Advice for first mushroom experience.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,
I am going to be trying psilocybin mushrooms for the first time in the very near future and I would very much like some advice from some experienced psilocybin connoisseurs. I have been watching a lot of Terence Mckenna lectures and talking to a lot of my friends about trying mushrooms and the best environment to ensure the best "trip" possible. I am a little confused as to which environment I should choose. I live in a forest/mountain area with a lot of wildlife around and plenty of space/land. I have had friends tell me to take shrooms and then go to a dark room and play pleasant music and lay down. On the other hand, I have had friends tell em I should take them and go outside and enjoy the nature etc...My question is which one would be best suitable for a beginner? Or would another setting be more appropriate? I understand there are a lot of factors that go into one individuals person "trip" but I am just trying to get some info from experienced members to best ensure my chances of a pleasant first experience. Also The strains I will be trying will be B+ or Golden Teacher ( I don't know if that changes anything) and I was thinking maybe 1.5-2 grams? Thank you in advance.
Just don't overthink it. Like you're doing now. Make sure you have good friends to trip with, at least one person for the first time. Make sure you're in a good mind state. Then eat them and do as you will. If you're that nervous about it you could always pre-trip. Take a little bit like .5 and see how you feel. If you think you can handle it eat the rest. I would probably wait a day or two tho to eat the rest. The body builds a tolerance to them quickly so time in between trips are a good idea.
It will be alone....I don't think asking advice about what environment best suits a beginner would be considered overthinking... Anyone else's opinion would be helpful.
Take at least 2.5g if u want visuals. If I were you I would go check out nature it's down right amazing on shrooms, especially your first trip.

You will be fully in control of what you are doing while trippin just everything will be in high definition and everything is amazing. You could go check out nature then go chill in some dark room too, you have about 6 hours to kill.

Looking at trees is something I recommend everyone trying shrooms to do. Looking in the mirror is cool to cuz you get to see how it distorts your vision since you know what your face is supposed to look like.
It will be alone....I don't think asking advice about what environment best suits a beginner would be considered overthinking... Anyone else's opinion would be helpful.
Sorry, Not trying to be a dick or anything. I just always found state of mind to be more important than environment. Since whenever I start tripping I usually wander off from where I started anyway.
It will be alone....I don't think asking advice about what environment best suits a beginner would be considered overthinking... Anyone else's opinion would be helpful.
I think you're overthinking. That advice was offered in the spirit of giving and you just said "whatever", next opinion. With that attitude I seriously wonder if you're in the right state of mind for eating mushrooms. Starting off pissy sure isn't a good idea. So my opinion as "any other person" is that you're not in the proper receptive mindset to enjoy a spiritual experience. Too anal, too rude. DO have this experience alone- I don't think you'd be fun to trip with.
Lmfao Joker.... Don't get butt hurt buddy... bizarrejohnson gave some good info no doubt especially the pre-trip info. I wasn't saying " whatever", but he did kind of dodge my question about environments... I understand how crucial one's mindset is to the aspect of Mushroom " tripping". I have talked to a good deal of friends about its importance and most importantly giving the mushrooms their due respect, but a lot of them split roads on environments for beginners so I was trying to get some experienced users opinion on that part. I apologize bizarrejohnson if I came off as a dick.
It's all good no worries here. It's just so hard to say really. I never really worried about environment. I usually start my trips at home. I eat them, listen to music, or watching something funny, triply, or spiritual then wait for them to kick in. Then once the trip starts we (I've never tripped alone) figure out what we want to do. I like to keep bikes handy for tripping. LSD or shrooms, driving isn't safe and bikes are a really fun way to get around when tripping. But unless you mountain bike that's not an option for you in your area. And I wouldn't recommend mountain biking when tripping anyway. Unless you know the area well.

I don't know how far away your home is from the mountain or the forest but if it is close I would start at home listening to good music. Then I would make my way to the forest or the mountain. I like to start my trips at home bc at the end it feels like a complete cycle. Starting and ending your trip in the same place.

Also I would try to get at least 3 grams or 1/16.
Ok Thank you for that bizarrojohnson that is very helpful. I should have no problem getting 3 grams. Unfortunately I am in a situation where I moved around a lot and have just settled in to an area where I don't really know any one let alone trust. So it is more out of obligation that I am partaking alone. I will definitely have to remember to listen to some nice music and maybe take a walk in the forest if I am feeling up for it during. I appreciate all the help
I like the suggestion to start at home and make your way outside. I personally prefer to be outside when tripping. In the woods or next to some water is just great. Near water i like to skip rocks or plopping pebbles in the water and watch the ripples. 2.5 grams is a good dose for a first timer.
No partner? I'd stay close to home.

I love sitting up on the mountains of Colorado and booming my nuts off as I survey the landscape. Sky and hills come alive. Forests are amazing places. But best to be with someone. Especially a sober Driver.
I've been thinking. Stay home, and theme each room in your place so you can travel far but stay local. Colors, sounds, lights, all the senses!!

And watch "fear and loathing in Las Vegas"....please watch this movie on will have lived....
Just eat an eight and chill. You'll be fine. You probably wont know what entertainment you would want until you do it anyways. Besides, anything less than an eight wont be anything crazy. 6 grams and up... maybe.
So I tried a very small young mushroom plucked early off the cake of Golden Teacher's. I know I should have waited for it to get bigger but there was so much pinning/fruiting that I didn't think it would set me back too much. The Mushroom was only 4-5 days old and only weighed .85 grams. I also read that smaller mushrooms are more concentrated than larger ones and I wanted to give bizarrejohnson's advice of pre-tripping a shot to " test the waters" so to speak before I dive in.
After taking it I got a feeling of Euphoria rush over my body like a wave within 30-1 hour. Kind of like Marijuana but more powerful and different it its own respect, but very pleasant nevertheless. No visuals at all ( which I knew prob wouldn't happen at this dose ), but it is kind of like a body stoned feeling that makes small tasks very I have just been listening to music and watching Bob Marley and other good vibes stuff. It is very easy to get lost in some music and I feel like I appreciate the music/understand it better. I also felt the need to show more affection to dogs/people which is a good thing. Overall this has been a extremely pleasant experience and I do think some of you were right about me overthinking it. I am thinking about and looking forward to what dose I will try next from here. Maybe 4-5 grams? Some of the suggestions earlier seamed really high... I appreciate everyone that has given me their help an opinions. Good Vibes
I love mushies. It's like seeing a psychiatrists inside yourself. But it can get weird, as long as you can keep yourself together you should be ok. I actually got tired of tripping with other people. I like to zone out and think about stuff in peace. I like putting on some happy music. Fleetwood Mac greatest hits was the last cd I tripped out to. I do like to lay down in a dark room during the intense part. I thought I would like listening to TOOL but it was just so slow and drawn out it was unbearable. And I need to have weed for the comedown. For me that's is when it can get slightly depressing and it helps with appetite and sleep afterwards.
And like someone mentioned your mindset going in has a big effect. If you got things you are stressing about in life don't go and try to trip it off. You are going to be thinking about that BS, whatever it is, for the entire trip and it will seem like 17 hours of bad juju.

Enjoy and make sure to post a little trip report.:peace: