Trump Won't Preside. The Left is Right.

I dont know the future so i cannot answer the questions. It remains to be seen.

Maybe if you asked it a different way? I personally would like all her dirty laundry to be aired but I do not know what will happen tomorrow any more than you do.
Is pizzagate her top crime? Will there be a reddit jury? Will we be able to buy it on pay per view (produced by Mark Burnett?)

What was cheese again?
That's what that was? Jesus. I had no idea. Lol.

apparently they think that "there is no evidence of a secret underground satanic pedo sex cult in the non-existent basement of a DC pizza parlor" means "there is no pedophilia anywhere".

i for one fully acknowledge the existence of pedophilia. you don't have to look any further than lawsuits against trump to notice it exists. he raped a 13 year old girl at the house of his friend jeffrey eppstein, who is a convicted pedophile.
apparently they think that "there is no evidence of a secret underground satanic pedo sex cult in the non-existent basement of a DC pizza parlor" means "there is no pedophilia anywhere".

i for one fully acknowledge the existence of pedophilia. you don't have to look any further than lawsuits against trump to notice it exists. he raped a 13 year old girl at the house of his friend jeffrey eppstein, who is a convicted pedophile.

Is that what I said?
A different way?

Question 1) yes or no; do you think Hilary will be impeached and go to jail?

Question 2) yes or no; do you think Trump has lied multiple times to the American people?
1) i dont know. I cant say. Not enough info. Too soon to tell. Try again later.

2) i am still waiting to see what he does. Maybe you could tell me what you think he lied about?
I don't understand; I even reworded it. It's yes and no answers. It's confusing when someone won't answer a direct question about their feelings on something.
You never asked about my feelings on it.

You asked if she was gonna be impeached. Would it even be considered an impeachment if she was prosecuted after leaving office?
Coward how? By saying I don't know what will happen?

I didnt know Trump would win either. Which is why I didnt make the bet with you.

I can make guesses and have in the past but nobody knows for sure.

let's ask you about something a little more concrete. take a gander at this screenshot:

Screenshot 2017-01-01 at 9.06.36 PM.png

a jewish man, adorned with the star of david that hitler made jews wear, followed by the signature "make america great again", with likes from ardent trump supporter and neo- nazi choomer, as well as the forum's most pathetic shitstain, fdd.

how does it feel to have such anti-semitic neo-nazis on your side?
And i answered you. You just didnt like my answer.

No, you wouldn't say it. You dodged the question straight Kelly Anne style.
Why did Trump fire Micheal Flynn Jr?

Trump firing micheal flynn does not change my opinion. Either trump wanted to avoid the drama or he wanted to keep things hush. We will see how he treats the anthony weiner case and how sessions treats the remaining investigations. Plus congress is investigating many branches of the government for sexual harassment, pedophilia, and bribes. Plenty of corruption to expose in the next four years.
No, you wouldn't say it. You dodged the question straight Kelly Anne style.
Why did Trump fire Micheal Flynn Jr?

flaming pie, as they bust her for growing moldy plants in a house where they raise their child, as child protective services takes her kid away: "we will see if this turns out to be a good thing or a bad thing"