Amer-I-Can! Trump is IN!

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

Amer-I-Can was founded in 1988 by NFL Hall of Fame recipient, Jim Brown. The program goal is to help enable individuals to meet their academic potential, to conform their behavior to acceptable society standards, and to improve the quality of their lives by equipping them with the critical life management skills to confidently and successfully contribute to society. The training initially focuses on attitude modification designed to heighten the individual’s self esteem and motivate them toward positive behavior. Trainees quickly develop an understanding between cause and effect relationship, behavior and outcome and learn how to make better choices. By experiencing small but repeated positive behaviors, the trainees are able to realize their goals can be achieved through multiplying individual successes. With a positive attitude and a desire to improve their quality of life, trainees are taught the techniques of life skills and learn to take responsibility for their lives and destination through self determination.

We believe that the failure in personal development and the lack of self-esteem are the root causes of the aforementioned problems that plague our society today. We believe that by enlarging the scope of individual lives, by introducing them to self-determination techniques, by motivating them with goals, by showing them how to improve and achieve success and financial stability, we will save lives that now seem to be lost.

The journey to successful completion of a goal represents the heart of the Amer-I-Can Program. It is the path and the understanding of each step along that path that is the backbone and structural foundation upon which our program solidly rests. Success is not only for the elite, well-educated, and the wealthy. Success is there for those who want it, plan for it, and take action to achieve it.
The Amer-I-Can Program will help participants develop their attitude from one of self-doubt to self-determination. We believe that in addition to understanding the goal-setting process, a person must honestly examine the whys and wherefores of past behavior patterns that have negatively affected their life. Once this understanding has been firmly established, the person will be able to change their thing from “I Can’t” to “I-Can,” by accepting the responsibility of determining the direction of their life.

Seems like a good program for a president to promote!
Paul Ryan is about to fuck your world up. Trump is going to support his program.
Your husband will be back to stealing scrap metal to sell. Little Miss House Keeper will still continue to go uneducated
Paul Ryan is fake. Trump knows this. Last speech he said, "If you ever go against me I won't be saying such nice things" right after saying he was "great" and introducing him to the crowd.

One of the great things about Trump is he brings to light all of America's traitors.
Paul Ryan is fake. Trump knows this. Last speech he said, "If you ever go against me I won't be saying such nice things" right after saying he was "great" and introducing him to the crowd.

One of the great things about Trump is he brings to light all of America's traitors.
“He has been, I’ll tell you, he has been terrific. And you know, honestly, he’s like a fine wine. Every day goes by, I get to appreciate his genius more and more,” Trump said of Ryan at a rally in the suburbs of Milwaukee.

Paul Ryan is about to fuck your world up and Trump will support his program. Trump now thinks Paul is a genius. Your dumb ass voted against your very own interest. Have fun struggling and please keep us posted on your day to day struggles.
Paul Ryan is about to fuck your world up. Trump is going to support his program.
Your husband will be back to stealing scrap metal to sell. Little Miss House Keeper will still continue to go uneducated
The price of scrap metal has dropped significantly it's no longer a lucrative business.
“He has been, I’ll tell you, he has been terrific. And you know, honestly, he’s like a fine wine. Every day goes by, I get to appreciate his genius more and more,” Trump said of Ryan at a rally in the suburbs of Milwaukee.

Paul Ryan is about to fuck your world up and Trump will support his program. Trump now thinks Paul is a genius. Your dumb ass voted against your very own interest. Have fun struggling and please keep us posted on your day to day struggles.
Right after that line he said "If you ever go against me, I will not be saying such nice things."

He is being nice to Ryan because he wants him to help with his agenda. If Ryan continually back stabs him, then Trump will call out that weasel's hypocrisy.

I expect to be doing quite well. My husband got his profit-share check today and I expect when the economy picks up the check will be even larger.

If Trump brings in jobs for inner cities by enticing businesses to invest there, will you still be bitching?

If trump supports a program to help guide poor blacks to prosperity, will you still be bitching?

CNN is being sued for Racial Discrimination btw.
I speak the truth No trolling required.
Tell me something that I said that was untrue. Paul Ryan is about to fuck your world up. Trump will support it.

and your husband steals scrap metal
All of it. Hubby did not steal scrap metal. Paul Ryan will not succeed because Trump will stop him.
I expect to be doing quite well. My husband got his profit-share check today and I expect when the economy picks up the check will be even larger.

