Rooftop SE Asia


Well-Known Member
Hey anyone here familiar or have worked with aquaponics? Would be nice to brush up on that, looks pretty cool.

I agree with the worms, red wigglers is good shit! Not afraid to use em indoor either, i let them live in my pots.
You want to raise fish?
I've done some research on the subject, but haven't applied them, yet!
I really like some of the permaculture approaches to aquaculture, many of which are ancient Chinese practices, like raising pigs, feeding their shit to a pond of carp, who in turn feed the farmer, who then drains the pond, collects the muck, which grows the crops to feed the people and pigs, to infinity and beyond, hehe.


Well-Known Member
You want to raise fish?
I've done some research on the subject, but haven't applied them, yet!
I really like some of the permaculture approaches to aquaculture, many of which are ancient Chinese practices, like raising pigs, feeding their shit to a pond of carp, who in turn feed the farmer, who then drains the pond, collects the muck, which grows the crops to feed the people and pigs, to infinity and beyond, hehe.
Stoner moment, lol.
I grew in an early underflow system years ago but lost my crop to pythium or something equally bad. I had to harvest about 2 weeks early and it was not a total loss.
I've been gun shy to try it since.


Well-Known Member
You want to raise fish?
I've done some research on the subject, but haven't applied them, yet!
I really like some of the permaculture approaches to aquaculture, many of which are ancient Chinese practices, like raising pigs, feeding their shit to a pond of carp, who in turn feed the farmer, who then drains the pond, collects the muck, which grows the crops to feed the people and pigs, to infinity and beyond, hehe.
Yeah it sounds fairly cheap to maintain once running, i tool a look at @Aloha Terps setup and it seems to do very well outdoor in hawaii.


Well-Known Member
Worms are the shit literally. There are worms in every pot upstairs even the smallest ones
Yup, man they really keep the dirt in check.
I actually didn't intend to use them in my pots but its nearly impossible to stop them if i put a pot in my yard for a few days but once i realized my soil was 3x better I'll never stop lol.
Anything that prevents me from adding shit during a grow i can benefit from, easy peasy


Well-Known Member
I've read the ancient Hawaiians, did something similar with fish and taro production.
There's been tons of research carried out on aquaculture through the university of Hawaii at Manoa.
Organic gardening has always been a hawaii "go to" method, only US state to grow coffee year around.

UHM has got good resources involving soil & land health ect, they also informed/warned the state of hawaii about the use of overseas sourced pesticides ect..

there are american companies buying land for sugar and pineapples BUT they use pesticides and synthetics and it kills the biolife on and around the field. something the locals here have been trying to stop!

When you live on a rock, you'll need all the biolife you can get lol, believe it or not diseases,mites,aphids are incredibly heavy here since we have no real winter, but from what i understand its the biolife that takes care of all that shit to keep us in equilibrium. I believe "teaming with microbes" explained the use of pesticide crops that kill bio-active land.

Watercrest farms are big here too.24493166.sumidawatercressfarm.jpg
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Well-Known Member
I seen a article dude had a huge fish pond feeding his green house
I've read about people raising rabbits and chickens in the greenhouse during the winter months, for co2, warmth and nutrients. I know a woman in Alaska got a grant to do this with chickens back in the 80's but the free form ammonia from the chicken shit poisoned the plants and burnt the lungs of the chickens, failed!