YO! Bob Zmuda check in

Bob Zmuda

Well-Known Member
So this baby likes her moms nipples as much as Dad does!

She's drinking hella boob milk!

Since she had to come out a bit early she's a tiny little peanut.

I've never known a love like this and I can't wait to spend every day with her.

I haven't slept in 2 days and I don't even care. :)


Staff member
36. She all of the sudden developed "preeclampsia" and had high blood pressure 2 days ago.

They sent her to the lab and they were like, "this things coming OUT now!"

Thankfully we were pretty prepared.

They ended up having to do a c section. I thought I was gonna pass out!

She is so adorable I can't stand it! :)
Ya pre e is very serious
Thankfully she was in late 3rd tri

Congrats happy for you guys
Take shifts and sleep when baby does no really legit