THC % Does Not Measure The High

I hope they dont use shakes to make those kind of packaged edibles... that would be a shame. Im surprised you only took a 1/10th bite after complaing about nothing working lol

Quiz and i would gobble that fucking bar for fun
I only ate a 10th because it says 10 grams went into it so I figured I ate a whole gram of activated weed. I normally. Smoke gram blunts so I was going to see if it is similar in strength.
BrickTop I just want to say thanks for your plethora of information, I loved this forum I forgot actually forgot for a moment that I am Pissed cause I haven't been able to smoke with my asthma for two weeks. Do you have any info/advise on asthma and its effect from marijuana. Cause I love to smoke, I've tried edibles but I'm not getting the same from edibles. I have a large vaporizer with the bag but it seems to really burn my throat so it sits unused.
And if I'm being honest, I do enjoy a lovely joint the taste/smell/comfort. I've been set in my ways so long and I think I kind of blew it when I tried shatter and liked it and kept using it (it only took 2mths) and I am praying my lungs settle down.
Do vape pens work?

Thanks for the charts I'm really enjoying
BrickTop I just want to say thanks for your plethora of information, I loved this forum I forgot actually forgot for a moment that I am Pissed cause I haven't been able to smoke with my asthma for two weeks. Do you have any info/advise on asthma and its effect from marijuana. Cause I love to smoke, I've tried edibles but I'm not getting the same from edibles. I have a large vaporizer with the bag but it seems to really burn my throat so it sits unused.
And if I'm being honest, I do enjoy a lovely joint the taste/smell/comfort. I've been set in my ways so long and I think I kind of blew it when I tried shatter and liked it and kept using it (it only took 2mths) and I am praying my lungs settle down.
Do vape pens work?

Thanks for the charts I'm really enjoying
Sucks to hear about your asthma! I'm not brick top but I can tell you that vape pens do work, but it is a different kind of high. I have used Dab face, openvape, and flavrx. The concentrate in the dab face cartridges is super thick and is my top choice. Just pull in the vapor until the light starts blinking, hold that shit in for 5 seconds, exhale, and eyes are watering like a mofo. The dab face j1 and silver haze are my favorite. The hit is super smooth! the off-flavor ones like strawberry wild and other fruity ones aren't worth it. Always go strain specific or if they are sold by sativa, indica, hybrid. This is what I go to when my throat is fucked up from too many blunts. Stay lit
Sucks to hear about your asthma! I'm not brick top but I can tell you that vape pens do work, but it is a different kind of high. I have used Dab face, openvape, and flavrx. The concentrate in the dab face cartridges is super thick and is my top choice. Just pull in the vapor until the light starts blinking, hold that shit in for 5 seconds, exhale, and eyes are watering like a mofo. The dab face j1 and silver haze are my favorite. The hit is super smooth! the off-flavor ones like strawberry wild and other fruity ones aren't worth it. Always go strain specific or if they are sold by sativa, indica, hybrid. This is what I go to when my throat is fucked up from too many blunts. Stay lit

Thx and I'm not too sure what is a favrx? Sorry I have no experience with new stuff I'm all old school till my boys 27/23 introduced me to dabs
Sorry I'm learning
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guys in nature everything works in synergy...there is no 1 compound creating what you subjectively feel!..where does consciousness factor into this equation?,am i writing this because a couple of neurons are firing in my head?