If Trump brings in jobs for inner cities by enticing businesses to invest there, will you still be bitching?

If trump supports a program to help guide poor blacks to prosperity, will you still be bitching?

CNN is being sued for Racial Discrimination btw.
IF your father was a woman would you call him mother ? Fuck an IF.
I'm looking at the mans actions and who he is bringing aboard his cabinet. You as a low income family should be very worried. say what you will about your hubby and a so called check. Paul Ryan is about to fuck up a program that you, your husband, and Little Miss Housekeeping benefited from. Trump will support this. He will not support anything that fucks with his business. Cutting welfare programs don't affect his business. Why are you this dumb. Do you pride yourself creating an account of stupidity ?
It seems like you definitely fit into the dumb as fuck Trump supporter list who know's dick all about anything based on fact, all you can do is regurgitate Trump propaganda, like continuously. Read my post below from UncleBucks OP "right wing news" which I made the other day, and think about it, if you can actually think for yourself

Rachel Maddow dissected a PPP poll exclusively pre-released to MSNBC showing the Trump voter as severely detached from reality.

Rachel started the segment by pointing out that President Obama's overall approval rating is at 50%. However, while his favorability with Republicans is 9%, it is only 5% of Trump voters.

Rachel then pivoted to issue after issue where a large percentage of Trump voters were severely misinformed. They live in a virtually fact-free or made-up-fact environment.

The stock market under President Obama soared. The Dow Jones Industrial average went from 7,949.09 to 19,614.91, again, up 11,665.72. In other words, it more than doubled. 39% of Trump voters think the stock market went down under Obama.

Unemployment dropped from 7.8% to 4.6% during the Obama administration. Clinton, Johnson, Stein and other voters are well aware of that fact.

But not Donald Trump voters; 67% of them believe unemployment rose under President Obama.

Rachel continued.

  • 40% of Trump voters believe that Donald Trump won the popular vote.
  • 60% of Trump voters believe that millions voted illegally for Clinton.
  • 73% of Trump voters believe that George Soros paid Trump protesters.
  • 29% of Trump voters believe California vote should not be included in the popular

  • "I think it shows that even after the election, what Trump voters believe about the world is distinctively different from what the rest of the country believe," Rachel said. "And from what is true. And this is an alternate reality that they are in, -- it is weird enough and specific enough that you can't say it just springs from broader a misunderstandings or from a broader ignorance on issues that afflicts the country. And this is a specific alternate reality that was created by the Trump movement for a political purpose. And it worked for that political purpose. And now as the Trump administration takes shape, they have to know that they are in power thanks to their voter base that has these false beliefs about the country. False beliefs about the country, false beliefs about the economy, false beliefs about the outgoing president, false beliefs about what California is. In terms of what happens next in our country, it seems important to know this incoming president basically created this fantasy life for his supporters."
And who gives a fuck what a brain damaged ex-football player thinks. What do you think he is, somebody actually worth listening to?

Get real, if that if possible, which probably will never happen (so sad)
It seems like you definitely fit into the dumb as fuck Trump supporter list who know's dick all about anything based on fact, all you can do is regurgitate Trump propaganda, like continuously. Read my post below from UncleBucks OP "right wing news" which I made the other day, and think about it, if you can actually think for yourself

Rachel Maddow dissected a PPP poll exclusively pre-released to MSNBC showing the Trump voter as severely detached from reality.

Rachel started the segment by pointing out that President Obama's overall approval rating is at 50%. However, while his favorability with Republicans is 9%, it is only 5% of Trump voters.

Rachel then pivoted to issue after issue where a large percentage of Trump voters were severely misinformed. They live in a virtually fact-free or made-up-fact environment.

The stock market under President Obama soared. The Dow Jones Industrial average went from 7,949.09 to 19,614.91, again, up 11,665.72. In other words, it more than doubled. 39% of Trump voters think the stock market went down under Obama.

Unemployment dropped from 7.8% to 4.6% during the Obama administration. Clinton, Johnson, Stein and other voters are well aware of that fact.

But not Donald Trump voters; 67% of them believe unemployment rose under President Obama.

Rachel continued.

