DIY with Quantum Boards

I'm thinking of using .5 mm silicone pads for thermal transfer to the heatsink. Looking at 100w per module. Available in 400 mm.
Thermal paste is not required.

T1 is temperature of center of board.
T2 is temperature of center of heatsink directly behind the board.
This test was done at 1050ma so 115 watts and temperature difference of board and heatsink is only 1.5C
Not much to gain here by using thermal paste or other TIM

@LarsVegasNirvana thanks for sharing the pics of your DIY
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I'm starting with a single bare board in my breeding tent, will ad a second soon.

We buy Samsung general bin and Vf ranges from 2.7-2.9 Volts. I am seeing boards of different batches have up to 3% difference in voltages.
This means if you use boards from different batches in parallel then some boards(lower Voltage) could pull up to 50% more current than the other boards(Higher Voltage).
I test the boards before shipping and i also verify the voltage. For orders of multiple boards I ship from same batch and check to ensure voltage is similar. However if you order multiple boards separately then they may be different batches and voltage could be different.

For boards in different batches it is best to mount boards in series to avoid issues. Note that only max 2 boards in series.
I apologize I did not share this information earlier. I just received a new batch 2 days back and I wanted to share this finding as soon as i could.
I will update product listing to reflect this as soon as possible.
Good to know, thank you!

will an HLG-185H -c1050b drive 2 boards? I see by spec its a bit over voltage

We buy Samsung general bin and Vf ranges from 2.7-2.9 Volts. I am seeing boards of different batches have up to 3% difference in voltages.
This means if you use boards from different batches in parallel then some boards(lower Voltage) could pull up to 50% more current than the other boards(Higher Voltage).
I test the boards before shipping and i also verify the voltage. For orders of multiple boards I ship from same batch and check to ensure voltage is similar. However if you order multiple boards separately then they may be different batches and voltage could be different.

For boards in different batches it is best to mount boards in series to avoid issues. Note that only max 2 boards in series.
I apologize I did not share this information earlier. I just received a new batch 2 days back and I wanted to share this finding as soon as i could.
I will update product listing to reflect this as soon as possible.
We buy Samsung general bin and Vf ranges from 2.7-2.9 Volts. I am seeing boards of different batches have up to 3% difference in voltages.
This means if you use boards from different batches in parallel then some boards(lower Voltage) could pull up to 50% more current than the other boards(Higher Voltage).
I test the boards before shipping and i also verify the voltage. For orders of multiple boards I ship from same batch and check to ensure voltage is similar. However if you order multiple boards separately then they may be different batches and voltage could be different.

For boards in different batches it is best to mount boards in series to avoid issues. Note that only max 2 boards in series.
I apologize I did not share this information earlier. I just received a new batch 2 days back and I wanted to share this finding as soon as i could.
I will update product listing to reflect this as soon as possible.
We buy Samsung general bin and Vf ranges from 2.7-2.9 Volts. I am seeing boards of different batches have up to 3% difference in voltages.
This means if you use boards from different batches in parallel then some boards(lower Voltage) could pull up to 50% more current than the other boards(Higher Voltage).
I test the boards before shipping and i also verify the voltage. For orders of multiple boards I ship from same batch and check to ensure voltage is similar. However if you order multiple boards separately then they may be different batches and voltage could be different.

For boards in different batches it is best to mount boards in series to avoid issues. Note that only max 2 boards in series.
I apologize I did not share this information earlier. I just received a new batch 2 days back and I wanted to share this finding as soon as i could.
I will update product listing to reflect this as soon as possible.
Would it be possible to series diodes (.6 v drop per junction) in series with a board with lower forward voltage. I've done this with 7805 regulators in the ground leg to change the voltage out. It may take several in series. Possibly mark boards for future reference?
No TIM required. Heat is spread on area
Same goes with LED Strips too. No paste needed

Current max at around 850mA with HLG-120H-C1400A on single board. Need to use 2 boards to fully utilize this driver.
this is because boards need a little more voltage and driver maxed out.
Check voltage specs here

With a driver say - HLG 185h 1400b ( from a previous cob build )
How many boards would best utilize this ?
Looking into a 3x3 space or do have to do a 2 driver 2 board build ?
Is the 6" spacing between boards provide the best overlap ?

Curious if 3 boards arraigned as shown is too much ( or if it is required spacing between boards )


Looking for a 3x3 coverage

Maybe 4 ?

Got all my parts , now to put it all together.
The problem I'm having is how to mount the heatsinks.
I have this nifty track aluminum with a notch cut inside but the heatsink plus LED panel
is too thick to fit in the notch as well as being too crowded.
I was thinking of getting some flat strips of aluminum and mounting it in the notches but
not sure how to attach it to the heatsink. Maybe drill larger holes through both panel and heatsink with longer screws?

alum track.JPG
Question 2
My room is 3 feet long - 2feet 4 inches wide - and 4feet 3 inches high. Basically 3x2x4
I'm into passive hydroponics. I have 2 plastic storage totes that the pots sit in and I water the totes
and the plants suck up the water. They fill up the room width wise.


So would it be best to place my panels like this


Or turn the one in the center like this

layout 2.JPG

or it's gonna be so bright it doesnt matter.

I'll be glad to get away from my 10 bulb CFL set up in this short room.


I'll be posting some pix as I build the frame.
Merry Christmas