the mechanistic view of the brain and therefore humans can never complete the mystery known as life!
Nothing yet?
I'm feeling good bro. I ate about half of it, 250mgs. I'm at work right now, zoning like a motherfucker. I guess all I needed was a quality edible at a decent dose; I think my general thc tolerance is pretty high. For someone that struggled getting high on so called edibles like 10mg sweet sour liquorice bites, I approve korova 51/50 bars are the shit. I was on the brink of anxiety when the rush first hit me, but that shit quickly subsided. Im strongly doubting they use shake for their bars, now. :shock:
I'm feeling good bro. I ate about half of it, 250mgs. I'm at work right now, zoning like a motherfucker. I guess all I needed was a quality edible at a decent dose; I think my general thc tolerance is pretty high. For someone that struggled getting high on so called edibles like 10mg sweet sour liquorice bites, I approve korova 51/50 bars are the shit. I was on the brink of anxiety when the rush first hit me, but that shit quickly subsided. Im strongly doubting they use shake for their bars, now. :shock:
Nah it's probably the previous edibles you have tried was just crap made from reggie trim, then you ate 1mg at a time lmao... Jk
Nah it's probably the previous edibles you have tried was just crap made from reggie trim, then you ate 1mg at a time lmao... Jk
Lol I wouldn't doubt it dude! These motherfuckers at the dispensaries are ruthless with the convenient, snack size edibles that are like $5, which are stationed strategically next to the register to get people like me to use that last $5 out of the $80 that I had to spend, originally(buying an eighth of some murder cali buds, and a couple grams, coming out to about $75). And these so-called 80mg "morsels", which are placed amongst other bullshit gum-drop/fruit candies, do not do a thing when I eat 1-3 of them at a time.
Lol I wouldn't doubt it dude! These motherfuckers at the dispensaries are ruthless with the convenient, snack size edibles that are like $5, which are stationed strategically next to the register to get people like me to use that last $5 out of the $80 that I had to spend, originally(buying an eighth of some murder cali buds, and a couple grams, coming out to about $75). And these so-called 80mg "morsels", which are placed amongst other bullshit gum-drop/fruit candies, do not do a thing when I eat 1-3 of them at a time.

This is the scary part with edibles, it's too hard to quality control it with ought trying it and unless all is mixed evenly it's incredibly easy to over do it particularly after under doing it as you were, being the main reason I've kept away from edibles after initially trying them. I'd get back to them when able to make them myself though. I did like the high better, or it felt different anyway.

The other scary downside of edibles is careless people leaving ''chocolate'' around the house for the kids to pick up on the way out. Might be funny in the movies but not if they live in a busy town/city not to mention how terrifying it would be for a young kid to be high as fuck and not know what it is or why. You also have idiots who think it's funny to hand out edibles with-ought telling people what it is. I know a few people who won't ever touch weed because of bad experiences like that, on top of people who make a very strong joint and pass it to a first timer/light weight ''smoke half mate you'll be fine''.

Reminds me of when a friend made a joint and sneak laced it full of green with crystals sprinkled on top when we were out for a night on the drink. Was just suppose to be relaxing joint to pass around the group of mostly light smokers but after 45min was only 3 people left, the rest wondered off home or in a cupboard somewhere. I was still sitting their but not due to being a heavyweight, only because I could not move ;p. He must have done it to show off in some way but obviously didn't think it through, completely ruined the night. That story is really funny though looking back, I was talking to one friend for about 10 min then my phone rang, picked it up and it was the same friend ''I'm in the house mate, wrecked''. Was like magic.

Well, off on a bit of a rant but you know, just a warning to others for doing too much or unknowingly giving too much to others.
I It was first isolated by Raphael Mechoulam, Yechiel Gaoni, and Habib Edery from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, in 1964.
Such a well written post, top drawer. From 1000's of hours of research I have done I feel you were spot on. I cannot find a single line that I would disagree with or change. Kudos.
I dragged only this bit into the quote because I have watched the hour long video by Mechoulam and I cannot imagine anyone could not benefit from watching it.
Watching you experts chat about this is a very humbling experiance. Where would a noob go to learn about this stuff (in a noobs language)???
I think a can offer a great starting point for you. When you finish many many hours of reading a research you will likely understand and agree with everything Brick Top says, or at least it worked for me.
it was better in the days of subjective testing where you got some good testers together and you could figure out which strains were good for what over time

