New grower here

Hey everyone
I just started my 2 strains about a week and a half ago.. My girls are about 3" tall they have their first true leaves, tri leaves and are working on their first 5 leafs.. They are in solo cups, with a grow plug I have a slight soil mix in with them.. But what im wanting to know is when should I start adding notes and how will I know when they are ready for me.. Right now they seem to have been at least starting a new set of leaves every 3 days.. My light is a Mars Hydro 48 about 96w.. I want a K5 Xl1000 but will probably step up the lights to a 300 watt cfl 850 equivalent sometime soon. So I guess 2 questions.. How do I know when to start adding notes.. And when should I get this new light at up
they need to be transplanted into bigger containers soon and it depends on what soil mix you are using when they need nutes. Photos?
Within the last 2 hours my plants went from green to a very light lime green / yellowy look i dot really know what might ve the problem ive been watering lightly lately because they are only 3" tall and I dot want to over water but I was watering them 2 times a day.. I dot know volume wise but I say maybe an oz or so and I hadn't watered today at all till I saw the yellow a min ago so I topped off the solo cup to where there was a run off through the bottom of my cups.. That is the only time I have watered them that much since they've sprouted. Could they be under or over watered??
Yes, amongst other things.... what are they growing in? Promix? Soil? Coco?

And be vigilant but dont panick, weed is not a nickname it is a weed at heart, they are tough girls, panick and youl make stupid decisions and over care them to death. Dont ignore the warnings but stay steady as she goes calm figuring it out...
Within the last 2 hours my plants went from green to a very light lime green / yellowy look i dot really know what might ve the problem ive been watering lightly lately because they are only 3" tall and I dot want to over water but I was watering them 2 times a day.. I dot know volume wise but I say maybe an oz or so and I hadn't watered today at all till I saw the yellow a min ago so I topped off the solo cup to where there was a run off through the bottom of my cups.. That is the only time I have watered them that much since they've sprouted. Could they be under or over watered??
Watering twice a day is a no no. Over watering is not about how much water you give them but how many times you give them water. Like asked above is there holes in the bottom of your solo cups if not you need them. Second off when you water you want 10% run off atleast you only need to water when your cups are light get used to picking your plants up. This prevents salt build up and nute lock out. What is your medium; super soil, coco, soil? Are you feeding with tap water? What is your PH and PPM/EC?
They r started in just a grow plug.. Soil around it is from JustNatural Organics I mixed in some sphagnum let and im thinking one other. Yes there were holes in the solo's and Thanx to another grower here I found that there were roots coming out of the bottom of the cups.. Im guessing this is when its saying its time to transplant Idk for sure.. Yes the watering is tap but Phd to somewhere between 6.0-6.5 i have the test strips.. Just got some from a pet store for now.. And I dot have any ideas yet on ppm or EC values.. I did however transplant them tonight and all went well until I web to put my AK into the new pot.. The bottom feel of into the pot ripping a few roots.. Its been over 2 hours no signs of shock but they rent in the best shape from what ive been noticing from the beginning of their sprout.. Color is off.. But so far no signs past what they were looking like earlier as far as any more drooping from the shock.. I know i still have a long road ahead to see if its going to make it through.. Hopefully ASAP in the morning I can go get another light and find something for root stimulator.. The new soil mix they are in is a Happy Frog/ FFOF/ hi porosity Mycorrhizae & more of the JustNatural Organics.. When I made it up i wanted alot more of the Mycorrhizae available so I kept that in mind when I made it up. Also when I finished the transplant I took brown sugar and reg sugar boiled some water and let the mix cool and poured it in.. Idk if this will help with the shock but its what ive read.. Any more ideas on the coloration and or the broken root and possible shock to them both would be greatly appreciated.
They r started in just a grow plug.. Soil around it is from JustNatural Organics I mixed in some sphagnum let and im thinking one other. Yes there were holes in the solo's and Thanx to another grower here I found that there were roots coming out of the bottom of the cups.. Im guessing this is when its saying its time to transplant Idk for sure.. Yes the watering is tap but Phd to somewhere between 6.0-6.5 i have the test strips.. Just got some from a pet store for now.. And I dot have any ideas yet on ppm or EC values.. I did however transplant them tonight and all went well until I web to put my AK into the new pot.. The bottom feel of into the pot ripping a few roots.. Its been over 2 hours no signs of shock but they rent in the best shape from what ive been noticing from the beginning of their sprout.. Color is off.. But so far no signs past what they were looking like earlier as far as any more drooping from the shock.. I know i still have a long road ahead to see if its going to make it through.. Hopefully ASAP in the morning I can go get another light and find something for root stimulator.. The new soil mix they are in is a Happy Frog/ FFOF/ hi porosity Mycorrhizae & more of the JustNatural Organics.. When I made it up i wanted alot more of the Mycorrhizae available so I kept that in mind when I made it up. Also when I finished the transplant I took brown sugar and reg sugar boiled some water and let the mix cool and poured it in.. Idk if this will help with the shock but its what ive read.. Any more ideas on the coloration and or the broken root and possible shock to them both would be greatly appreciated.
It's always a long road and you will always learn. I'm still brand new to this. All I do is read and read and read. Good luck with your grown. Just remeber your next ones will always get better and better
Im betting overwatering too.... if you go get a root stimulant wait till cups are light to water it in..... dont think a new additive will help w overwatered condition. Its tempting i know and i say it out of personal screw ups not arrogance.... if you are addicted to watering maybe try coco.... cant hardly over water that shit... but with what your in twice a day is death sentence.... youll be fine if you correct now....
I was told last night by a chick on 420 mag that she thinks my ph is off which is why its got all the yellowing/lime green look to it and the little brown splouches that are now popping up along with the over/under water g symptoms.. Its like its locking out everything. Does make sense.. She says that the strips I have for like pet supply in fish tanks or whatever are reliable ad I could be a little or alot off.. What do u think.. But ya I am going to wait on the watering for now as well.. And if I do get the root stim then its still going to be days
Im quite sure a ph test is a ph test... i bet ur strips more accurate than cheap probes.. the strips i have are marketed towards health freaks that test ph of their piss and saliva, manufacturer told me it will test any liquid accurately. 6 to 6.5 should be fine. Iv never used happy frog but id think it should have enough nutes to get babies rolling... id try to take care of that oveerwatering first see how the color comes back... if you have something to do a foliar feeding do that... even just a kelp foliar can help em through stress...i love my heavy 16 could always ash the hydro store for a sample of foliar treatmen...
Ok cool ill look into finding one.. Can it just be a cheapo kind. Im broke for now Lol.. So what your tap ph sitting at mines just around 9 if these strips are right.. And I use a pool ph down to get it about 6.5 last time the strip was a little lighter than the color code for that lvl.. She was saying something about her soil grows happy around 6.8.. Idk if thats because of strain or what so Idk.. I read somewhere that you might not have to ph tap water for soil grows but if my strips are right there's now way I could do that.. Oh and ya after I ended up transplanting last night I did water it to settle the dirt and stuff but I haven't today at all soil still looks wet so I figured I should wait. Almost all of the previous growth kinda looks a little rusty brownish look but its still up and u can tell its trying to live but down where the newer growth is coming out it all took a bright healthy green.. Could something have gotten on the foliage and did all that and will this newer stuff turn too you think
Yea go super cheap and get it free if you can! Lol beg em for samples or look fpr vendor days at a hydro shop and companies will give you free sshit like crazy... yea you gotta ph the water down, you cant use 9... im sure 6.8 is okay and may be right for her, aim for about 6.5 for now tweak later, a few grows. Btw I respectfully disagree you need an ec and ppm reader to begin with. Iv never used one and my nute line Heavy 16 says not to... im not saying they arent useful but they aremt essential imo. i doubt anything got on your leaves. If new stuff is looking good just ride it out a minute... what nute line u gunna use? Ill try to keep closer check to reply faster i just had crazy busy weekend. Youbalso may need someone elses inion or research when to start adding. Iv always used an inert medium so nothing in it vor the girls so gotta start right away with nutes but i know ur happy frog gives you some nutrient value so that will be diff than my runs...