  • 40% of Trump voters believe that Donald Trump won the popular vote.
  • 60% of Trump voters believe that millions voted illegally for Clinton.
  • 73% of Trump voters believe that George Soros paid Trump protesters.
  • 29% of Trump voters believe California vote should not be included in the popular

  • "I think it shows that even after the election, what Trump voters believe about the world is distinctively different from what the rest of the country believe," Rachel said. "And from what is true. And this is an alternate reality that they are in, -- it is weird enough and specific enough that you can't say it just springs from broader a misunderstandings or from a broader ignorance on issues that afflicts the country. And this is a specific alternate reality that was created by the Trump movement for a political purpose. And it worked for that political purpose. And now as the Trump administration takes shape, they have to know that they are in power thanks to their voter base that has these false beliefs about the country. False beliefs about the country, false beliefs about the economy, false beliefs about the outgoing president, false beliefs about what California is. In terms of what happens next in our country, it seems important to know this incoming president basically created this fantasy life for his supporters."
And who gives a fuck what a brain damaged ex-football player thinks. What do you think he is, somebody actually worth listening to?

Get real, if that if possible, which probably will never happen (so sad)
Some people never let the facts get in the way of their opinion.
IF your father was a woman would you call him mother ? Fuck an IF.
I'm looking at the mans actions and who he is bringing aboard his cabinet. You as a low income family should be very worried. say what you will about your hubby and a so called check. Paul Ryan is about to fuck up a program that you, your husband, and Little Miss Housekeeping benefited from. Trump will support this. He will not support anything that fucks with his business. Cutting welfare programs don't affect his business. Why are you this dumb. Do you pride yourself creating an account of stupidity ?

That's going to be a real nice prediction you have there, IF it actually happens.
Paul Ryan is fake. Trump knows this. Last speech he said, "If you ever go against me I won't be saying such nice things" right after saying he was "great" and introducing him to the crowd.

One of the great things about Trump is he brings to light all of America's traitors.
Traitors? You mean like people who ask for and accept assistance in a domestic election from a foreign, hostile power?
It seems like you definitely fit into the dumb as fuck Trump supporter list who know's dick all about anything based on fact, all you can do is regurgitate Trump propaganda, like continuously. Read my post below from UncleBucks OP "right wing news" which I made the other day, and think about it, if you can actually think for yourself

Rachel Maddow dissected a PPP poll exclusively pre-released to MSNBC showing the Trump voter as severely detached from reality.

Rachel started the segment by pointing out that President Obama's overall approval rating is at 50%. However, while his favorability with Republicans is 9%, it is only 5% of Trump voters.

Rachel then pivoted to issue after issue where a large percentage of Trump voters were severely misinformed. They live in a virtually fact-free or made-up-fact environment.

The stock market under President Obama soared. The Dow Jones Industrial average went from 7,949.09 to 19,614.91, again, up 11,665.72. In other words, it more than doubled. 39% of Trump voters think the stock market went down under Obama.

Unemployment dropped from 7.8% to 4.6% during the Obama administration. Clinton, Johnson, Stein and other voters are well aware of that fact.

But not Donald Trump voters; 67% of them believe unemployment rose under President Obama.

Rachel continued.

  • 40% of Trump voters believe that Donald Trump won the popular vote.
  • 60% of Trump voters believe that millions voted illegally for Clinton.
  • 73% of Trump voters believe that George Soros paid Trump protesters.
  • 29% of Trump voters believe California vote should not be included in the popular

  • "I think it shows that even after the election, what Trump voters believe about the world is distinctively different from what the rest of the country believe," Rachel said. "And from what is true. And this is an alternate reality that they are in, -- it is weird enough and specific enough that you can't say it just springs from broader a misunderstandings or from a broader ignorance on issues that afflicts the country. And this is a specific alternate reality that was created by the Trump movement for a political purpose. And it worked for that political purpose. And now as the Trump administration takes shape, they have to know that they are in power thanks to their voter base that has these false beliefs about the country. False beliefs about the country, false beliefs about the economy, false beliefs about the outgoing president, false beliefs about what California is. In terms of what happens next in our country, it seems important to know this incoming president basically created this fantasy life for his supporters."
And who gives a fuck what a brain damaged ex-football player thinks. What do you think he is, somebody actually worth listening to?

Get real, if that if possible, which probably will never happen (so sad)

I'm sorry Man, Rachel Maddow is far too intelligent and eloquent for any trump chump to comprehend.
