MI new era cannabis regulations

I don't give a shit what they say about cuttings. I give all my cuttings free of charges only to trusted people I have known for years that have cards. I give a fuck less what the law says because they will have no way of even knowing. My numbers are always legit. I make no profit in clones and as a matter of fact It's a loss in the long run for my time and effort but I do it because I believe in helping friends who have a passion. Plus I won't even take clones from anyone anyway because it seems like everyone has mites or other problems. I do everything from seed to clones myself. My grow has a Donald Trump wall. No immigrant plants allowed. Seeds only. Cuttings are all done myself. I'm taking a break myself and handing all my entire grow over to my patients. I'm taking a big fucking vacation from all this shit, then gonna see about getting one of those bigger licenses when I get back. Government can go fuck themselves they always let us down one way or another. Anarchy for life! Fuck you Snyder and Schuette. Fuck you Michigan. Sorry for the rant didn't get high enough to relax yet today. Least I can vent somewhere I guess.
I think some people are being a little naive about what is coming. The cops are going to push the limits and it's going to take the state supreme court to make them back off, hope you have a pile of money to fight the good fight.
The Courts have done so wel for us so far....

Naive? Yeah kinda like watching Virgins talkin about how much Fun a gang rape is gonna be..
I don't give a shit what they say about cuttings. I give all my cuttings free of charges only to trusted people I have known for years that have cards. I give a fuck less what the law says because they will have no way of even knowing. My numbers are always legit. I make no profit in clones and as a matter of fact It's a loss in the long run for my time and effort but I do it because I believe in helping friends who have a passion. Plus I won't even take clones from anyone anyway because it seems like everyone has mites or other problems. I do everything from seed to clones myself. My grow has a Donald Trump wall. No immigrant plants allowed. Seeds only. Cuttings are all done myself. I'm taking a break myself and handing all my entire grow over to my patients. I'm taking a big fucking vacation from all this shit, then gonna see about getting one of those bigger licenses when I get back. Government can go fuck themselves they always let us down one way or another. Anarchy for life! Fuck you Snyder and Schuette. Fuck you Michigan. Sorry for the rant didn't get high enough to relax yet today. Least I can vent somewhere I guess.
I lost track of how many times u contradict yourself so I'll pass on that..... but gonna have your patients run your grow????? Please start a thread cause I love a nice Trainwreck ;)
Bigger licence? You got a high paying day job or a fat trust fund? Any care giver running a succesful commercial op, using that money to fund it, is setting themselves up for a real good fucking.
80 to 100 grand i can build your commercial grow. Working on a $200,000 commercial grow now I laid out building waiting on engineer to give me the blue prints back. It will be turn key for my customer bid shot lawyer with ties in Lansing. I have a post from a few days prior to it being passed in the house stating it's a sure thing this customer has the people in Lansing. We were preparing prior to passage. Soon as it goes in effect lights turn on. Set him up a cargiver grow to prep for commercial also. With the cost of a house you can set one up. Well plus the build of course.
80 to 100 grand i can build your commercial grow. Working on a $200,000 commercial grow now I laid out building waiting on engineer to give me the blue prints back. It will be turn key for my customer bid shot lawyer with ties in Lansing. I have a post from a few days prior to it being passed in the house stating it's a sure thing this customer has the people in Lansing. We were preparing prior to passage. Soon as it goes in effect lights turn on. Set him up a cargiver grow to prep for commercial also. With the cost of a house you can set one up. Well plus the build of course.
And the Parasites keep suckin
80 to 100 grand i can build your commercial grow. Working on a $200,000 commercial grow now I laid out building waiting on engineer to give me the blue prints back. It will be turn key for my customer bid shot lawyer with ties in Lansing. I have a post from a few days prior to it being passed in the house stating it's a sure thing this customer has the people in Lansing. We were preparing prior to passage. Soon as it goes in effect lights turn on. Set him up a cargiver grow to prep for commercial also. With the cost of a house you can set one up. Well plus the build of course.
business is good for you i take it then? If i wanted i could build my own, any real grower worth there salt should be able too, i have no interest in funding my own but i will be interested in working at one. Reason i dont want to fund my own, is by the time these ops are up and running and starting to produce a profit, i seriously see us having recreational either on the ballot or in the works, medical in this state, will likely be crushed by recreational markets. It would be a huge waste of jumping through hoops just to build it, license it, to then turn around and do it again for recreational...i mean the medical market is really tiny.
I only said a good day job or trust fund because of the "financial superiortity" bits in the bills. A caregiver applying and using herb money from a caregiver op, showing a 100k in profit from caregivering is probably in for a good shilling from the blue dick.
business is good for you i take it then? If i wanted i could build my own, any real grower worth there salt should be able too, i have no interest in funding my own but i will be interested in working at one. Reason i dont want to fund my own, is by the time these ops are up and running and starting to produce a profit, i seriously see us having recreational either on the ballot or in the works, medical in this state, will likely be crushed by recreational markets. It would be a huge waste of jumping through hoops just to build it, license it, to then turn around and do it again for recreational...i mean the medical market is really tiny.
You are 100% right on that.
And the Parasites keep suckin
Not a parasite here. No I actually am a hard working poor contractor to be honest. I work for those big money people don't mean I have it like them. For example my wife is on disability if i had money she wouldn't be. We struggle just like most in this world. Lower middle class at best.
business is good for you i take it then? If i wanted i could build my own, any real grower worth there salt should be able too, i have no interest in funding my own but i will be interested in working at one. Reason i dont want to fund my own, is by the time these ops are up and running and starting to produce a profit, i seriously see us having recreational either on the ballot or in the works, medical in this state, will likely be crushed by recreational markets. It would be a huge waste of jumping through hoops just to build it, license it, to then turn around and do it again for recreational...i mean the medical market is really tiny.
You are right on the fact that most growers can build their own. If you look back at some other posts of mine you will see i was asking people if there was a market for someone like me to step into building grow ops for people I have done a few for people i have known for years. I was thinking of advertising for it, but I know most growers are hands on and can do most everything with YouTube if needed. So I'm unsure if it's worth the money to push something like that big or small?
Well it depends on the scale, most growers can probably handle say a basement, but when you get into 20 ton ac units, multiple junction boxes, effecient irrigation for rows of hundreds of plants etc...many would find themselves running into all kinds of unforseen problems, so if you could handle all of that and have the experience and licencing(electricinan etc) then there might be a market, all be it small...very small lol.

But someone with that kind of experience, would be wise to not advertise it.
I kinda felt the same way that's why i never pushed it just to small a market
Not a parasite here. No I actually am a hard working poor contractor to be honest. I work for those big money people don't mean I have it like them. For example my wife is on disability if i had money she wouldn't be. We struggle just like most in this world. Lower middle class at best.
Was referring to the people you are workin for
My blue birds have been indicating there will be a Million Dollars in Liquid Assets required to 'get approved' for a 'lie-sense'...
Not exactly true on Seed to Jail.

Fact is, it is still "ILLEGAL" to get a cutting. And now with 4209 the only LEGAL Cutting is from a "Facility".

If a cutting didn't come from a Facility, you may have a bad date with a badge
. .
