Cannabis Culture QC raided, Marc Emery Arrested

we're all entitled to break any unjust laws as we see fit.. short term memory eh? kinda forgot about all the events that led to here eh

There's a huge sense of entitlement right now. Why do the Emery's feel that they are entitled to break the laws while the rest of us patiently wait. The wheels of government move at a glaciers pace, we all know that. Why should cannabis be different? patients is a virtue. Far as I'm concerned the only thing driving this race is greed. The only thing they care about is the all mighty dollar and media coverage. Soon they will be no bodies. There are thousands of passionate cannabis folk patiently waiting for an opportunity in the industry. I look forward to the future where these attention whores simply fade away, and the real cannabis culture takes over. The Emery's are now simply pot peddlers. My$.02

There's a huge sense of entitlement right now. Why do the Emery's feel that they are entitled to break the laws while the rest of us patiently wait. The wheels of government move at a glaciers pace, we all know that. Why should cannabis be different? patients is a virtue. Far as I'm concerned the only thing driving this race is greed. The only thing they care about is the all mighty dollar and media coverage. Soon they will be no bodies. There are thousands of passionate cannabis folk patiently waiting for an opportunity in the industry. I look forward to the future where these attention whores simply fade away, and the real cannabis culture takes over. The Emery's are now simply pot peddlers. My$.02

shut up goof
There's a huge sense of entitlement right now. Why do the Emery's feel that they are entitled to break the laws while the rest of us patiently wait. The wheels of government move at a glaciers pace, we all know that. Why should cannabis be different? patients is a virtue. Far as I'm concerned the only thing driving this race is greed. The only thing they care about is the all mighty dollar and media coverage. Soon they will be no bodies. There are thousands of passionate cannabis folk patiently waiting for an opportunity in the industry. I look forward to the future where these attention whores simply fade away, and the real cannabis culture takes over. The Emery's are now simply pot peddlers. My$.02


Marc Emery spends 5 years in a US federal pen because he wouldn't drag down his friends with him and they walked away yet he's an "attention whore".

He's been fighting for pot freedom probably since before you were born and if anyone deserves to profit from pot it's him and others like him that have sacrificed for the cause. He's putting up the stores knowing they will likely be raided as a form of civil disobedience to help fight the unjust laws that were brought in to prohibit cannabis back in the 1930s by corporate scum like the Hearst's and Harry Anslinger who was looking for a way to keep his job after alcohol prohibition was repealed and he was in charge of that.

Go learn a little history so you can speak from intelligence instead of spouting your ignorance for all to see.
Wtf did they think would happen? They have the arrogance to show up in Montreal with 40lbs and open 8 storefronts in 1 day. 6 months before rec. legislation is to be announced. Remember we are talking rec now, they have nothing to do with medical, never have. The mayor said he wouldnt allow it and kept his word and sent in his city police, nothing to do with Tredau or LP's. laws are laws, for the time being rec. cannabis is still a controlled substance. Why should some pick and choose the laws they want to obay. I respect Canada and its laws of the land, do I agree with some of them no. But I still respect them,(FYI I have been breaking the cannabis laws for well over 30 years, still do to this day). I'm grateful that I live in a country that your not imprissioned or executed for alcohol/drugs/homosexuality/religious beliefs ect. If you don't like the laws of the land you can always leave. Just because your passionate or believe in something passionately doesn't mean the rest of Canada does, and that's there right. As a country we need to tackle the issue together, the wheels are turning, and we should respect that. If they can't wait like the rest of us then they deserve the consequences. Do the crime, pay the time. Weather you like the law or not.

Wtf did they think would happen? They have the arrogance to show up in Montreal with 40lbs and open 8 storefronts in 1 day. 6 months before rec. legislation is to be announced. Remember we are talking rec now, they have nothing to do with medical, never have. The mayor said he wouldnt allow it and kept his word and sent in his city police, nothing to do with Tredau or LP's. laws are laws, for the time being rec. cannabis is still a controlled substance. Why should some pick and choose the laws they want to obay. I respect Canada and its laws of the land, do I agree with some of them no. But I still respect them,(FYI I have been breaking the cannabis laws for well over 30 years, still do to this day). I'm grateful that I live in a country that your not imprissioned or executed for alcohol/drugs/homosexuality/religious beliefs ect. If you don't like the laws of the land you can always leave. Just because your passionate or believe in something passionately doesn't mean the rest of Canada does, and that's there right. As a country we need to tackle the issue together, the wheels are turning, and we should respect that. If they can't wait like the rest of us then they deserve the consequences. Do the crime, pay the time. Weather you like the law or not.

