bodhi seeds

This was in nobway directedbtoward greensanta. Just madr me think of all the ppl switching to organic vuz they may or maybot belive its plain old better. And thats not all the facts.
I'm pretty good with my synthetic hydro, never get co.plaints about potency.

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Soaked 4 SSDD beans almost 8 weeks ago, hoping for a stinky male or 2 to cross with some clones I'm holding for a cultivator opening a new grow here in Anchorage next spring. All four popped, but one shriveled/died immediately so down to 3. All three showed sex this past week... wouldn't ya know it they're all girls, the one time I'm wishing for boys lol. Not gonna lose any sleep but wtf! :eyesmoke:

I started them in weak, mislabeled recycled soil and they had a slow start but I top dressed with KIS nutes a week ago and they're really perkin up.

Flipped to 12/12 yesterday.IMG_0340.JPG
Well the old growth forest is full of old growth which breaks down into fertilizer. Alot of places have very dynamic soils, with different minerals to adjust for ph and plenty of insect and bacteria to work as "fertilizer activators"
And i think ppl shoyld know this...u can grow perfectly good strong elite quality cannabis without organics. The planys wants wat it wants and if u deliver so will it. Problem is with synthetics u usually have to be nore precise and theres little wiggle room for mistakes. Organics make alot easier because it allows the plant to control food distribution and not u.
Ime, hydro/synthetic is much easier than organic. The plant wants what it wants but that doesnt mean it wont have heavy metals in the buds from low quality synthetic "fertilizers". Ive grown super over the top healthy plants w synthetic ferts, but who knows what kinda heavy metals were left in my buds from the advanced nutrients regiment.
We can agree to disagree on this topic JDGreen! Without getting into it too much, what I meant was mostly that the old growth forest gets nothing but rain water, the biology is in place and is in some ways what I do.

I agree some people grow fire weed with synthetics but they almost had to become scientist in the process, like you said it requires perfect accuracy.

I am super biased towards organics, and if you look at it large scale, large grows using synthetics are detrimental to the environment.

Finally, friends always say my weed is the best and ask why is it so much better than anything else they ever had , 2 words ; genetics, organics.
I switched from dro to organic a long time ago, but i would have to disagree that u gotta be a scientist to grow synthetic. Unless u are completely creating your own synthetic nutes yourself the science has already been done for you. With a good ph/tds meter an an accurate measuring cup a monkey could damn near do it.

But yr right, synthetics is not sustainable and the heavy metals in them is not only bad for the environment but bad for humans who consume them.

I agree organics taste better, but synthetics definitely have their advantages, bigtime. U put perfectly grown hydro next to average grown organic and the dro will blow it away every time in every category, imo. Apples to apples organic is much better. But speaking from peraonal experience, hydro is waaaay easier, until u run into pest probs
I've been growing organically for a few years now. I don't notice much if any difference in the finished product when compared to synthetically grown plants. The plant takes up the nutrients in the EXACT same chemical structure wether the nutrients are organically or synthetically derived. I think a lot of new growers over feed their plants, which can cause problems, but as long as you aren't too heavy handed synthetically grown bud is every bit as good as organic IMO.

The biggest difference I notice is my plants are much less susceptible to bugs and disease now. When I was using synthetics I was constantly battling bugs of some sort. I haven't dealt with pests (save for fungus gnats) in years. I attribute that to the organic soil.
Exactly. Its so much easier to battle pests w nature than w chemicals. So much easier to promote good "bugs/germs" that fight the bad than to try n wipe out everything. Imo that is the only thing thats harder abt synthetic compared to organic.

And when i say synthetic im not talking abt growing in soil and fertigating w synthetic nutes. Im talking abt hydro style growing w synthetic nutes i.e. dwc, flood table, NFT, etc. Ive pretty much tried em all. RDWC w mucho air rocks promotes EXTREME vigor and yield
so, as of today, i have 3 pura vida's about 4 weeks into flower, they are by far the frostiest things I have ever grown, trichs all the way down the damn water leaves. I went ahead and ordered some thunder wookie and space monkey from GLG last week. just received an updated notice my seeds are arriving today. A merry Christmas for me and i don't even celebrate it,lol
so, as of today, i have 3 pura vida's about 4 weeks into flower, they are by far the frostiest things I have ever grown, trichs all the way down the damn water leaves. I went ahead and ordered some thunder wookie and space monkey from GLG last week. just received an updated notice my seeds are arriving today. A merry Christmas for me and i don't even celebrate it,lol
Pura vida...lucky

Oh and wen u post ur supposed to say..."Hi, everybody" so we can say...Hi Dr. Nick
Am I the only one who likes the taste of hydro over organic, like a lot better. Also, does anyone know the actual content of metals that ends up in buds growing synthetically and how it is bad for you? Or are these just all bro-science/hearsay, because I keep seeing organic ic guys spouting that organic tastes better and that synthetics leave heavy metals in buds that are bad for you, but from my experience, hydro yields heaps better, looks heaps better, tastes 100x cleaner/less "dirt-y", and seems to tend to smoke cleaner also(as far as my lungs can tell).