Until a few years ago I would agree with this sentiment. Now my wife finally started using it and we seem to have disparagingly different opinions of the effects, both in getting high and relieving pain.
Interesting thread! I see it originated a long time ago...but the subject is still timely because "science" has obviously not completely figured out exactly how cannabis gets people high. People thought it was all about the THC for a long, long time....doesn't appear to be that way anymore

Like many people on this forum, I am old enough to know about all the old strains from first-hand experience. I grew up in the 60's and 70's. I can honestly say that I don't remember ever seeing trichomes on old school cannabis. Of course, they must have been there -mashed and compacted within the bricks...just saying' it wasn't anything like looking at the fine, undisturbed, carefully-dried/cured, crystal-coated buds of today.

Quite often, those bricked-up buds were dry...or they were moldy....either way! It was always a surprise. ;) -the point being that those strains were hardly ever handled properly....and yet....

..the flavors were there....heavy blueberry, skunk, caramel, moss, etc. -each distinctive in its own way -as in VERY distinctive.

And I can also say, from experience, that I have sampled several strains reported to be over 30% THC. So, IF the potency was just due to THC, then I should be able to feel a more intense effect from smoking it. Fact is, it's just not so.

Could it be that those old school strains were receiving something from their native soil?.....from the angle of the Sun?...from the local water supply?

But wait!....

IF that were the case, then how is it that most of the old school, homegrown cannabis we had back then -grown under fluorescent shoplights or MH streetlight bulbs was just as ( or, even more) potent, too?

So, if it wasn't the native soil, etc., and if it wasn't the light...then it must be the genetics...right?

What happened?

Breeders looking for "stealthy", less-skunky-smelling strains were selecting for all the traits that made it easier and less risky for them. They selected for less recognizable smells or for light-smelling (thus, low terpene producing) phenotypes. They selected for shorter, fatter growing strains for the same reason -stealth and convenience of production. This meant breeding more Indica traits into strains. These Indicas had different effects than strains coming from South of the border that we had gotten used to smoking. As time went on, everything became a hybrid. Sometimes, hybrids produced chemical profiles that worked together....but other times there seemed to be a "push/pull" effect going on where the uplifting aspects of the Sativa traits were attenuated by the more sedative properties of the Indicas...and visa-versa.

A lot of what's out there now is just a bunch of mishmash that's hit-or-miss depending on the combination of strains and how good of a job the grower did with it. Girl Scout Cookies, for example is a strain that stood out from literally thousands of strains. Chemdawg was another one from earlier times, too. With all the supposed great genetics out there, you would think it to be hard to go wrong with almost anything. In reality, most of it is completely unremarkable and ends up being a kind of psychological version of the story of "The Emperor's New Clothes" -meaning that no one wants to really admit that their weed, with all of its "bred-for-high-THC" qualities, doesn't change the fact that old, landrace strains with their relatively lower THC levels are still more effective.

The only solution I have found is to grow strains from regular seeds and hope I find one of "THE" strains that recalls some (or all) of those old properties. In any case, growing is a kind of rewarding "high" of its own and that will have to suffice until I meet someone who has kept a pure line of breeding for the last 40-50 years.
Like others have stated here, the differing amount of cannabinoids inside of your unique strain of cannabis determine your high.
First I want to say I am not picking on you, this was just a good point to interject. If it were just as simple as bits and pieces I would be thrilled. Now that my wife smokes as well, I have a better baseline to compare from. There are so may things that can affect your high but my obs are that pain is at the top of the list. Both of us have noticed that it takes much more to get high if we are in a lot of pain.

Due to my MS (auto-immune disease) I can get wasted from a few puff on one joint, while at other times I can smoke like a chimney all day and not get a buzz until after dinner. Mood, stress, diet and plenty of other things have an effect as well. I do want to know the numbers to derive a sensible level of efficacy and dosage, but they are just a generalized guideline for me.