Itsme. down to wimps
Wtf did they think would happen?
Marc knew exactly what would happen, I don't think anyone with knowledge of his activism is surprised. Trudeau is now going to have to square away Marc being in jail (and unable to communicate with his wife, apparently) with 'legalization'. This is all about optics.

laws are laws, for the time being rec. cannabis is still a controlled substance
'Laws are laws' have been used to justify some of the most un-just activities in our history. Cannabis prohibition is unjust, period. Some people aren't willing to put their freedom on the line (nor should they feel obligated to), but some are. Anyone want to take a bet on if we would even have a medical program if Terry Parker has gone the 'the law is the law' route?

But I still respect them,(FYI I have been breaking the cannabis laws for well over 30 years, still do to this day).
So you 'respect' laws yet still break them? Am I missing something here? Why shouldn't you 'do the time' for breaking cannabis laws, if you think the Emeries should go to jail for what they've done?
Wtf did they think would happen? They have the arrogance to show up in Montreal with 40lbs and open 8 storefronts in 1 day. 6 months before rec. legislation is to be announced. Remember we are talking rec now, they have nothing to do with medical, never have. The mayor said he wouldnt allow it and kept his word and sent in his city police, nothing to do with Tredau or LP's. laws are laws, for the time being rec. cannabis is still a controlled substance. Why should some pick and choose the laws they want to obay. I respect Canada and its laws of the land, do I agree with some of them no. But I still respect them,(FYI I have been breaking the cannabis laws for well over 30 years, still do to this day). I'm grateful that I live in a country that your not imprissioned or executed for alcohol/drugs/homosexuality/religious beliefs ect. If you don't like the laws of the land you can always leave. Just because your passionate or believe in something passionately doesn't mean the rest of Canada does, and that's there right. As a country we need to tackle the issue together, the wheels are turning, and we should respect that. If they can't wait like the rest of us then they deserve the consequences. Do the crime, pay the time. Weather you like the law or not.


Unjust laws deserve to be ignored and fought against. It's pussies like you that accept the ass-reaming without fighting back that maintain the status quo and allow governments to dictate until they become dictatorships instead of democracies.

Pot won't be re-legalized in the spring. It will be introduced into the legislature in the spring and could be years before it ever actually becomes law.

Another ignorant spouting by our resident troll.
theres a difference between opening a disp or selling a franchise, emery is ignorant, caulky and dumb as fuck, he showboats and sticks it in the face of the gov. he is a john gotty and he will suffer for it. I don't see hippy running around showing off so why should emery, he deserved what he got. btw hippy you hide behind a pc screen and yell, what are you doing for the emerys or the fight? yapyap yap.
theres a difference between opening a disp or selling a franchise, emery is ignorant, caulky and dumb as fuck, he showboats and sticks it in the face of the gov. he is a john gotty and he will suffer for it. I don't see hippy running around showing off so why should emery, he deserved what he got. btw hippy you hide behind a pc screen and yell, what are you doing for the emerys or the fight? yapyap yap.
lol hiding? There are quite a few here who know him personally.
theres a difference between opening a disp or selling a franchise, emery is ignorant, caulky and dumb as fuck, he showboats and sticks it in the face of the gov. he is a john gotty and he will suffer for it. I don't see hippy running around showing off so why should emery, he deserved what he got. btw hippy you hide behind a pc screen and yell, what are you doing for the emerys or the fight? yapyap yap.

I am not sure why anyone would say anything bad about Emery? Remember with out him, you would still be going to jail for having a High Times mag on your possession. This is what he does, he did it with publications, he did it with seeds , now with Cannabis it self. He has the right to act the way he does, he gave years of his life for us to have the right for Cannabis, I like how people act like they are Cannabis activists yet, they criticize the guy who started this fight in Canada.

He is a weirdo sometimes yes, but that is not reason to hate the man, we should be supporting him, the powers that be want us divided. Not only has Marc did time for us, but he has also donated MILLIONS of dollars to the cause. Heck he just dropped 40# in MTL. that got to be worth at least 60k
He is on the front lines of this battle.

And please leave the Hippy alone, he is for us. And he does not hide for sure.