Not trying to start shit here, just curious because while I do keep seeing claims of how synthetics are bad for you, I have seen no one back up with data I am starting to notice. It's like all the cob party hoppers that have no idea why the tech is or isn't better than his, they just hopped on the bandwagon with all the hype of more than a gpw and are now wondering why their shitty environment isn't pumping out 1.5-2gpw, which is totally doable with hid as well. As much as I like and use led, I have yet to see more than a .02gpw bump from using 600 watt HPS in a dialed room.

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Could you elaborate? Has anything ever been people suffering from smoking non-organic? Thanks.

''One example is the widespread use of the fungicide “Eagle 20 EW” which has been detected in commercial grows in Colorado. Though its commonly used on hops and grape crops, the compound has been banned for use on tobacco because the residue left behind becomes toxic when burned.''


'' It’s been well established that plants like hemp readily absorb these heavy metals.... ''

or I could be a jerk and post some weird picture of some random guy laughing.

''One example is the widespread use of the fungicide “Eagle 20 EW” which has been detected in commercial grows in Colorado. Though its commonly used on hops and grape crops, the compound has been banned for use on tobacco because the residue left behind becomes toxic when burned.''


Wow ! I've never heard of it, and certainly never used it in my DWC. Have you @kmog? It never pops up on Amazon as a suggested companion item when I order nutes. How come? Is it because no one else is using it either?

I think it's safe to say I'm free from that threat, Santa - what else you got, 'cause I'm pretty sure the leading sellers of hydro nutes don't incorporate Eagle 20 Ewwww in the I right?

or I could be a jerk and post some weird picture of some random guy laughing.

Santa, if you make laugh worthy posts, it's gonna happen. You did. It did........:eyesmoke:.....and that's no random guy that led the laugh-a-thon. You should heed his words, and take them to heart. Merry Christmas, Santa ! One minute of wisdom para ti, amigo.

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Wow ! I've never heard of it, and certainly never used it in my DWC. Have you @kmog? It never pops up on Amazon as a suggested companion item when I order nutes. How come?

I think it's safe to say I'm free from that threat, Santa - what else you got, 'cause I'm pretty sure the leading sellers of hydro nutes don't incorporate Eagle 20 I right?

Santa, if you make laugh worthy posts, it's gonna happen. You did. It did........:eyesmoke:.....and that's no random guy that led the laugh-a-thon. You should heed his words and take them to heart. Merry Christmas, Santa !

I don't know wtf that is...

I think I'm using advanced, general hydro, and maybe raw nutrients. This is what my stack looks like ATM. Just got new ones to try out as I ran out of my GH flora.

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Am I the only one who likes the taste of hydro over organic, like a lot better. Also, does anyone know the actual content of metals that ends up in buds growing synthetically and how it is bad for you? Or are these just all bro-science/hearsay, because I keep seeing organic ic guys spouting that organic tastes better and that synthetics leave heavy metals in buds that are bad for you, but from my experience, hydro yields heaps better, looks heaps better, tastes 100x cleaner/less "dirt-y", and seems to tend to smoke cleaner also(as far as my lungs can tell).

Idk if yr the only one, but yr the only one that ive personally heard say the hydro tastes better than organic. I would agree that hydro yeilds better and i maybe would even say that hydro and org done right can look equally as good, but ive never tasted anything "dirty" in my organic buds. I wasnt bashing synthetics. There are obvious benefits. There are obvious drawbacks. Its not sustainable. Sry if that ruffles yr feathers, i believe that truebut im no expert so wtf do i know.
Could you elaborate? Has anything ever been people suffering from smoking non-organic? Thanks.
Im sure u can find documentation on heavy metals and the effects on the human body if u wanted. Now, finding documentation stating whether they came from yr synthetic pot nutes is another story. I have no idea and i would bet that neither do you. Ive read a bit about it, but who the hell believes anything they read nowdays. I cant even believe shit i see w my own eyes but i try to keep an open mind instead of defending my practices simply because they are my practices.

Heres some info reguarding a few nutrient brands and the heavy metals they contain. Whether or not they stay in the finished buds, like i said, idk. But if i were using them i would definitely be trying to find out.

@kmog33 Ive read scientific theory stating that heavy metals easily bind and are taken up w the nutrients. Does that make me an expert? No. Have i made my own scientific study and test results? No. Am i telling people not to use synthetic nutes or grow in hydro? No. Did i say one time that you guys are doin it wrong? No. Should u even give a shit what i say? Prolly not. In your experience synthetics taste better. Cool. Thats definitely a rare statement fwiw. But to say in general that synthetics taste better than org, now thats a stretch.