
I never thought of that. Good idea, and I will check it out. But in the mean time, I will have to deal with this shit. I think dispensaries get like $ 350 a oz on retail. If that true? If that's the case, I probably would have to sell at $250 wholesale to the dispensary, where I sell on average 4 zips a week at $ 350 per, and when I sell $50's, I make more. So it would definitely be a cut in pay, but who know, as long as I could get high, sell a little on the side, and being legit, that would be very cool. I'm going to check it out Thanks for the input.
Hell even if you don't actually WANT a dog, just bring up a long video loop of a dog or two barking on your laptop, put it right on the other side of the door and blast that shit. Like someone else said, just say they are EXTREMLY territorial and you are not responsible if they attack and there is no way in hell they will check. As long as your flower smell is covered, would think this would be a very easy way. Just stall for a minute once they show and set it up. Tell em your dogs had just shot on the floor and you are almost done cleaning it and then they can come in.
Lock the door. Maybe hide it behind a bookcase?. If they see the door and ask, say its an old storeroom. "Can I see inside?". Sorry i lost the key awhile ago and havent bothered calling a locksmith as yet.